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Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-24-2017

I'm confused as to how this all works. Ra mentions that space/time and time/space are both mechanical, and therefore not central to the development of the spirit, but also mentions that negative time/space is sort of a prison. He also mentions that the function of orgasm takes place in time/space, and that in a negative configuration, the enslaver orgasms constantly while the enslaved, almost never, and when a negatively oriented entity is enslaved by another, it loses polarity, but its desire attracts opportunities to regain negative polarity. They also mention how the desires of those working on the atomic bomb attracted information to them on how to build it - thus, desire attracts information, and information is knowledge, and knowledge is power, so the key to beating negative time/space is the use of desire to attract the necessary information?

I also wonder if the heart complex has something to do with this, since time/space has an electromagnetic function, and the heart is the controller of the largest electromegnatic field in the body, not to mention that, in my own case, focusing on the heart chakra leads to results faster than anything else.

Also, is time/space a three-dimensional thing like space/time, or are there an infinite number of dimensions in the cases of both space/time and time/space?

And Ra mentions that it would take a long time to escape negative time/space as humans measure time. Why is this? Is it simply because a positive entity would want other-selves to have freedom?

Also, how is time/space energy generated?

How important is "quantity"? I've been thinking a lot lately about the nature of quantity, particularly in terms of energy, and I don't understand how quantity has to affect anything. I've come to look at quantity as more of a configuration of energy rather than an actual "quantity", if all is the Creator, and the Creator is infinite.

I've heard stories (from non-LoO sources) about entities escaping from negative time/spaces before, so I'm sure it can be done.

I also remember Ra stating that one of the difficulties of negative time/space is that negative universes have their own laws of physics amd such, but the Seth material states that the laws of physics are weakened and waver in, for example, ley lines in the Earth, implying that where matter turns into plasma and then into ether and back again is the key to defeating physical systems, and thus jailbreaking out of negative time/space.


RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - AnthroHeart - 01-24-2017

Probably all the things you do not want are manifested.
Everyone has telekinetic powers and uses them to attack you.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-25-2017

(01-24-2017, 07:57 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Probably all the things you do not want are manifested.
Everyone has telekinetic powers and uses them to attack you.

What do you mean, exactly?

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - AnthroHeart - 01-25-2017

(01-25-2017, 02:45 AM)Mahakali Wrote:
(01-24-2017, 07:57 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Probably all the things you do not want are manifested.
Everyone has telekinetic powers and uses them to attack you.

What do you mean, exactly?

The movie Ra.One was a good example. Here is one scene:

But I don't remember if that has all the parts of another scene I had seen before where they were mentally controlling cars and making them fly with their minds, and hurling them at each other.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-25-2017

Or are you just talking about what's happened to me so far?

As far as America's social memory complex goes... I'm not a saint, but I was framed for some of the things I was accused of by the powers-that-be here. They create a bubble around the people who think that they're liberated... like, an extra psychic bubble that they present as reality, but have another backstage positioned behind it.

They know that if they make it look like someone has done certain things or acts certain ways - for example, by killing someone and making it look like you did it, or by imitating your frequency and sending psychic messages to others - they can get everyone to attack you, and by having everyone on a certain wavelength, they can put emotions in it to make everyone feel a certain way about you, or look at a certain situation a particular way.

Most people here do not think or feel for themselves and are totally controlled by the lower ego emotions and what some people call the lunar astral body.

Most of the designated bad guys are just sheep-dogs there to make the sheep run into the arms of the designated good guys. Most people are too dumb to notice and too comfortable to care.

The REAL reason I was attacked is because I was very likely to cause problems for certain people, and because I pissed off others.

There's a lot the public isn't being told, even in this new "age of enlightenment", I think. People think they're being shown the fire that makes the shadows, but it's a decoy so that the people in power can do whatever they want.

I've met people who think they have some idea what's going on, who told me "the government can't stop us - there's way too many of us now", only to be fooled by a pretty simple occult trick.

I would imagine that most of these "liberated" pseudo-occultists are the same way.

I hope there really are liberating forces, but I'm very wary of anyone who uses Facebook or an iPhone and thinks that they are part of any legitimate rebellion or pro-freedom movement.

I also think that the "dark forces" are slated to lose because the fight was staged, and the REAL dark forces will take power once everyone thinks the fight's over and the day's been won.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Nau7ik - 01-25-2017

(01-24-2017, 07:57 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Probably all the things you do not want are manifested.
Everyone has telekinetic powers and uses them to attack you.

The negative entities live in the Void, negative time/space. Or the lower astral planes. I know I've responded to a thread like this before. But those with great power in the Void are sorcerers and black magicians who know how to navigate the darkness and protect themselves. Knowledge of magic would be very useful in this environment. There would be many predatory entities seeking to drain your energy. They will attack if they can. Service to self is all about the self. They don't care about anyone else. You mean nothing to him unless he can use you towards his own empowerment and progression.

If one is really interested to know more, there are many avenues of investigation. The qlippoth, the world of shells, from the qabalistic tradition might offer some information on the nature of negative time space and those who reside there.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-25-2017

I've been initiated into certain Qliphotic traditions. Hence why I'm posting all this insane bullshit here. Those are a little trippy, but fun. I'm lucky to be doing as well as I am, because some people don't make it this far with a shred of sanity remaining.

So the astral is the same as time/space? Or they are different? And why does negative time/space then necessitate incarnation into negative space/time, unless the lower astral planes are themselves some mixture of time/space and space/time, because I thought that without some difference between time/space and space/time there could be no experience?

I guess I'm just wondering where power comes from, and about the nature of the astral plane, the time/space plane, the ether, the physical, and how they relate.

I guess I'm wondering about how physical matter can be transmuted through time/space, and how time/space can be manipulated to create the reality that I want.

So, do you know how I'd investigate the nature of time/space in general, how it is generated and manipulated? Is it all creation ex nihilo that just follows certain vibratory patterns? Can the rules be broken?

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - AnthroHeart - 01-25-2017

Probably lucid dreaming can do that.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-25-2017

Lucid dreaming can do what?

I'm sure it's great, but lucid dreaming IRL is the goal of the magician; after all, this is a dream. I want to learn to manipulate time/sapce and therefore space/time.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - AnthroHeart - 01-25-2017

You're probably referring then to Neuromancy. Bringing the dream world into the physical.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Nau7ik - 01-26-2017

Well, "as above, so below". The physical space time is an analog of time/space. Before manifestion occurs, the thought or form is formed in the metaphysical time/space portion. Those seeking to manipulate the physical, would be working from the subconscious or astral planes. The Law of One explains the mechanics when Carla was being attacked by the 5D negative entity.

I would say here that manipulating the physical treads dangerously close to the left hand path. The white magician only does magick on the self and the lightening of the planetary consciousness, such as through group visualization, which is very powerful when there are multiple adepts working together. Doing the Great Work benefits the self and by extension the entire planet, for we are all One.

A great many magickal traditions on this planet are of mixed polarity. THis is an area that I originally sought in when I was 17. I didn't realize it at the time, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I stared to see how much of the magical traditions are steeped with service to self practices. One need not look very far to see an example of one seeker who thought he was positive but did quite negative things, I.e. Aleister Crowley mentioned in the Law of One. The first two time I read the LOO, I didn't see it or I didn't pick it up, which I think was because it was apart of my active processes at the time. I was trying to figure it out for myself. After I did, I saw it in the Law of One and it resonated.

Anyway, all I am saying is to be very clear about your intentions! Follow the path of resonance and it shall take you exactly where you need to be Smile

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - anagogy - 01-26-2017

(01-25-2017, 08:20 PM)Mahakali Wrote: So the astral is the same as time/space? Or they are different?

There is space and time and an orientation more towards one realm or the other. The astral realm represents a slight leaning away from space towards time. Higher planes represent a more pronounced leaning towards time over space. The astral is relatively close to the physical world (the realm of space/time).

(01-25-2017, 08:20 PM)Mahakali Wrote: And why does negative time/space then necessitate incarnation into negative space/time, unless the lower astral planes are themselves some mixture of time/space and space/time, because I thought that without some difference between time/space and space/time there could be no experience?

Picture this: there is a spiritual realm and material realm, and a mind complex bobbing up and down between them (reincarnational cycle). Each spiritual place has a material reflection (i.e. thoughts create reality). Each spiritual space has an analog material space. Like a mirror and its reflection. So if you enter negative time/space, you are there by virtue of your vibrational attunement, meaning the only reason you would be in negative time/space would be because your attention is captured by negative thoughts/beliefs/vibrations. So if you reincarnate from that vibrational standpoint you incarnate into the material reflection of that. And you are right about the mixture part, but almost all planes lean at least slightly more heavily in one direction or the other.

(01-25-2017, 08:20 PM)Mahakali Wrote: I guess I'm just wondering where power comes from, and about the nature of the astral plane, the time/space plane, the ether, the physical, and how they relate.

I guess I'm wondering about how physical matter can be transmuted through time/space, and how time/space can be manipulated to create the reality that I want.

Focus, faith, desire. Those are the basic cornerstones of magickal work. You could spend a lifetime on each principle as they can all be refined and refined and refined to infinity. With coresponding purity comes corresponding and matching results to that purity. A indigo identified sixth density beings focus/faith/will is scarily powerful, but consider how many aeons they have practiced the infinitely subtle balancing rituals. There is no 'quick rich' scheme unfortunately when it comes to acquiring occult power.

(01-25-2017, 08:20 PM)Mahakali Wrote: So, do you know how I'd investigate the nature of time/space in general, how it is generated and manipulated? Is it all creation ex nihilo that just follows certain vibratory patterns? Can the rules be broken?

Practice walking the border between waking and sleeping, and holding on to that state for long periods of time. It is a good way to familiarize and increase your sensitivity to time/space energies. It is really hard to learn to work with such energies when you can't perceive them so that would be my first step if I were you.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Ashim - 01-26-2017

(01-25-2017, 08:20 PM)Mahakal Wrote: So the astral is the same as time/space? Or they are different? 

What we tend to call "the astral" is the 3rd density(space/time) time/space analog.
It is as distorted as 3rd density physical and at the moment in the process of transformation to 4th density, where "all is known".

If you are noticing the change of quality of dreams, from the abstract, towards the more concrete, then this is an indication of the progression.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-26-2017

(01-26-2017, 05:53 PM)Ashim Wrote:
(01-25-2017, 08:20 PM)Mahakal Wrote: So the astral is the same as time/space? Or they are different? 

What we tend to call "the astral" is the 3rd density(space/time) time/space analog.
It is as distorted as 3rd density physical and at the moment in the process of transformation to 4th density, where "all is known".

If you are noticing the change of quality of dreams, from the abstract, towards the more concrete, then this is an indication of the progression.

This does not sound like a good "progression" or anything I want any part of. Most of the stuff that's going on on Earth right now gives me horrifically bad vibes. It seems to me like how Ra described Yahweh-Orion's message: negativity with a positive bent. Seems to me if it were a liberating vibration, we'd me moving MORE into the abstract and transcendental, and I want no part of such a "progression", whatever the case.

Is there a way to peacefully opt-out and follow my own spiritual progression in freedom, non-violence, and (astral) isolation, or do I have to fight and kill my way out? I can do either way.

(01-26-2017, 09:58 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: Well, "as above, so below". The physical space time is an analog of time/space. Before manifestion occurs, the thought or form is formed in the metaphysical time/space portion. Those seeking to manipulate the physical, would be working from the subconscious or astral planes. The Law of One explains the mechanics when Carla was being attacked by the 5D negative entity.

I would say here that manipulating the physical treads dangerously close to the left hand path. The white magician only does magick on the self and the lightening of the planetary consciousness, such as through group visualization, which is very powerful when there are multiple adepts working together. Doing the Great Work benefits the self and by extension the entire planet, for we are all One.

A great many magickal traditions on this planet are of mixed polarity. THis is an area that I originally sought in when I was 17. I didn't realize it at the time, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I stared to see how much of the magical traditions are steeped with service to self practices. One need not look very far to see an example of one seeker who thought he was positive but did quite negative things, I.e. Aleister Crowley mentioned in the Law of One. The first two time I read the LOO, I didn't see it or I didn't pick it up, which I think was because it was apart of my active processes at the time. I was trying to figure it out for myself. After I did, I saw it in the Law of One and it resonated.

Anyway, all I am saying is to be very clear about your intentions! Follow the path of resonance and it shall take you exactly where you need to be Smile

Anyone who says that manipulating the physical is "wrong" is a stupid a******. Also, I usually lean pretty LHP, so that accusation is a compliment, if anything.

However, I'll clarify that I'm not trying to manipulate the physical in order to dominate it to the detriment of others, as much as for my own personal amusement. I don't like other people; I'll share whatever I make with them if they want it, but I just wanna make my own stuff.

And if using magick to amuse yourself seems like an immoral thing to do to you, then you sound like a demiurgic butt-puppet to me, and I don't like you. And I'm not (necessarily) referring to you specifically here.

(01-25-2017, 10:04 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: You're probably referring then to Neuromancy. Bringing the dream world into the physical.

It's already a dream world. I just want to learn how to create my own shapes and colors and places and events. I don't just wanna play the game vanilla-style with the manufacturer-approved DLC, I wanna make my own mods and learn how to rebuild the game from the ground up.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Ashim - 01-27-2017

(01-26-2017, 09:58 AM)Nau7ik Wrote:  Those seeking to manipulate the physical, would be working from the subconscious or astral planes. 
Quote:This is my understanding.

I think they work from 4th density and project into the astral in order to either manipulate/enslave (negative) or enlighten/liberate (positive).
This is the "battle for the souls". Many of these negative 4th density entities are discarnate and of the orion group. Others are physical but, due to the mechanics, manifest in physicality on the inner planes of our sphere. Inner earth. 3rd density is of mixed polarity, the astral or time/space component in a constant state of flux.
This is made manifest on the outer planes or what we term the surface of the planet. During Harvest 2 "new" earths are created., a 4th density negative harvested from inner earth planes and a 4d positive from outer planes. The goal being to maximize the number of harvested entities in both polarities.
Those still left unpolarized at the end of the grand cycle will be taken to an earth like planet, still experiencing 3rd density conditions, in order to continue their work and learning. Those harvested to 4th density will no longer be in physicality, hence Ra's comment ;

Quote:11.12 Questioner: Where are these three entities now?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self, one in what you know as the Orion group, one in what you know as Cassiopeia, one in what you know as Southern Cross; however, these loci are not satisfactory. We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Nau7ik - 01-27-2017

I'm not condemning the magical path, friend! I'm just sharing my thoughts. I think the path of the adept is a worthy path to take. I've always been attracted to the mystical and magickal. My concerns are for the right use of power, which is apart of my learning, and which may mean something different to me than to you. You do as you see fit and I wish you all the best in your pursuits!

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-28-2017

(01-27-2017, 10:03 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: I'm not condemning the magical path, friend! I'm just sharing my thoughts. I think the path of the adept is a worthy path to take. I've always been attracted to the mystical and magickal. My concerns are for the right use of power, which is apart of my learning, and which may mean something different to me than to you. You do as you see fit and I wish you all the best in your pursuits!

Ah. Well, in my case, I seek a place of total separation - or at least access to a room of total separation - where I can manifest whatever I want. Thus, I'm really only seeking power over myself. I don't believe that the "right use of power" means anything important in regards to my spiritual pursuits. In regard to my personal life, I'm likely to get rather nasty against whatever's trying to keep me tied down, as well as anything it cares about or wants to protect, but, in general, I'm indifferent; if I were left to my own devices, I'd just keep to myself, and I don't really care one way or another about morality or RHP or LHP or any other such abstract designations. I'm interested in freedom. I'm willing to do whatever it takes - whether it means talking and being nice, or raping and killing - in order to remove resistance to my freedom, and I'm not going to feel bad about attacking anything trying to keep me from it, or anything connected to it.

That's kinda what I've decided. I could probably operate in either an STO or STS environment; I want power over myself (whatever orientation you'd consider that); I'll do what it takes to get that power; I'll make anything that keeps it from me regret doing so sorely, and even if I lose, then whatever's doing this to me better not care about anything at all, because I'll steal it, rape it, kill it, and burn it to the ground, and I'll leave you saying, "I wish I hadn't messed with that kid."

But I just want to have power over myself, and learn and create and amuse myself with my own patterns.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Ashim - 01-28-2017

(01-28-2017, 01:54 AM)Mahakali Wrote: ..., and I don't really care one way or another about morality or RHP or LHP or any other such abstract designations. 

Well, the source of the material that we study and discuss here would seem to think otherwise and perhaps provide a pointer to your current situation.
I do wish you well by the way, regardless of your intentions.

Quote:76.15 Questioner: Then we have a third density that is, comparatively speaking, the twinkling of an eye, the snap of a finger in time compared to the others. Why does the third density cycle so extremely rapidly compared to first and second?

Ra: I am Ra. The third density is a choice.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - AnthroHeart - 01-28-2017

Would Negative time/space make a positive person go mad? Would it really warp your mind?

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-28-2017

(01-28-2017, 01:28 PM)Ashim Wrote:
(01-28-2017, 01:54 AM)Mahakali Wrote: ..., and I don't really care one way or another about morality or RHP or LHP or any other such abstract designations. 

Well, the source of the material that we study and discuss here would seem to think otherwise and perhaps provide a pointer to your current situation.
I do wish you well by the way, regardless of your intentions.

Quote:76.15 Questioner: Then we have a third density that is, comparatively speaking, the twinkling of an eye, the snap of a finger in time compared to the others. Why does the third density cycle so extremely rapidly compared to first and second?

Ra: I am Ra. The third density is a choice.

Mmmmmmmmaybe. But I guess I don't understand things from the perspective of why, if the Creator is one being, and all is infinite, STS or STO needs to mean anything at the higher densities. Couldn't an entity with godlike capability simply arrange the patterns in creation in any desired manner, considering that all is simultaneous, the energy of the creation is infinite, and behind the illusion of limits lies intelligent infinity?

So why is it necessary to take away from others in order to serve the self? This is what confuses me. If I had the desire to commit a murder, for example, couldn't I simply call up the form of a person from the aether, manifest that, kill it, and then demanifest it, causing about as much harm to anyone "real" than playing Grand Theft Auto?

The Ra material seems to equate self-interest with malignancy without exception, though Ra concedes at one point that removing yourself from the perceptions of others can also constitute "evil" in the eyes of a community, regardless of polarity.

It seems like a false dichotomy to me. Again, I don't understand why the taking from other-selves would be required in order to experience desires, even "negatively"-polarized ones, since all forms exist in the aether and an adept can call them forward at will ex nihilo. I hate the RHP's obsessions with masochistic self-righteousness more than anything else - there seems to be this idea that manipulating energy in order to amuse oneself or do anything other than things are are necessary and unfun, is "wrong".

And the technical information is mostly what I use the Ra material for. Ra admits that it never intends to be the only valid voice of the Creator, and that the possibility/probability vortexes are infinite, and limitation is an illusion, so I choose to ignore the parts of the Ra material that regard polarity in such confusing ways. I see no reason why limitation must be intrinsically necessary; we can have our cake and eat it, too.

Why I can't I have my preferred reality, and another person have theirs as well? For example, if I use magick to jump to a past possibility/probability vortex in which another person were never born, why can't they be alive and well within their own timeline, so they can have things their way, too? If it's a matter of past conditions, couldn't you entangle yourself with the original thought and just move things around that way, thus ending up in any time/space and/or space/time nexus desired, transcending causality?

Anyways... that's what I don't understand, and what I'm seeking is the key to rearranging patterns at will. If all things are possible, then there must be a way to reconcile any particular reality that you desire by changing what you are connected to.

(01-28-2017, 06:19 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Would Negative time/space make a positive person go mad? Would it really warp your mind?

Depends upon how strong your mind is. There is some f***** up s*** down there, and I'm sure I'm doing a lot better than I have any right to be. Some people who have been through what I have are probably in asylums... I'd not be surprised if Lovecraftian-style madness from comprehending things that man wasn't designed to know is a common phenomenon on the LHP once you start getting to the actual demons and Hell dimension parts.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Night Owl - 01-29-2017

The thing is outside the veil you can do whatever you want. The question is more about the why from anywhere in the infinite possibility of places you decided to come somewhere where there are limitations to your conscious awareness? And that my friend, no one can answer it for you. This answer is the reason you are here just as anyone else. You are working on something and a part of you wants you to deal with it before you can access limitless potential. The sooner you figure it out, the sooner you can go play with infinite energy like you want.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Ashim - 01-29-2017

Mmmmmmmmaybe. But I guess I don't understand things from the perspective of why, if the Creator is one being, and all is infinite, STS or STO needs to mean anything at the higher densities. Couldn't an entity with godlike capability simply arrange the patterns in creation in any desired manner, considering that all is simultaneous, the energy of the creation is infinite, and behind the illusion of limits lies intelligent infinity?
Quote:You are correct in that there is only one of us here. At higher densities it is not polarity in terms of STS and STO that becomes refined but male/female, female/male and then Love/Light, Light/Love.  Intelligent Infinity or infinite intelligence becomes self aware manifesting as The One Infinite Creator. Then Intelligent Infinity is focused at a point or zero point into Infinite Energy. The two as one, paradoxically forming the conditions for infinite Creation. Then the first distortion or creation of individual aspects of The One in order for The One Infinite Creator to know himself. This is what we call "free will"

So why is it necessary to take away from others in order to serve the self? 

Quote:As a function of polarity, on the negative path, it represents an increase in spiritual mass. Imagine stealing everyone's toys and taking them home. What would happen to the physical mass of your house? 

Anyways... that's what I don't understand, and what I'm seeking is the key to rearranging patterns at will. If all things are possible, then there must be a way to reconcile any particular reality that you desire by changing what you are connected to.

Quote:Understand that you are connected by the forces of attraction and repulsion. These are functions of spiritual gravity and what we, as humans playing the Game of Life experience as karma. You, as your Higher Self or oversoul, will have set up the conditions for this particular incarnation in a way as to introduce the right catalyst, as required in order to complete your "mission". This may involve a "graduation" to a higher density. Reaching conscious awareness of Unity or oneness happens, for both polarities, at mid 6th density. One you have stolen a number of toys approaching infinity the mass of your house becomes infinite. Then, on reflection, the concept of "other than" is impossible to reconcile. This is the point at which there is an instantaneous reconfiguration of energy. Thus polarity is worked off, the gates of 7th density are opened and you may "walk the universe with unfettered tread".

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-29-2017

Well, the above answers are nice, but they don't really answer my questions, which are, essentially, related to the infinity/finity. I understand that most people think mass as some sort of quantity that needs to be attained, but from an objective, infinite viewpoint, that can't be true. Mass is a pattern or a classification of some kind. All energy is everywhere and infinite, if what Ra says is true, and if the entire creation is patterned with the image of infinity, then infinity needing to achieve infinity in order to experience infinity seems ridiculous.

I understand that taking everyone else's toys will help you achieve mass; my question is, why is taking others' toys necessary for this to be accomplished? Aren't you infinity? Don't you already have access to all the toys? If reality is infinite, then why couldn't you simply copy the pattern or the shape of a toy? I can make a copy of a CD and give it to a friend, so why doesn't reality work the same way? This is what confuses me.

And, sure you can argue that the blank CD is required, and that different kinds of CD players/MP3 players or headphones express the musical pattern in different ways, but aren't those things also just informational patterns? If the energy is infinite, then why not just copy a stereo system, too? Why does the finite have to enter the picture?

Also, I think the only reason an infinite being would want to incarnate on this wretched sphere is if they were really, really bored with their infinity and needed to completely repattern their consciousness by experiencing pain and intense desire so that they would have lots of games to play and things to build for a long time after ending the incarnation. Otherwise, I've noe clue; this place sucks, and I'd seriously consider checking out if there weren't so much time/space turmoil atm.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Ashim - 01-29-2017

(01-29-2017, 05:48 AM)Mahakali Wrote: Well, the above answers are nice, but they don't really answer my questions, which are, essentially, related to the infinity/finity. I understand that most people think mass as some sort of quantity that needs to be attained, but from an objective, infinite viewpoint, that can't be true. Mass is a pattern or a classification of some kind. All energy is everywhere and infinite, if what Ra says is true, and if the entire creation is patterned with the image of infinity, then infinity needing to achieve infinity in order to experience infinity seems ridiculous.

I understand that taking everyone else's toys will help you achieve mass; my question is, why is taking others' toys necessary for this to be accomplished? Aren't you infinity? Don't you already have access to all the toys? If reality is infinite, then why couldn't you simply copy the pattern or the shape of a toy? I can make a copy of a CD and give it to a friend, so why doesn't reality work the same way? This is what confuses me.

And, sure you can argue that the blank CD is required, and that different kinds of CD players/MP3 players or headphones express the musical pattern in different ways, but aren't those things also just informational patterns? If the energy is infinite, then why not just copy a stereo system, too? Why does the finite have to enter the picture?

Also, I think the only reason an infinite being would want to incarnate on this wretched sphere is if they were really, really bored with their infinity and needed to completely repattern their consciousness by experiencing pain and intense desire so that they would have lots of games to play and things to build for a long time after ending the incarnation. Otherwise, I've noe clue; this place sucks, and I'd seriously consider checking out if there weren't so much time/space turmoil atm.

It is not out of boredom that beings are willing to incarnate on earth but rather that they see merit in the conditions that they will encounter in terms of accelerating their spiritual growth. It can be the lack thereof that causes weariness.  Taking the analogy of muscle growth, it is the cyclic tearing and regrowth of tissue that enables the body as a whole to gain in physical strength. If you retained the full knowledge of your density during incarnation you would be using all the cheats available during the game. This is hardly the way to encourage learning. By forgetting who you really are and your true nature the being reaches out or "calls" whilst incarnate. There is an honest "searching of the soul".Sure, there is pain, sadness, perception of great loss and so on but this does not really harm you. We are playing a very 'realistic' game. If you had easy access to infinite intelligence then there would be absolutely no point in being here.  

You may be an infinite being but you are not infinity, not yet anyway. Checking out early as you implied will most certainly delay you even more on this path. 

We would seem to inhabit the same world, but when I look out of the window I see no "wretched sphere". Remember, it is the quality of your thoughts that attract things to you. I know that all this may just sound like armchair philosophy to you but I assure you that this is science. 

The events that sparked my own path into spirituality involved "losing everything", at least that was my perception at the time.
My response was "what have I got to lose?". I made a choice.
Did it hurt? Yes, tremendously. Am I still here and managing to be happy and content? Yes, without a doubt.

You know what they say about doing the same thing, over and over again and expecting different results? Well seems to me that a 'change of mind' can do the trick.

Regarding mass, picture a universe breathing, in and out as we do all our life. This is the heartbeat of creation. After the first distortion there is 'born' an antimatter and a matter universe. The physical is created by light coalescing into matter, the exhaling part. Matter is then 'inhaled' to form Light or antimatter. The 'space' we perceive as black is the portion of unity we can not see in 3rd density due to the relative velocity of the photos having exceeded c.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-29-2017

>You may be an infinite being but you are not infinity, not yet anyway.

What does this mean, though? This is what I'm driving at. If I'm infinite yet somehow not infinite, then what does that mean? The illusion of limits. How does that work into this? Why are limitations necessary at all?

>We would seem to inhabit the same world, but when I look out of the window I see no "wretched sphere".

Are you blind, by any chance?

>My response was "what have I got to lose?". I made a choice.

What was the choice? Give up your willpower? Passively accept slavery?

No. Whoever did this to me can share in my karma.

If you really, really have nothing of importance to lose - and I do not - then you also don't have any hope for the future to lose. Why not remind people of the primeval Darkness a little bit?

We'll all meet Death sooner or later. Even the brightest stars eventually burn out, even the Creator will eventually awaken from this dream and find a new one.

If they won't let me have my ability to create here, if they try to take what really makes human life living away from me just because they think they can, why not break their toys?

As far as the world of matter and antimatter, what the Gnostics referred to as the physical and false spiritual worlds, are concerned, yes, something came before them; you admitted yourself. In seeking Sophia, I can cause chaos to further intrude into this dimension and transcend its physical laws.

Now I remember why I fell in love with anti-cosmic Satanism so much a couple years back; it was that exactly. Dissolution and chaos beyond forms, because this is but a dream within a dream...

Make the universe afraid again.

>Did it hurt? Yes, tremendously. Am I still here and managing to be happy and content? Yes, without a doubt.

Well, good for you, I guess. I'm not happy, and I won't be living like this, not now and not ever. Happiness isn't for me, seems like.

Maybe breaking this creation and its image would bring me the most joy possible. They want to take my ability to access the so-called "antimatter" dimension, so maybe I can respond somehow, by ushering primal Chaos into their creation. Pushing crazy people beyond their limits is a dangerous business, even for self-proclaimed gods.

>You know what they say about doing the same thing, over and over again and expecting different results? Well seems to me that a 'change of mind' can do the trick.

In one sense, yeah. If I manage to get out of this little time/space prison I've gotten myself locked in, great. That's all I need.

If you're talking about positive emotion and love and all that buggery, f*** that s***. I've learned my lesson about that nonsense. The romantic part of me that wants to believe in "good" things is dying. It's never worked for me, and I doubt that it does for anyone.

I need to conquer my animal nature so that my base desires are not interfering with my spiritual work. The demiurge wants to distract me with petty mundane pleasures, desires, fears, and relationships so that it can build me up and tear me down. The people in this reality only want to make me miserable, seems like, so I should give them nothing. Rob their banks and burn the money.

I remember why I asked for what I asked for now.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Night Owl - 01-29-2017

(01-29-2017, 05:48 AM)Mahakali Wrote: I understand that taking everyone else's toys will help you achieve mass; my question is, why is taking others' toys necessary for this to be accomplished? Aren't you infinity? Don't you already have access to all the toys? If reality is infinite, then why couldn't you simply copy the pattern or the shape of a toy? I can make a copy of a CD and give it to a friend, so why doesn't reality work the same way? This is what confuses me.

And, sure you can argue that the blank CD is required, and that different kinds of CD players/MP3 players or headphones express the musical pattern in different ways, but aren't those things also just informational patterns? If the energy is infinite, then why not just copy a stereo system, too? Why does the finite have to enter the picture?

Because you chose to impose that on yourself. The good question is the why you did that. There is no real limitations other than your own freewill. So the fact that you can't do a bunch of stuff is only the consequence of your desire to do something specific that requires the very limiting configuration of the veil for a while.
(01-29-2017, 05:48 AM)Mahakali Wrote: Also, I think the only reason an infinite being would want to incarnate on this wretched sphere is if they were really, really bored with their infinity and needed to completely repattern their consciousness by experiencing pain and intense desire so that they would have lots of games to play and things to build for a long time after ending the incarnation. Otherwise, I've noe clue; this place sucks, and I'd seriously consider checking out if there weren't so much time/space turmoil atm.

This place sucks? How much love did you send to this place so far? It might explain why. Understand that except for the veil, this place is no different than any other space/time in the universe. That means you build what you want where you want. This place can be both paradise or hell. It's yours to design this place. It awaits you to craft it like a piece of art. The only things you can't do are the unconscious things you don't know how to do yet and the conscious things you don't want to do/need not to do.

I think in order to be at peace with this place it helps to know that we are not really here to change this place. It's only a space/time with set parameters. It's a program. It's your program. We enter it so that it may change us not the other way around. We can do whatever we want, but this place will remain what it is. Veiled potential basically with a constant flow of catalyst. The faster you unite with your projections, the faster you grow out of here. The more you dwell in resistance and negative energy, the more you limit yourself from infinite potential. There is no going deeper than what you truly desire beyond your ego's identity. We must all deal with this. From a space/time perspective, from the moment Infinity arise, it cannot stop because it is never complete. If it could stop then it would not exist at all as time doesn't exist like here. All the moments exist because the present exist. Without a single frame everything would collapse. Infinity feeds itself in circles from the microcosm to the macrocosm.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - AnthroHeart - 01-29-2017

(01-29-2017, 03:07 AM)Ashim Wrote: Mmmmmmmmaybe. But I guess I don't understand things from the perspective of why, if the Creator is one being, and all is infinite, STS or STO needs to mean anything at the higher densities. Couldn't an entity with godlike capability simply arrange the patterns in creation in any desired manner, considering that all is simultaneous, the energy of the creation is infinite, and behind the illusion of limits lies intelligent infinity?

I'm not sure. There is a Q'uo quote that says that Creator experiences ever increasing agony as well as pleasure. So it seems like, unless Creator loves agony, that it might be out of its direct control.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Ashim - 01-29-2017

Quote:What was the choice? Give up your willpower? Passively accept slavery?

No, quite the opposite. I chose to accept what had happened to me and to look inwards in order to find the reasons.
This resulted in much enlightenment and the conscious decision to polarize to the positive, so as to serve The One Infinite Creator in what I felt to be the highest possible capacity.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Mahakali - 01-29-2017

I hate them all.

RE: Mechanics of negative time/space - Minyatur - 01-29-2017

I think all you need to move forward Mahakali is to stop being so full of paradoxes and contradictions.

Those are the real enemies in gaining direction.

To me it seems you want the perks of balance while unbalanced, you want the perks of healing while being unwilling to heal, etc.