12-18-2010, 03:21 AM
I have experienced this pattern numerous times.
15 years ago, I belonged to a group of visionaries who had the key to human health as well as environmental healing. We really believe we would save the planet.
We failed.
I was devastated.
Totally devastated!
I slid into a negative state of mind. After all, what was the point? We had FAILED. Yes, FAILED. If we, who has such purity of vision as well as the mechanical means to grow our vision exponentially, had failed, then what hope was there?
I returned to an office job, and to depression over not being able to do anything constructive for the planet.
Then, a few years ago, when the neocons (cheney et al) stole the election the 2nd time, I became very discouraged and fearful. I truly feared for my future and that of my child's. It was a dark and lonely season for me. Apparently, the dark side had won!
Then, I once again rekindled hope, this time triggered by a visionary politician who sincerely wanted to end the wars. I again became hopeful, when we seemed to have a chance at changing the political landscape. I was encouraged! I worked diligently, with a team of like-minded visionaries, putting aside our differences, in favor of restoring peace on the planet. I put aside work, money, even family to some degree, in pursuit of this greater vision of healing the Earth.
That too failed.
Once again, I was devastated!
To feed my fears, I was offered the delicacy of the concentration camp theory. Of course we'd all be rounded up and made into slaves! And the world would become an Armageddon-like reality.
I was tempted to fear these images, momentarily. But, fortunately, I caught myself, and I refused to give them power!
All the prophecied deadlines came and went. Predictions of doom and gloom were proven false.
Meanwhile, with no fanfare, I was given an opportunity to help others, in ways I had never imagined! Witnessing people getting off their deathbeds and out of wheelchairs, relieved from depression, horrible pain and other ailments, became a daily occurrence.
And my personal life has continued to transform, with family issues rising to the surface, where they can be expressed and healed.
Suddenly, I find myself living my dream. Not a dream of wealth. I have no wealth. Not a dream of any particular, preplanned scenario, for I had learned that that doesn't work.
But a dream of helping others...of making a difference in the world...NOT on a grand scale, as the hippies tried to do...NOT on a sudden, grand, instantly transformative timetable, as my previous associations had attempted....but in subtle, oh so SUBTLE ways, that somehow slip thru the cracks...somehow go by unnoticed...PEOPLE are being helped, healed, in profound ways....and then, guess what, they in turn are passing it forward!
The bad guys haven't won. The good guys are still out there, in the field, doing their work.
They're just undercover.
There isn't just a Plan B or Plan C. We have it all planned out, all the way to Plan Z, if necessary.
Empires don't matter. Not even the internet matters, though it may seem to matter right now, as it can be a very important tool.
Never lose sight of the fact that it is individual PEOPLE who matter.
When a single person is healed, that person can touch others...who touches others...who touches others...
15 years ago, I belonged to a group of visionaries who had the key to human health as well as environmental healing. We really believe we would save the planet.
We failed.
I was devastated.
Totally devastated!
I slid into a negative state of mind. After all, what was the point? We had FAILED. Yes, FAILED. If we, who has such purity of vision as well as the mechanical means to grow our vision exponentially, had failed, then what hope was there?
I returned to an office job, and to depression over not being able to do anything constructive for the planet.
Then, a few years ago, when the neocons (cheney et al) stole the election the 2nd time, I became very discouraged and fearful. I truly feared for my future and that of my child's. It was a dark and lonely season for me. Apparently, the dark side had won!
Then, I once again rekindled hope, this time triggered by a visionary politician who sincerely wanted to end the wars. I again became hopeful, when we seemed to have a chance at changing the political landscape. I was encouraged! I worked diligently, with a team of like-minded visionaries, putting aside our differences, in favor of restoring peace on the planet. I put aside work, money, even family to some degree, in pursuit of this greater vision of healing the Earth.
That too failed.
Once again, I was devastated!
To feed my fears, I was offered the delicacy of the concentration camp theory. Of course we'd all be rounded up and made into slaves! And the world would become an Armageddon-like reality.
I was tempted to fear these images, momentarily. But, fortunately, I caught myself, and I refused to give them power!
All the prophecied deadlines came and went. Predictions of doom and gloom were proven false.
Meanwhile, with no fanfare, I was given an opportunity to help others, in ways I had never imagined! Witnessing people getting off their deathbeds and out of wheelchairs, relieved from depression, horrible pain and other ailments, became a daily occurrence.
And my personal life has continued to transform, with family issues rising to the surface, where they can be expressed and healed.
Suddenly, I find myself living my dream. Not a dream of wealth. I have no wealth. Not a dream of any particular, preplanned scenario, for I had learned that that doesn't work.
But a dream of helping others...of making a difference in the world...NOT on a grand scale, as the hippies tried to do...NOT on a sudden, grand, instantly transformative timetable, as my previous associations had attempted....but in subtle, oh so SUBTLE ways, that somehow slip thru the cracks...somehow go by unnoticed...PEOPLE are being helped, healed, in profound ways....and then, guess what, they in turn are passing it forward!
The bad guys haven't won. The good guys are still out there, in the field, doing their work.
They're just undercover.
There isn't just a Plan B or Plan C. We have it all planned out, all the way to Plan Z, if necessary.
Empires don't matter. Not even the internet matters, though it may seem to matter right now, as it can be a very important tool.
Never lose sight of the fact that it is individual PEOPLE who matter.
When a single person is healed, that person can touch others...who touches others...who touches others...