01-30-2017, 07:53 PM
(01-30-2017, 06:11 PM)Mahakali Wrote: Ashim was making the argument that anyone who does something will have the exact same done to them at some point, which is, as you pointed out, not how karma works, except in cases where arrogant governments, etc. decide to enforce some kind of system and invariably ends up being corrupt and arbitrary. I don't like those people.
This is not false either. This is applicable on a deeper level of reality manifestation. You gotta be aware of the symbolistic nature of events in order to see this. It is not point to point reaction of the universe to human actions but more like a broad tendancy of energy to manifest what will make your catalyst more obvious to you. If you answer government corruption with corrupted behaviors, you will at some point experience some manifestation that will bring to your attention that which needs to heal, which is that you block your energy flow out of vengeance, never giving yourself forgiveness for what has been done to you and what you have done to others.
(01-30-2017, 06:11 PM)Mahakali Wrote: The magick thing is probably an oversimplification; I've got a lot to learn. Because the energy flows certain ways in this illusion, so I have a lot to understand about the electromagnetic fields in my body/mind and how they interact with the world around me. I do need to prevent some blockages.
The study of the functioning of our energy field is the study of chakras which is also covered by the LOO. You should check it out. There are a few threads on these on the forums as well if you want easier and digestible material.
(01-30-2017, 06:11 PM)Mahakali Wrote: Sad? Why?
Maybe it's a LHP thing. I definitely lean that direction.... I crave solitude. I want that feeling of alone-ness more than anything right now. Not just in a physicals sense, but a spiritual sense.
The thing is you always were, always are, and always will be alone. There is just one here. There is only one mind. The fact that you partake in this earthly experience suggest that on the deeper level, you still want to experience seperation among manyness in order to experience the fruits of interaction between your self and other selves.
Maybe a bit of self honesty would help you move towards what you really want.