Karma is basically: the natural impetus of the One revealing itself. So if your actions in life reduced your awareness of a certain aspect of unity, karma is the force that shows you the other side of it. It is like water seeking its level. It is the manifestation of experience that is necessary for distortions to unravel. So as an example, if you hurt another soul, you might experience the same hurt in another life, not out of punishment, but rather so that you are made aware of the impact you had on that other self that is also you. It is the symbolic reflection of, "what you do to others, you do to yourself". It is just oneness peeking out from behind the curtain.
Any consciousness, below 7th density, is in the process of unraveling distortions. So every being has lots of karma (spiritual lessons) to work through. I suppose its not completely accurate to call it 'work', as its what life is all about, so it might be better to think of it in terms of the natural creative process of the creator knowing itself.
As your vibration increases, and your consciousness becomes magnetized to other densities, the karma lessons become softer, because you are closer, consciously, to unity, so the karma that does occur happens much faster, and is more evenly distributed. The lessons are more transparent in other-words. More harmonious.
Any consciousness, below 7th density, is in the process of unraveling distortions. So every being has lots of karma (spiritual lessons) to work through. I suppose its not completely accurate to call it 'work', as its what life is all about, so it might be better to think of it in terms of the natural creative process of the creator knowing itself.
As your vibration increases, and your consciousness becomes magnetized to other densities, the karma lessons become softer, because you are closer, consciously, to unity, so the karma that does occur happens much faster, and is more evenly distributed. The lessons are more transparent in other-words. More harmonious.