09-24-2018, 02:03 AM
(09-23-2018, 11:36 PM)One of Love Wrote:(09-23-2018, 10:33 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: It is not tainted, it simply that the group that channeled the information projected their fear into the material. That same fear causing a kind of exaggerated polarization (as the individual tries to become ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SERVICE TO OTHERS). As that was the seeking of the group.
I find our current society warrants little to no love, so I understand your position.
I can answer questions, but if you become dependent I will shoo you away.
Whoo that was fast. I can't conclude with any real reasonable belief that what you've said is accurate, my recollection includes ratios of 50 and 95, my BS meter says those are not singular percentiles but cumulative ones with that info not provided in the material, I just took it that way, because even Hitler wasn't 95%, seems unlikely, and Genghis Khan had no real modern technology, he had to hoof it to get it. That guy made it, and yet perhaps that's because of the personal nature.
Hitler was distant, did he do executions? Rape? So polarity has mechanisms about it that we don't know in regards to how it functions as far as my Metaphysical common sense can see.
That all will be what I'll leave off at, cause otherwise I have to argue about the uncertain misinformation...
We were going to test out some functions, he's been through a kundalini awakening (so he says but no one was there to witness it except for his mother, who doesn't like me so I can't find out from her!) He recognizes when he polarizes, he literally mapped out for me how polarity works in a situation.
His example was a water store he had been fired at for telling the management he'll call the health dept. On them for selling expired snow cones to kids. He did what he consciously felt was right by informing the management first. He was fired the next day with 15 extra hours tacked onto his paycheck. He calls it hush money. He says that he didn't polarize from that because he had a vested selfish interest in not giving children expired product.
Compared to when he would randomly help people at that job, he did so good the owner asked the other employees to do the same. After that he felt he stopped polarizing because it was 'a part of the job that was unrealistic'. He was forcing hindered by that point.
He claimed he got really clear ear buzzing with thoughts and actions that partly signaled to him an energy exchange or polarization. We tried to map it out and got a clue but we'd need more sets of information. As well as a control to make she it isn't a physical tinnitus issue, especially for him since he cleans out his ears with an old timey small hole key for doors, its like a flat head with a curved bottom on the handle. So we have flaws in what little dinky research we've done. But he was adamant about figuring it out and I was inspired to help.
We were going to start practicing what he said was the core practices, I'm sure you all can name the four ways to live the Law of One first given by Ra. I'm most interested in the ratios. The square root of 2 and 3, pi, phi, sacred geometry. I'm bad at math and numbers. He showed me this Fibonacci sequence of like 200 something numbers, there were these rows and columns of 9 that just looked too perfectly aligned in all of that. It blew my mind to see how mathematics hold these seemingly sacred concepts.
So full circle, I often wondered if there was some mathematical consideration or operation or equation or something having to do with the numbers given that would reveal something. Why 50? Why not 51? Why 95? Why not 94? Are they summations, rounded, are they only one piece of an equation?
They're not good with our numbering system (we're base ten, computers are base 2, they could be base 8 for all we know like the ancients in star gate). Perhaps there's another significance to the numbers given. 50% good in this world is asking to pretty much selfless yourself out until you've lost it all. Doesn't seem thoughtful to physical life unless that number wasn't the full picture.
I was onced asked by him to consider if a selfless person and a selfish person used each other to polarize how would it work? I said it wouldn't, no selfless person would be able to help a selfish person as far as I understood the concepts given. They'd literally energetically bounce each other away. To help in a selfish way a selfless person is still to be selfishly helping them, and to let a selfish person use you selflessly is them helping positive polarization which would hinder them. They'd get nowhere unless they were a mixed bag of polarity.
Polarity is actually a major issue for him. I've spent a lot of contemplation on how to manage these ideals of polarity without them becoming a tool of immoral physical use. I've found some clues, but overall I'm in agreement with him that something is wrong, just not that it's all wrong.
I don't recommend this to the faint of heart, but until you've gone to some messed up threads on reddit or 4chan looking for people being hurt, and have seen a glimpse of the true darkness that lurks this reality, you need to ask if you truly know what's up or if we're being told not the whole truth. To question the wisdom of the channel and it's contents. When you see what Mexican cartels do to each other, when you see what violence is common in brazil, africa, china, you must ask yourself how much thought was given to the mechanisms in action in this place.
Even shadows of the true one would be disturbed. The darkness occurring on this planet. To me anyways, it's unnatural, not normal. Beyond atypical, it's almost delusional.
So, I have my opinions, but you helped me consider, and offer that consideration here, that those numbers may be more than just a percentile. Maybe they're ratios somehow if that's possible?
Look up Himmler. He was highly STO. Because STS and STO are relative to the society that you live in. If you live in an ill or corrupt society, then being pure, true, and loving would cause you to be STS as you would be raining on the societal parade. You'll note that Don Elkins managed to get to 100% STO as he killed himself instead of channeling more information that would cause a negative outcome relative to the society in which he lived. This is because Ra is pure truth relative to your level of seeking.
This is why this material has people committing suicide. Because everyone wants to believe that it is perfect in every-way. Turns out, it becomes perfect only after you balance duality in it's entirety.