Well, the above answers are nice, but they don't really answer my questions, which are, essentially, related to the infinity/finity. I understand that most people think mass as some sort of quantity that needs to be attained, but from an objective, infinite viewpoint, that can't be true. Mass is a pattern or a classification of some kind. All energy is everywhere and infinite, if what Ra says is true, and if the entire creation is patterned with the image of infinity, then infinity needing to achieve infinity in order to experience infinity seems ridiculous.
I understand that taking everyone else's toys will help you achieve mass; my question is, why is taking others' toys necessary for this to be accomplished? Aren't you infinity? Don't you already have access to all the toys? If reality is infinite, then why couldn't you simply copy the pattern or the shape of a toy? I can make a copy of a CD and give it to a friend, so why doesn't reality work the same way? This is what confuses me.
And, sure you can argue that the blank CD is required, and that different kinds of CD players/MP3 players or headphones express the musical pattern in different ways, but aren't those things also just informational patterns? If the energy is infinite, then why not just copy a stereo system, too? Why does the finite have to enter the picture?
Also, I think the only reason an infinite being would want to incarnate on this wretched sphere is if they were really, really bored with their infinity and needed to completely repattern their consciousness by experiencing pain and intense desire so that they would have lots of games to play and things to build for a long time after ending the incarnation. Otherwise, I've noe clue; this place sucks, and I'd seriously consider checking out if there weren't so much time/space turmoil atm.
I understand that taking everyone else's toys will help you achieve mass; my question is, why is taking others' toys necessary for this to be accomplished? Aren't you infinity? Don't you already have access to all the toys? If reality is infinite, then why couldn't you simply copy the pattern or the shape of a toy? I can make a copy of a CD and give it to a friend, so why doesn't reality work the same way? This is what confuses me.
And, sure you can argue that the blank CD is required, and that different kinds of CD players/MP3 players or headphones express the musical pattern in different ways, but aren't those things also just informational patterns? If the energy is infinite, then why not just copy a stereo system, too? Why does the finite have to enter the picture?
Also, I think the only reason an infinite being would want to incarnate on this wretched sphere is if they were really, really bored with their infinity and needed to completely repattern their consciousness by experiencing pain and intense desire so that they would have lots of games to play and things to build for a long time after ending the incarnation. Otherwise, I've noe clue; this place sucks, and I'd seriously consider checking out if there weren't so much time/space turmoil atm.