In the heart of your will to allow others to not walk a path of hell using the material, I've pondered what stood out the most during the times you expressed experiencing hell here.
There's 3 things that stood out and to me seem like they also were the keys to resolve one's hellish experiences.
1. Your higher self. You seemed to view yourself as extremely separate from your higher self, saw it as something which condemned you and which is not with you, rather than as an integral portion of you which may be accessed. In your higher self are all keys to find to feel peace where you don't and it is an aspect of the material which does have a certain emphasis.
2. Adepthood. You've stated many times that you don't want to be an adept yet now condemn the material for having offered you keys to adepthood which you used only some of without seeking to pursue adepthood. As such, instead of seeking to build a solid and balanced foundation to work from you used higher concepts somewhat outside the context they are part of.
3. Archetypes. Each time you've been told about archetypes in times you were expressing to be unwell and stuck in hellish patterns, you have stated that you did not want to learn them while they were keys toward understanding both yourself and others, and growth as one with them. They also are an important aspect of the material and their offering is what enables one to step away from imbalances into balance and be able to build its foundation into adepthood. Even without the adepthood aspect, they are keys to understanding yourself.
So to me danger comes from not seeking through the material as a circle whole but only desired aspects of it. So I would agree it is the responsability of fellow seekers to point out an incomplete seeking which leaves important things out, but as expressed above it is not easy nor perhaps even good to change what another is drawn to and wants to look at because they will either shut down or find it elsewhere.
In the heart of your will to allow others to not walk a path of hell using the material, I've pondered what stood out the most during the times you expressed experiencing hell here.
There's 3 things that stood out and to me seem like they also were the keys to resolve one's hellish experiences.
1. Your higher self. You seemed to view yourself as extremely separate from your higher self, saw it as something which condemned you and which is not with you, rather than as an integral portion of you which may be accessed. In your higher self are all keys to find to feel peace where you don't and it is an aspect of the material which does have a certain emphasis.
2. Adepthood. You've stated many times that you don't want to be an adept yet now condemn the material for having offered you keys to adepthood which you used only some of without seeking to pursue adepthood. As such, instead of seeking to build a solid and balanced foundation to work from you used higher concepts somewhat outside the context they are part of.
3. Archetypes. Each time you've been told about archetypes in times you were expressing to be unwell and stuck in hellish patterns, you have stated that you did not want to learn them while they were keys toward understanding both yourself and others, and growth as one with them. They also are an important aspect of the material and their offering is what enables one to step away from imbalances into balance and be able to build its foundation into adepthood. Even without the adepthood aspect, they are keys to understanding yourself.
So to me danger comes from not seeking through the material as a circle whole but only desired aspects of it. So I would agree it is the responsability of fellow seekers to point out an incomplete seeking which leaves important things out, but as expressed above it is not easy nor perhaps even good to change what another is drawn to and wants to look at because they will either shut down or find it elsewhere.