I want to paint the One. - Printable Version

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I want to paint the One. - Brittany - 11-23-2010

Hello, All. I'm sure it has become apparent from many of my posts on this forum that I consider myself a very artistic person. I love all forms of art, from drawing to writing to creating music to sculpting clay. I feel that my creativity has been a big focus for this incarnation.

However, lately my art has pretty much been stalling out. I go to create something and nothing comes. I feel that this is happening because my consciousness has expanded to the point that most of the feelings I want to express can no longer be expressed in pictures or words. Every time I draw a picture it looks flat, and every time I try to write a poem it comes out a random jumble of words. These concepts are huge and shake the heart to the core. How do you put that on paper? How do you translate it into something that can be shared with others?

I feel at a loss if I am not creating some form of art. I know that every moment of reality is an act of creation and that I create art with my emotions and energies all the time at the metaphysical level, but this body, this personality, needs to express it in the physical in some way as well. I feel the drive to inspire people, to manifest these emotions in the in some form that others can see- a tribute to my inner Creator. I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on how I might be able to resolve this what ways I might be able to express these energies that I could never even try to put into words. Has anyone else dealt with this issue?

RE: I want to paint the One. - Ali Quadir - 11-23-2010

Not as a painter, but I often get lost for words trying to communicate the feelings associated with the divine. Unfortunately I never figured out how to get past it.

RE: I want to paint the One. - AnthroHeart - 11-23-2010

I offer some suggestions, which you are free to take or disregard.

I too am somewhat in the same boat. I have had times in the past where I'd be on a drawing frenzy, and then it seems to fade away. I've also channeled some material from a being named Yeorg. Then I'd lose passion and the channeling came to a standstill.

I agree with not being able to be express through pictures or words. At higher vibrations, everything becomes a stream, totally non-conceptual. It's a normal part I believe of being human. Sometimes I actually wish that I didn't have such a seeking nature, wanting to be "normal" for lack of a better term.

For one, I feel a bit isolated from others. Sometimes I make my shields too strong and that can separate me from the cares of others.
I'll tell you since my experience, and being on disability, I get cabin fever.

To resolve these, I usually work on keeping myself balanced.

I use words to get my chakras to a state that is right for me. For me, it's with energy patterns.
Such as EXPRESSING CREATIVITY. Feel or see what that pattern represents.
Or find one that works for you.

Then bring in the feeling of your own field. It's possible that the two might not be aligned.

If you can, then you sort of nudge your field till it is in line with what you want.

It's building off the Law of Attraction, taking it further by taking command of your field
in a conscious manner.

Maybe the words you speak might not make sense, but if they feel good to you,
their power may be what you need.

So maybe there might be some un-intelligable words or songs that may help
steer your vessel in the right direction.

So maybe think more abstractly. I'll then hear my conscience speaking to me
maybe in words that make no sense, so something like "Mana Fabo Toto Tommon"

That word doesn't mean anything to me, but it feels good, and fun.

RE: I want to paint the One. - Brittany - 11-23-2010

I know what you mean, Gemini Wolf. At times recently I have began muttering jibberish- sounds that seemed to be completely random but I felt them spilling out of me like some kind of energy. The one I get the most is "hamanaeth shevatsvah"...I hear that in my head all the time. Those syllables resonate with me for some reason. Here is my attempt at writing a poem about not being able to write a poem. Lol.

golden sunlight but
somewhere it is
night as well.
An infinite vacuum of stars.
Four directions,
I look to the
in-between spaces.
More than color,
more than sound.
Shaped by the heart,
subtle nuances.
An earthworm is a meteor.
We all vibrate,
notes on a piano,
dots in minimalist
expression of some
breathtaking painting
hanging in an Italian church.
Try to catch
all the fish in the sea
with a net of glowing lace...
stretching out to touch
the infinity of space,
slipping into fragments,
paint chips
that scatter like glitter-
sands of the ocean of thought.
Your love
slips between my fingers
and into my heart,
where it curls,
a warm animal
by the fire
being stoked by
the creative bellows
that call me to write,
to strive to speak
the unspeakable,
to lay my fingers across
that which is untouchable.
Everything shines.

RE: I want to paint the One. - Lorna - 11-23-2010

that's a beautiful poem Smile love the last line in particular

my experience is that with any creative process the more it becomes a meditative act in and of itself the more 'real' it is. that's how i feel about my writing, albeit that it's commercial writing but it still has a soul. once i get into a meditative state it just flows with minimal consious thought - taking a breather afterwards and reviewing it is like coming to it anew. when i feel blocked or am struggling with writing i just have to keep at it - writing even through what i'm writing is no good - until it starts to flow again. less consious thought, more just doing and being resolves creative stalls for me Smile

RE: I want to paint the One. - Eddie - 11-23-2010

Ahktu, remember that you can create in Time/Space as well as in Space/Time.....and you have much more freedom in the former. Anything you can imagine takes shape there, and your creations will be limited only by your imagination (which I gather is considerable), and by the intensity of emotion which backs it.

Please consider making artistic constructions out of light, in your mind; they will appear corporeally in Time/Space. For the time being, they will be obscure to those of us in 3-D Space/Time, but they will be visible to those entities vibrating at faster rates, and you will be suitably recognized and appreciated by them. As you get better at this, in time the ability will bleed over into 3-D Space/Time.

RE: I want to paint the One. - AnthroHeart - 11-23-2010

Ahktu, some of the most beautiful poems I had written before were streams of consciousness.
Our words are indeed creators, like our children of light my guides are telling me.

Eddie, I love your concept of creating out of light. One caveat is to keep what you create in balance.
For instance, when I create orbs, I use balance and utlimately bringing it to stillness so that it can keep form.

It sort of follows a cycle for me when creating in time/space (the Field):
think-> create-> balance-> add functions->repeat balance and functions as needed-> bring your creation to stillness-> rest

Add functions can be anything from adding an archetype to intelligence to quantum stuff. How you then sculpt in ever finer detail.
I use the concept of the One Original Thought at the poles of orbs to bring the wobble to stillness.

- Thomas

RE: I want to paint the One. - Brittany - 11-23-2010

Thanks, guys. I am able to visualize quite easily...whole planets, races of creatures, etc. However, I feel unfulfilled unless I can view my work with my physical eyes, touch it, study and contemplate it. I suppose I have room to grow in this area...perhaps I am tying myself down with physical concepts.

RE: I want to paint the One. - CircleofOne - 11-24-2010

I'm in a similar place as you ahktu, this whole incarnation for me seems to be centered around around creative ventures. Whether it's composing, sculpting, writing, painting, etc., as long as I'm creating something, which I think of as my own brand of channeling, then I'm content on some level.

I think one of the reasons for having so many different areas of creativity, besides needing lots of different outlets, is to let one facet "recharge" while I exercise another. This does seem to leave me with far more unfinished projects than finished ones though! (maybe that's a lesson to work on)

Recently I've been going through the exact same kind of blockage that you seem to be experiencing. To try and get around it, I've been doing nothing but stream-of-consciousness pen and ink drawings. I think the abstract angle for me is really helping, because I'm just letting it flow rather than trying to consciously shape something. Suddenly I'm able to go back to some of my many works in progress and actually MAKE PROGRESS! It's almost like a floodgate of creativity has finally been opened. Maybe it could work for you?

It also helps me to step back and away from a project for a while before coming back to it so that it's fresh. It helps open up a more objective view, rather than the artist's subjective one. In other words it can put you more in the pants of the viewer. That kind of ties into what we're told about the One Infinite Creator wanting to experience Itself/It's creation doesn't it?

RE: I want to paint the One. - Brittany - 11-24-2010

Lately I've been trying to just draw whatever comes into my head instead of having a fixed seems to be helping a bit. Spent ages last night trying to draw a hand for some reason...I guess I just need to stop being so anal about it and let it flow.

RE: I want to paint the One. - thefool - 11-25-2010

(11-23-2010, 01:02 PM)ahktu Wrote: I feel the drive to inspire people, to manifest these emotions in the in some form that others can see- a tribute to my inner Creator. I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on how I might be able to resolve this what ways I might be able to express these energies that I could never even try to put into words. Has anyone else dealt with this issue?

My thoughts have been shifting recently and it has been remembered by me that there are no issues to be resolved, no struggle to be overcome. More we think something as an issue more the knot would tighten up. We provide space for all things in our lives, apparent good and apparent bad and they all shall pass...

RE: I want to paint the One. - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2010

I recommend the drawing tutorials here:

I bought his Structure of Man DVD set and it's well worth it.
He draws from an anatomy point of view. Stars with bones and then muscles.

RE: I want to paint the One. - Brittany - 11-25-2010

A random side thought here...I know if you create an object or a place with your thoughts it's supposed to pop into existence somewhere. If you even conceive of an event happening, you've created a whole probably universe where it happened. But what if you create a person? Does that person just appear in some dimension of existence? Or is it just adding to the store of probable personalities that *may* exist? Or are they simply fragment personalities that become part of the multidimensional self- a type of thought form that becomes more aware of itself as more thought is invested into it?

At times I spend a lot of time pondering how responsible I am for my characters. For example, if I wrote a story where a character was tortured or experienced some other traumatic event, would I really be causing that to happen to an actual persona? In that case, I'd never want to make anything bad happen to any of my characters, meaning I would have no story. Which leads me to believe that the Creator actually *created* hardships out of love, so that we would have a story. It all seems rather obvious and also rather obscure.

I often wonder how my characters would react if they could meet their creator. Would they hate me for making them as they are? I suppose this is what happens when people blame God for all their problems. Why me, God? Why did you let this happen to *me*? And then you realize that it was all necessary to make you who you are today, so I would hope that they would thank me as I thank the Creator for the opportunities to learn lessons through the hardships I have endured. It really brings into focus the fact that I AM the Creator...a bit of a staggering thought.

I know that I love each and every one of the characters I've created. It actually freaks people out when I refer to them as real people, but to me they are completely real. At times they hijack my stories and begin doing their own thing, and I watch in awe as they create for fascinated the One must feel observing ALL of us and our creations.

I also wonder how far I should delegate a character's actions. At the point where they begin acting on their own, should I give them completely over to free will, even if it disrupts the story I was trying to write? I suppose if I continued writing as I had originally intended, I would simply be expressing a parallel universe in which something different happened. At times I have rebuilt characters over and over, starting with the same core personality but adding different situations or attitudes. guess would be that as each character gains their own free will, I am no longer in control of them whatsoever, and anything I write that is contrary to the actions they choose would simply be creating yet another parallel universe- another character for me to paint and guide until they, too, develop their own will?

This makes my head spin...but it is beautiful.

RE: I want to paint the One. - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2010

Ahktu, I have found maybe a few seconds delay between intending to create, and something forming in time/space. I think as we move toward 4D, the creation process will begin to become instantaneous. I thank Creator for easing me into the creational powersll. When I was going through my initiation, I went through what appeared to be simulations.

There was a DVD movie I watched and characters in that became my archetypes. I could feel which archtypes of myself were out of balance with regard to masculine an feminine.

I like how you speak on a character's actions. Well, there becomes a fine balance with regard to people's free will.
For instance, in my experience, Ra was working me like I was a puppet. He moved my body, and with my cooperation, taught me how even the position of my body affects how creation will play out.

In the jail cell I was in for a night (before going to the hospital), I found at times I couldn't lie down because that was too uncomfortable for my field to handle. Eventually I got comfortable enough that I could lie down in that cell. There was a point when I heard people speaking and Ra had to throw my body sitting up. I couldn't balance my own distortions of fear/nervousness, so Ra acted quickly and like BOOM, my field was pushed rapidly into a sitting position, whereas my body followed.

How far we take this journey depends on how far we are willing to trust. I trusted to where my mind/body/spirit were treated independently when I was in that cell. Becoming a puppet really helps one work on characters.

So I could create an ethereal character and we can decide if our creations have free will or not. In my creation, certain characters have partial free-will. I'm referring to my time/space creations.

So we are free to do anything with our creation we desire. The ethics we judge things with can be a hindrence to us. Are we infringing then on free will? If it were not allowed, it wouldn't be possible to do so.

Ok, gotta go to Thanksgiving dinner.

With Love,
Gemini Wolf

RE: I want to paint the One. - Namaste - 11-25-2010

(11-23-2010, 02:23 PM)Eddie Wrote: Ahktu, remember that you can create in Time/Space as well as in Space/Time.....and you have much more freedom in the former. Anything you can imagine takes shape there, and your creations will be limited only by your imagination (which I gather is considerable), and by the intensity of emotion which backs it.

Please consider making artistic constructions out of light, in your mind; they will appear corporeally in Time/Space. For the time being, they will be obscure to those of us in 3-D Space/Time, but they will be visible to those entities vibrating at faster rates, and you will be suitably recognized and appreciated by them. As you get better at this, in time the ability will bleed over into 3-D Space/Time.

I do this occasionally, and for some reason, usually on public transport. I tend to wonder if anyone present has the eyes to see it, so I imagine swirling golden energy patterns emanating throughout. Sometimes starting off filing the bus, and then the globe.

I had never considered the possibility of appreciation from non-physical consciousness in t/s. An excellent perspective, which has spurred me to do this more. Much thanks :¬)

Ahktu, my passions also involve the visual expression of Self. Something to keep in mind is that creativity/the connection to source can come and go; it flows. When it's not flowing (dependant on many, many factors), and your highest impulse is not aligned, let go; do not try to force it.

Use the recharge time to contemplate and find inspiration from others, or deep within your Self. Relax your mind and find stillness. Request, with honest gratitude, to your Higher Self and guides that you find inspiration. Stay relaxed, and before you know it, you'll be hit with a bolt of passion and inspiration :¬)

RE: I want to paint the One. - Experience You - 11-25-2010

Hi Ahktu
I am sharing my experience on this. Regarding the characters free will.
Art is much like channeling , we are not creating something out of nowhere, it was already there, you are just taping with your imagination on what is already there, So i wouldn't worry about the will of the characters, the characters you are writing, you are choosing to see them in a particular way in your story and in turn they are also doing the same, you are just taping on what is already there and expressing it in your POV.

What you should look at is what gives you more excitement and joy what sort of stories (POV) resonate with you better and keep going.

At least that's how i see it.

Is my life an open book to the rest of the universe ? Yes but only to those that are on the range to see it. And they hold their own versions of me because of that.

But what is me anyway ? There is no me as in a separate identity from the whole of creation anyway, "you/me" changes all the time ! We are not the same person we were a nanosecond ago.

So there is nothing to worry about, just anchor yourself in the beingness of all creation and let your inspiration flow.


In sum it is always a co-creation , even to give your will to another as in realities of enslavement, requires a belief and a willingness to this sort of experiences, so you are using your free will to (apparently) give it to another but you never stopped being the creator of your own reality.

in the end of the day is a question to what you prefer to experience, what resonates to your core.

There is another question that popped into my mind " i certainly prefer to enjoy reality in harmony, fun , excitement and pleasure. Why would anyone else want anything else ? "

The answer i got is that due the nature of light being infinite and unconditional, automatically there would always be the possibility and experience of unwanted, negative, pain whatever you want call it.
Because i can only truly be "God" if i am willing to open myself fully to everything i can be and in that i have the power to choose what fits best my purposes.

It is sort of like light trough a prism, automatically all the 7 colors show up when light passes trough it.
In the same way all possibilities and experiences Pop when light reflects unto itself in all possible ways.

It just is. Reality just Is. But in that Isness you have the opurtunity to see it as you like.
Light in it's essence is just awareness of being itself and is one step to complete ONE infinite undistorted(including awareness) in any way. And in being so it is absolutely neutral yet allowing you to choose how to interpret that.

This is what i get from reality right now... My humble 2c.

RE: I want to paint the One. - @ndy - 11-26-2010


When you say you visualise easily. I wonder about this too, I don’t have any answers though.
For years I lived in daydream land... or lands, I still do a bit, I find it way to easy to fall out of here and into some were in my head Smile
Even as a young child I had a rich fantasy worlds full of characters with personality’s and agendas. Daydreaming has stayed with me, some of the places I go and people I know are to me every bit as real as my house and family.
I don't need to think about how these people are or will act, they just are. When I started to read the LOO stuff it did make me wonder more about my worlds and visualisation as I'd only really considered it a more versatile and interactive alternative to TV or reading Tongue

RE: I want to paint the One. - Eddie - 11-26-2010

(11-25-2010, 07:19 PM)Namaste Wrote: I had never considered the possibility of appreciation from non-physical consciousness in t/s. An excellent perspective, which has spurred me to do this more. Much thanks :¬)

Few of us recognize our own creative power. It is possible for us even to imagine entities in Time/Space, with such force of thought as to energize these imagined entities to become conscious and self-aware. If we employ sufficient intensity, these created entities may receive enough energy to manifest themselves in Space/Time. This is how tulpas and doppelgangers are formed.

Creation at this level is not easy for us, of course; it requires tremendous focus of thought and emotion. I use this extreme example to illustrate the notion that creation of elementary objects in Time/Space ought to be a natural pursuit of those who attend Bring4th.

RE: I want to paint the One. - Namaste - 11-26-2010

(11-26-2010, 08:42 AM)Eddie Wrote:
(11-25-2010, 07:19 PM)Namaste Wrote: I had never considered the possibility of appreciation from non-physical consciousness in t/s. An excellent perspective, which has spurred me to do this more. Much thanks :¬)

Few of us recognize our own creative power. It is possible for us even to imagine entities in Time/Space, with such force of thought as to energize these imagined entities to become conscious and self-aware. If we employ sufficient intensity, these created entities may receive enough energy to manifest themselves in Space/Time. This is how tulpas and doppelgangers are formed.

Creation at this level is not easy for us, of course; it requires tremendous focus of thought and emotion. I use this extreme example to illustrate the notion that creation of elementary objects in Time/Space ought to be a natural pursuit of those who attend Bring4th.

Fascinating. Time to do some research around tuplas. I'm certain one should only attempt this with the purest of thoughts, focus and intention. Thank you again brother.

RE: I want to paint the One. - AnthroHeart - 11-26-2010

Interesting perspective on Tulpas and Doppelgangers Eddie.

I haven't yet manifested anything in space/time with direct thought. I'm working now to
get my power back, now with good grounding. One of my goals is to manifest stuff,
but I find if we don't create something that is balanced, it will fall apart if created.
So I don't have the heart yet to create a fully real 3D character, since I don't have
the understanding. Even to bring through one who is already created,
I have a lot of fine tuning to work on. I guess I could work on manifesting say a marble.

As I mention, it's about releasing resistance so that you can feel the time/space field.
Releasing for me took about 3 focused months for myself.
Once you do that, it gives you the feedback you need to make subtle adjustments.

When you can have feedback from the field that you know, we can amplify that
to make our creation powers even more wonderful. That's what I say about
crystals helping in creative powers. They basically can double or more
your creative ability.

RE: I want to paint the One. - Brittany - 11-26-2010

Thanks for the replies, everyone. Gemini Wolf, the puppet concept is very interesting to me. It makes sense not only with my characters, but with some other experiences I have had in my life as well.

Experience You, I can personally relate to the wanting to feel negative emotions. It usually isn't a conscious desire, but after much self searching, I realized I was drawing negative experiences to myself as a way to distract myself from deeper, more painful issues that I didn't want to deal with. Also, people that have had severely traumatic experiences can get confused to the point where they actually interpret painful experiences as pleasurable (bit of a masochist myself).

As far as I can tell, some of my characters act completely on their own. I just write what I see them doing. It's like watching a movie.

RE: I want to paint the One. - Joseph326 - 11-28-2010

Intriguing thread! A few thoughts I would like to share for your consideration...

Firstly, I have numerous artistic/creative tendencies and have noticed my creative energy comes and goes in waves. In other words, I feel like I am standing on a shoreline of Creation, and whatever thoughts or images come to me tend to rush in together and flow around me. Whatever I can grasp with my mind is beautiful, yet fleeting much like water as it gently slips through the fingers. If I miss what I am looking for, there is always the next wave. This analogy can get much deeper as I realize that I am a part of the ocean that I am observing and creating. I feel this has a cyclical nature as well, much like the tides or the cosmic enery cycles that are mentioned in the Ra material. Has anyone felt anything similar to this?

It is one of my current perspectives that the entirety of Creation is one infinitely variable and interactive work or art. How does one paint the One, the entirety of Creation? It is being painted right now, one stroke at a time, by every single action of every single individual Creator who is taking part in this spectacular work of art. Must one necessarily need to have a pen in hand or a literal paintbrush on canvas? I would say no, you create art with every breath you take. Every movement is a step in a dance, we just don't hear the music if we are not listening. Even by interacting on this forum you are each adding a stroke of color to the portions of this grand masterpiece that we have chosen to experience.

The greatest service is to BE, as this allows one to fit into their own and everyone elses' mosaic.

My suggestion for you, Ahktu, would be to make the most of inspiration when it comes your way, but not to try and force it as that will push it away.
Also, if you are trying too hard to use your talents on one particular medium, you may not get the chance to appreciate the other art you create. You might end up with wet sand in your hand as the wave recedes. No worries though. It is an infinite ocean, and there will always be another wave for you. Maybe you will paint it, maybe you will translate it into a poem, maybe you can catch a certain angle of it with your camera, maybe you choose to taste it or even remember it as you swirl a spoon in your morning coffee. The beauty is that from a 6D perspective, you have already created it all and are now choosing what part of that pretty picture you want to look atSmile

RE: I want to paint the One. - Brittany - 11-28-2010

Beautiful thoughts, Joseph. Thank you.

I have often made the analogy of the universe as a painting as well, or a piece of music. I just have such a strong compulsion to put it on paper somehow. I feel the muscles in my arms twitching, wanting to draw, but when I go to draw something the ideas are so huge and so many that I have no idea where to start. For some reason I've been drawing a lot of faces lately. Faces have always been my favorite thing to draw. Would this mean that I'm creating...people?

RE: I want to paint the One. - Joseph326 - 11-28-2010

Ahktu, I would think that the faces that you create would at least exist as thought forms of moods or particular combinations of archetypes that may be part of an entity somewhere in this vast universe.

i understand how frustrating it can be to try to capture all of the energy of a creative thought on/in a 3D medium. Look at the human body. There is so much more to us than the flesh that seems to contain us, but the body has enough natural beauty apparent in its design to lead one to question how it was created. A creative artist captures just enough of the energy to repectfully allow the observer to choose the rest on their own, and the piece gains more dimensions of being from each creative viewpoint. What would a piece of music be without rests in between the notes?