(11-09-2010, 09:33 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: But here's the crux... What will be created if a creator is in the state of fatalism and fear? Right... Only things to fear and unavoidable destinies.
This statement illustrates what I was trying to convey. If we are in agreement that an entity (a creator) can create based on its state of consciousness; ie. if in a state of fear and fatalism, would create a reality based on fear and fatalism, then, what if we are now dwelling in such a reality?
What if our present 3D experience was created by us, collectively, and we are now reaping what we sowed? We're reaping a world teetering on the brink of disaster...not just one possible disaster, but multiple possible disasters...What if the violence in this world is the end result of such a creative process?
If our present moment creates our future moments, then our past moments created our present moments.
Thus, wouldn't it behoove us to learn from our past and our present, in order to create a more harmonious future?
That's what I see this entire discussion as being about. It has been suggested that delving into the wisdom of decisions made in 6D is tantamount to being a victim.
It can be. Or it might not be. It all depends on what one decides to do with that knowledge.
Just understanding more about decisions made in 6D doesn't make one a victim. It's what we decide to do about it, that determines that.
If we take this information and become angry, resentful, and bitter, because Yahweh et al made mistakes, then we are allowing ourselves to be victims, and will actually attract more of the same in our future. It becomes a vicious cycle of repeating the same patterns.
Hey wait, could it be possible that this is what happened before? Maybe the entities who blew up their planet got themselves into such a state of fear that they are now repeating the same pattern. How many times has it all happened before? What will it take for them to wake up and break the cycle?
I'm reminded of the TNG Star Trek episode in which the Enterprise was locked in a loop, and kept repeating the same outcome: total destruction of the ship, because they kept making the same decision each time. Until, finally, Data realizes it and programs a clue into his positronic brain, which gets activated in the next cycle, and he convinces Captain Picard to make a different decision - a decision that seems foolish but is what saves the ship and breaks the pattern of destruction.
So yes, if we get caught up in the fear, if we become paranoid about reptilians running the planet, etc. we are just perpetuating the cycle.
BUT, what if our eyes are opened? WHAT IF this conversation, right now, is that clue, such as what Data programmed? What if, by realizing that we had a role to play in creating this reality, and we make the decision to break the vicious cycle by making different decisions next time, we are able to truly become co-creators in a totally new experience, a reality without the underlying dynamic of violence? WHAT IF we realized, with a sudden, powerful insight, that future 3D realities can be fertile ground for the evolution of souls, and might even have heavy veils, but without the necessity for extreme violence?
If we realized these things, and took steps to program our consciousnesses, the way Data programmed his, are we then succumbing to a victim mentality?
Or are we actually halting the vicious cycle of victim/abuser?
It seems to me that, by taking responsibility to the degree that we are willing to examine these actions, not with judgment but with discernment, we aren't becoming victims. Rather, we are becoming empowered.
We are taking seriously the power that lies within us. We realize, with stark clarity, just how much suffering can result from creating realities based on fear, violence and conquest. And we can become empowered as find new ways to create environments that facilitate evolution, but without so much pain.
I am reminded of an experience I had shortly after my son was born. It was an extremely difficult birth and we both almost died. When he was a toddler, I thought I was pregnant, and I wasn't ready to take on another child yet. I still needed healing from my traumatic experience, and just wasn't ready yet.
I was extremely distraught. What were my options? It's not my intention to bring up a highly volatile topic, but it's obvious what my 'choices' were.
NEITHER option was acceptable to me. I was NOT willing to terminate the pregnancy. That simply was not something I could or would do.
But neither was I willing to have another baby, so close to the first child.
I prayed earnestly for a solution. I reached out to the little entity who was hanging around, desiring to incarnate. And suddenly I felt such a sense of empowerment! I realized, as though the mud was being wiped from my eyes, that I had the power to create a third option! That what I really wanted, was to delay the pregnancy until a time when my husband and I were ready. NOT end the pregnancy. Just delay it.
Physically, this wasn't possible. But metaphysically, all things are possible.
The little soul hanging around understood, and withdrew her conscious building of her new physical vehicle. I did nothing. I took no action. But within a couple of hours, I was no longer pregnant.
This experience was very profound for me. I later learned that this is a magickal principle: When it seems that we have only 2 options, and neither is acceptable, we use our magickal power, fueled by our free will, to create a third option. THAT, imo, is creating in the true sense of the word!
I think this concept can apply here, in multiple ways:
1. By realizing that is isn't simply a choice between being a victim and ignoring the mistakes that Ra tells us were made. There is a 3rd option: That of examining those 'mistakes' and learning from them, with a sense of empowerment rather than feeling victimized.
2. As we learn from these cosmic events, we don't have to choose between bitterness/anger/resentment and fear/apathy. There is a 3rd option: View the events with eyes wide open, without glossing over them as irrelevant or inconsequential, yet with love/forgiveness/compassion for those (ourselves) who made those mistakes. Just learning from the mistakes won't cut it. We must also forgive those who made the mistakes, because forgiveness breaks the cycle of karma. Regardless of whether the events were viewed as mistakes by Ra or Yahweh or whoever, since we are all ONE, that means we still attracted the events, on some level of our being. This also means we can start attracting different events, different futures, with our current choices. But those choices must be made with forgiveness, if we want to break the cycle of karma. As I see it, the key here is to be able to look at these events with stark clarity, rather than glossing over them. There is no empowerment in denying the mistakes. But by taking responsibility for at least acknowledging them, and learning from them, we can resolve to make different choices if/when we are even in such situations, and this is empowering. The difference between being a victim and being empowered is the choice to forgive, whether it's ourselves or the perceived abuser.
3. We're in 3D and therefore have very little understanding of the mechanisms of 6D, aside from what Ra has given us and what we are able to perceive on our own. But, it seems reasonable to me to assume that any info Ra gave us, must have some useful application, or Ra wouldn't have given us that info. Look at how many times Ra declined to answer Don's question. When Ra did answer the question, it must have been deemed relevant; else Ra would have noted, as a disclaimer, their reservations about answering the question, by stating that it was transitory info. Ra told us of decisions made by themselves and by Yahweh that were perceived as mistakes by them. I see no point in denying those mistakes and assuming that we have nothing to do with them. It seems to me that, if Ra deemed it worthy to tell us of these things, then there is something potentially of value to us. Therefore, what is that value? Perhaps that is our task: to find the value in these bits of information. Is it just a history lesson? Or is there something for us to learn? What can we possibly learn from events that happened millennia ago, by beings whose realities we cannot even begin to imagine? Well, here is a proposed answer to that question: Very soon, many of us will be returning to our home densities. Is it possible that part of our mission here as Wanderers, in addition to radiating light, was to feel what it's like to be on the receiving end of those decisions? What if, very soon, we will be in the position of making similar decisions? What will happen to the souls who are still choosing violence, who don't graduate? We are told by Q'uo that they will be escorted to another 3D planet, where they can continue their 3D experience. Well, has anyone else noticed the obvious?? Are the guardians going to repeat the same pattern again? Will the souls who are, right now, trying to kill one another, be gathered up and plunked down on the same planet again? Only to repeat the same cycle, again? Will we be called to Wander over to their planet again? Will we be having this same conversation 75,000 years from now, on some other planet, once again on the brink of destruction? Do you see where I'm going with this? Maybe, just maybe, there is a reason Ra gave us these little tidbits of info. Maybe they are clues, like the clue Data programmed in the Star Trek episode. Maybe, just maybe, it is our task to choose differently next time. Maybe we don't have to choose between inefficient catalyst and extreme pain/suffering/violence. Maybe there is a 3rd option: that of efficient catalyst without such extreme risk of violence. Maybe it's up to us to find it/create it.