11-25-2017, 12:18 PM
The way I see it time and space are like two axis of the same thing that we measure by experience. Like the X,Y axis in algebra. You could see space as a form of time or time as a form of space, it doesn't really matter, they both express similar concepts such movement, change and also persistance. When you focus more on the space axis, change is slower, movement is very apparent because the surrounding is moving very slowly and it appears to persist longer than our internal state. When your focus is one time, there is less seperation between the experiencer and the experience, movement isn't as apparent because everything change mostly equally. Ever noticed how dreams can appear as almost eternal but then everything can change instantly? Change isn't as direct but when it happens it just goes boom.
It can seem kind of complex to conceptualize time/space at first but really we all have a very instinctive understanding of it as we all experience it. When we dream, day dream, meditate, get high, lucid dream, these are all experiences that shift our focus towards time rather than space. Even things like sex which raises the vibration can be seen as bringing you closer towards time/space.
But beyond that I don't think you will be able to pinpoint a perfect way to concepualize that mentally; it is better experienced, the mind can only get you so far into abstract concepts.
It can seem kind of complex to conceptualize time/space at first but really we all have a very instinctive understanding of it as we all experience it. When we dream, day dream, meditate, get high, lucid dream, these are all experiences that shift our focus towards time rather than space. Even things like sex which raises the vibration can be seen as bringing you closer towards time/space.
But beyond that I don't think you will be able to pinpoint a perfect way to concepualize that mentally; it is better experienced, the mind can only get you so far into abstract concepts.