(11-25-2017, 04:16 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I was reading some passages and noted that Ra almost uses Time/Space the way we might simply say Time.
It makes me wonder if time/space can be equated to the time in space/time, and if space/time can be equated to space in time/space.
As if to say "time/space" is technically the time oriented portion of the spacetime continuum and "space/time" is technically the space oriented portion of the timespace continuum.
In my opinion, this is precisely what they intended to convey. They spoke of the "inequity" between space and time as being the distinguishing factor between the tangible and intangible, the visible and the invisible, the physical and the metaphysical.
What most people don't realize is that this "inequity" isn't a binary either/or scenario. Meaning, there are *infinite* gradations of orientation towards one side or the other. There are infinite planes.
You can have situations for example where the ratio or inequity between space and time is 14% time to 86% space as an arbitrary example. Voila, you have your physical plane. And then you move up into the lower astral where it is 29% time to 71% space. And so on up the planes, with the "inequity" being gradually shifted more and more towards the weight of its manifestation being on the shoulders of the property we call "time" more than than the property we call "space". Now, of course they are both "space", but one is "outer space" and one is "inner space". This ratio is a ratio of the tangible to the intangible. All tangible manifestations are "cross sections" through the higher continuum of the intangible. All tangible items are "crystallizations" of thought or light. So all physical constructs are simply just slowed down, lower vibrational, light. The more "pure" the orientation towards the space we call time, the closer you get to the changeless and eternal spirit. Time becomes infinite, space becomes infinitesimal.
And you have your astro-nauts who explore outer space, and you have your astral-nauts who explore inner space (sometimes called "psychonauts", but that often has more entheogeonic connotations).
It begins and ends in mystery. The unmoved mover. The uncaused causer. The infinite stillness of infinite potential that exercises will to manifest the actual. I applaud all who are reaching for these truths. They are priceless gems.