11-25-2010, 11:43 AM
A random side thought here...I know if you create an object or a place with your thoughts it's supposed to pop into existence somewhere. If you even conceive of an event happening, you've created a whole probably universe where it happened. But what if you create a person? Does that person just appear in some dimension of existence? Or is it just adding to the store of probable personalities that *may* exist? Or are they simply fragment personalities that become part of the multidimensional self- a type of thought form that becomes more aware of itself as more thought is invested into it?
At times I spend a lot of time pondering how responsible I am for my characters. For example, if I wrote a story where a character was tortured or experienced some other traumatic event, would I really be causing that to happen to an actual persona? In that case, I'd never want to make anything bad happen to any of my characters, meaning I would have no story. Which leads me to believe that the Creator actually *created* hardships out of love, so that we would have a story. It all seems rather obvious and also rather obscure.
I often wonder how my characters would react if they could meet their creator. Would they hate me for making them as they are? I suppose this is what happens when people blame God for all their problems. Why me, God? Why did you let this happen to *me*? And then you realize that it was all necessary to make you who you are today, so I would hope that they would thank me as I thank the Creator for the opportunities to learn lessons through the hardships I have endured. It really brings into focus the fact that I AM the Creator...a bit of a staggering thought.
I know that I love each and every one of the characters I've created. It actually freaks people out when I refer to them as real people, but to me they are completely real. At times they hijack my stories and begin doing their own thing, and I watch in awe as they create for themselves...how fascinated the One must feel observing ALL of us and our creations.
I also wonder how far I should delegate a character's actions. At the point where they begin acting on their own, should I give them completely over to free will, even if it disrupts the story I was trying to write? I suppose if I continued writing as I had originally intended, I would simply be expressing a parallel universe in which something different happened. At times I have rebuilt characters over and over, starting with the same core personality but adding different situations or attitudes. So...my guess would be that as each character gains their own free will, I am no longer in control of them whatsoever, and anything I write that is contrary to the actions they choose would simply be creating yet another parallel universe- another character for me to paint and guide until they, too, develop their own will?
This makes my head spin...but it is beautiful.
At times I spend a lot of time pondering how responsible I am for my characters. For example, if I wrote a story where a character was tortured or experienced some other traumatic event, would I really be causing that to happen to an actual persona? In that case, I'd never want to make anything bad happen to any of my characters, meaning I would have no story. Which leads me to believe that the Creator actually *created* hardships out of love, so that we would have a story. It all seems rather obvious and also rather obscure.
I often wonder how my characters would react if they could meet their creator. Would they hate me for making them as they are? I suppose this is what happens when people blame God for all their problems. Why me, God? Why did you let this happen to *me*? And then you realize that it was all necessary to make you who you are today, so I would hope that they would thank me as I thank the Creator for the opportunities to learn lessons through the hardships I have endured. It really brings into focus the fact that I AM the Creator...a bit of a staggering thought.
I know that I love each and every one of the characters I've created. It actually freaks people out when I refer to them as real people, but to me they are completely real. At times they hijack my stories and begin doing their own thing, and I watch in awe as they create for themselves...how fascinated the One must feel observing ALL of us and our creations.
I also wonder how far I should delegate a character's actions. At the point where they begin acting on their own, should I give them completely over to free will, even if it disrupts the story I was trying to write? I suppose if I continued writing as I had originally intended, I would simply be expressing a parallel universe in which something different happened. At times I have rebuilt characters over and over, starting with the same core personality but adding different situations or attitudes. So...my guess would be that as each character gains their own free will, I am no longer in control of them whatsoever, and anything I write that is contrary to the actions they choose would simply be creating yet another parallel universe- another character for me to paint and guide until they, too, develop their own will?
This makes my head spin...but it is beautiful.