01-29-2017, 03:07 AM
Mmmmmmmmaybe. But I guess I don't understand things from the perspective of why, if the Creator is one being, and all is infinite, STS or STO needs to mean anything at the higher densities. Couldn't an entity with godlike capability simply arrange the patterns in creation in any desired manner, considering that all is simultaneous, the energy of the creation is infinite, and behind the illusion of limits lies intelligent infinity?
So why is it necessary to take away from others in order to serve the self?
Anyways... that's what I don't understand, and what I'm seeking is the key to rearranging patterns at will. If all things are possible, then there must be a way to reconcile any particular reality that you desire by changing what you are connected to.
Quote:You are correct in that there is only one of us here. At higher densities it is not polarity in terms of STS and STO that becomes refined but male/female, female/male and then Love/Light, Light/Love. Intelligent Infinity or infinite intelligence becomes self aware manifesting as The One Infinite Creator. Then Intelligent Infinity is focused at a point or zero point into Infinite Energy. The two as one, paradoxically forming the conditions for infinite Creation. Then the first distortion or creation of individual aspects of The One in order for The One Infinite Creator to know himself. This is what we call "free will"
So why is it necessary to take away from others in order to serve the self?
Quote:As a function of polarity, on the negative path, it represents an increase in spiritual mass. Imagine stealing everyone's toys and taking them home. What would happen to the physical mass of your house?
Anyways... that's what I don't understand, and what I'm seeking is the key to rearranging patterns at will. If all things are possible, then there must be a way to reconcile any particular reality that you desire by changing what you are connected to.
Quote:Understand that you are connected by the forces of attraction and repulsion. These are functions of spiritual gravity and what we, as humans playing the Game of Life experience as karma. You, as your Higher Self or oversoul, will have set up the conditions for this particular incarnation in a way as to introduce the right catalyst, as required in order to complete your "mission". This may involve a "graduation" to a higher density. Reaching conscious awareness of Unity or oneness happens, for both polarities, at mid 6th density. One you have stolen a number of toys approaching infinity the mass of your house becomes infinite. Then, on reflection, the concept of "other than" is impossible to reconcile. This is the point at which there is an instantaneous reconfiguration of energy. Thus polarity is worked off, the gates of 7th density are opened and you may "walk the universe with unfettered tread".