(01-31-2017, 12:14 AM)Night Owl Wrote: Can you describe what are the obstacles blocking your progress?
I mostly need to clean my aura and get my body generating energy properly again. It's very dirty and filled with all kinds of disgusting things I don't want anything to do with.
There are a lot of physical distortions, including apparent DNA damage and brain damage, that also need to be reversed somehow.
(01-31-2017, 09:52 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: Have you been involved with the temple of set and/or the order of nine angles? That might explain some things...
I don't know what to tell you. The LHP is not a path of happiness. Ive read some terrible things about the temple of set and Michael Aquino. Aquino being a CIA asset working with mind control, which seems to be a hallmark of the negative path. At least some avenues of it. Anyway, those organizations are dangerous. The LHP will eat you up if they can. It's always a struggle and there is no protection.
I read the other day from Q'uo that those on the negative path delight in karma. They seek to accumulate it, not to balance it.
We are only here to help, friend.
Peripherally, with both groups.
Aquino definitely has access to advanced mind control. It's his organization that did the things that made me want to post this thread.
I don't know if all the stories are true or not. Aquino himself says that, in the 80's and 90's, he was battling against the sort of Satanic pedophile cults that he claimed didn't exist on Geraldo, and which his house was raided for suspected involvement in. On the other hand, some sources claim that he's been framed and slandered by the real criminals behind those things.
Right now, he's on some kind of anti-Satanic kick, ostensibly because Satanists are dangerous, but I honestly think it's just some attempt to remove groups that might be a threat to his power. I doubt many here would be able to stand up against his type, if anyone at all, but Satanists tend towards noncomformity, thinking for oneself, rebellion against authority, volatile behavior, and aggressiveness. In other words, put enough of them in the same place, and something interesting will emerge from the shadows sooner or later.
If he wants control, well, he knows he can control whatever Christians he claims to have recruited or whatever, because they have built-in guilt complexes, are constantly on their knees trying to please their superiors (no, I'm not referring to prayer), and aren't capable of thinking for themselves. So even if he creates some kind of "Christian occult elite" or whatever, it'll never grow out of his control, because Christians will never ever set foot outside of the box designed for them.
Satanists... You can't control a religion based on primal Chaos, rebellion, entropy, and nonconformity very easily. So I think he wants to eliminate Satanism as a major contender and control whatever remains.
I can also say, from personal experience, that he's a mean old a******, and he does have access to mind control tech. As far as some of the wilder rumors floating around, I have no idea.
I do know some other projects that his group is involved in, but I'll hold my tongue on that unless my hand is forced.
The Order of Nine Angles and its offshoots have really nice vibes, and I like some of them. Others, I don't get along with so well. I was kicked out of the ONA because I kept attacking high-level people for disrespecting me. I like them more than not; my spirit is in agreement with them a lot of the time, by my ego and some of their egos don't like each other.
But, then my main problem with LHP people like that is that they usually don't understand mutually beneficial relationships. I'm not the sort of person who would ever care to usurp their power, but they still want to keep me on a tight leash, and autonomy is important to me... even so, I usually lean that direction.
On the plus side, perhaps something new and terrible will evolve out of all this mess.
The LHP world is in disarray om Earth right now, as far as I can tell.