03-01-2017, 01:20 PM
this thread seem like the one for this material i found it very interseting i think many other will also
from: The Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant
The evolution of humanity on our earth, globe D, offers in a strongly marked form the continual sevenfold
diversity already often alluded to. Seven races of men had already shown themselves in the third round,
and in the fourth these fundamental divisions became very clear on globe C, where seven races, each
with sub-races evolved. On globe D humanity begins with a First Race – usually called a Root Race – at
seven different points, “seven of them, each on his lot.” (Book of Dzyan (Stanzas of Dzyan, 3: 13). –
Secret Doctrine, Volume 2, page 18, of the 1893, edition– Volume 3, page 29, of the Adyar edition.)
These seven types side by side, not successive – make up the first root-race, and each again has its own
seven sub-races. From the first root-race – jelly-like amorphous creatures – evolves the second root-race
with forms of more definite consistency, and from it the third, ape-like creatures that become clumsy
gigantic men. In the middle of the evolution of this third root-race, called the Lemurian, there come to
earth – from another planetary chain, that of Venus, much farther advanced in its evolution – members of
its highly evolved humanity, glorious Beings, often spoken of as Sons of Fire, from Their radiant
appearance, a lofty order among the Sons of Mind. (Manasaputra. This vast hierarchy of self-conscious
intelligences embraces many orders.)
They take up Their abode on earth, as the Divine Teachers of the young humanity, some of them acting
as channels for the third outpouring and projecting into animal man the spark of monadic life which forms
the causal body. Thus the first, second, and third classes of Lunar Pitris become individualised – the vast
(Page 327) bulk of humanity. The two classes of solar Pitris, already individualised – the first ere leaving
the lunar chain and the second later – form two low orders of the Sons of Mind; the second incarnate in
the third race at its middle point, and the first come in later, for the most part in the fourth race, the
from: The Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant
The evolution of humanity on our earth, globe D, offers in a strongly marked form the continual sevenfold
diversity already often alluded to. Seven races of men had already shown themselves in the third round,
and in the fourth these fundamental divisions became very clear on globe C, where seven races, each
with sub-races evolved. On globe D humanity begins with a First Race – usually called a Root Race – at
seven different points, “seven of them, each on his lot.” (Book of Dzyan (Stanzas of Dzyan, 3: 13). –
Secret Doctrine, Volume 2, page 18, of the 1893, edition– Volume 3, page 29, of the Adyar edition.)
These seven types side by side, not successive – make up the first root-race, and each again has its own
seven sub-races. From the first root-race – jelly-like amorphous creatures – evolves the second root-race
with forms of more definite consistency, and from it the third, ape-like creatures that become clumsy
gigantic men. In the middle of the evolution of this third root-race, called the Lemurian, there come to
earth – from another planetary chain, that of Venus, much farther advanced in its evolution – members of
its highly evolved humanity, glorious Beings, often spoken of as Sons of Fire, from Their radiant
appearance, a lofty order among the Sons of Mind. (Manasaputra. This vast hierarchy of self-conscious
intelligences embraces many orders.)
They take up Their abode on earth, as the Divine Teachers of the young humanity, some of them acting
as channels for the third outpouring and projecting into animal man the spark of monadic life which forms
the causal body. Thus the first, second, and third classes of Lunar Pitris become individualised – the vast
(Page 327) bulk of humanity. The two classes of solar Pitris, already individualised – the first ere leaving
the lunar chain and the second later – form two low orders of the Sons of Mind; the second incarnate in
the third race at its middle point, and the first come in later, for the most part in the fourth race, the