(09-22-2017, 06:09 AM)The Traveler Wrote: I don't feel any better but thank you all for taking the time to respond,
I do appreciate it.
Traveler, if you're not feeling happy, it simply indicates the presence of disharmony within you.
It is only up to you to heal this disharmony. No one else can do it for you (although you can ask the higher beings for help). That is your free will.
All disharmony is healed with love. This is a universal law.
If you were to have consistent love for yourself and everything around you, you would be filled with bliss.
At present, based on what you've said here, you have chosen to view the best parts of yourself as your enemy, as someone who impinges upon you and forces you to do things against your wishes (I refer to God and even your pre-incarnational, larger Self).
Therefore, you are in conflict and turmoil.
Now, how to find love is a separate, longer topic. There are many ways for it is everywhere, just under the surface. Certainly give up the victim mentality that creates a state of war inside you. There are no victims and you have chosen this challenge. You wouldn't have done so if you thought you couldn't handle it successfully. You can! But the first step is stop complaining and start acting. Others will have their suggestions - here are mine.
Give up the victim mentality, roll up your sleeves and get to work on becoming more loving to yourself and the entire Creation around you. "Loving" means simply: kind, caring and compassionate.
Meditate daily.
Notice your thoughts, and begin becoming your own best friend. As soon as a self-critical or upsetting thought arises, find love for yourself. Think of what you'd say to a dear friend who was upset, how you'd feel towards him/her, and act that way toward yourself. Give up the need to put pressure on yourself, punish yourself, be harsh with yourself for perceived faults or limitations. Just be there for you, unconditionally, as a true supportive friend.
Love the beauty of nature around you. Appreciate the trees, flowers, birds and animals, the innocence and playfulness of children, etc. Any moment you spend loving what's around you is a moment you are accumulating happiness inside.
Find compassion (a form of love) even toward people who piss you off. They're unhappy too. Wish them well.
Other approaches that have helped me, significantly:
Chant the Gayatri mantra.
Reach out to the Father who loves you regardless of anything, absolutely. Chant the Lord's Prayer with love in your heart.
Fast, while keeping your mind on the highest and purest thoughts, doing your best to maintain a loving state and meditating, while abstaining from anything that produces negative emotions like the TV, the news, porn/sex, etc.
The logic of these is very simple: when we focus on something, we tune into it. By focusing and reaching out toward the highest, most loving vibrations, you tune yourself into them. As stepping into a hot tub warms you up, so does reaching toward the highest let you soak it up into yourself.
Fasting complements this by allowing you to dump out of your being old accumulated negativity and discord.
Remember that your emotional state is simply the sum total of the choices you've made, so far, about how to relate to yourself and the world around you. Different choices = different feelings.
Lots of love and good luck to you, friend.