02-03-2017, 10:50 AM
Quote:Pretty much everything you've said I can accept without much feeling of a need to reply, which is...Unusual for me.
Awesome! I consider that quite a compliment. Thank you.
Quote:Still, this small voice in the back of my mind questions further... If morality is Love, can Love make, in a sense, bad choices?
The Confederation tells us there are no mistakes. The crux of this is an insight into the instrumentality of our incarnate lives.
This is just my way of thinking it, so throw it away if it doesn't suit you, but imagine Mario in Super Mario Bros. From his point of view, he's just trying to save the princess. But from the player's point of view, we're trying to win a game, to get better at playing the game, and score points. Both perspectives are correct. But in order for the player's perspective to make sense, we have to understand the character's experience as instrumental towards a larger goal that doesn't fit into the character's worldview.
Think of the spirituality inherent in waking life that way, I advise. You don't have the vantage point to tell whether something is a mistake or not. But you can always take the experience into deep mind and benefit from it. This is where faith comes in, truly: keeping positive in spite of the BS because you know--you know--what the real goal is.
Trust the guy playing you in the game, because he has his eye on the real prize. Does that help?