Definitely a lot of questions there. I am going to attempt to answer to the heart of what I perceive you are asking about. It seems you have many questions but some really core concerns, those being polarity and catalyst. I will do what I can to help balance these ideas if it is possible. I will use Ra quotes in this context since that is where the concepts you are familiar with have come from. I will start with catalyst. This is the most direct explanation.
Can you perceive it? Then it's catalyst. However, I think the word and idea catalyst needs some defining. Lets look at just the definition of the word. Chemically, it refers to something that accelerates a reaction without it changing in itself. However I think the definition Ra uses is closer to the social concept:
a person or thing that precipitates an event.
"the governor's speech acted as a catalyst for debate"
synonyms: stimulus, stimulation, spark, sparkplug, spur, incitement, impetus
"the governor's speech was a catalyst for debate"
So it is a form of stimulation which produces events within the mind/body/spirit complex, these being literally anything which stimulates any of the parts of the self.
These quotes illustrate why in the LOO there are considered two paths and these are synonymous with the polarities because they are the elements of control and acceptance with catalyst. This is where things tend to become more muddled because the actual mechanics of 'control and acceptance' is not clearly illustrated. However, I think it is important to note that not all catalyst is "used" or even used properly necessarily, that is, it is not consciously fully accepted or controlled.
Here is a great example of the two different uses of catalyst:
In this case, I think the key to the polarized concept is in its duality. The question is what is it really talking about?
First off, catalyst is "neutral" until it is used, however it can also be changed. This is a point that I don't think Ra really ever touched on but I think that catalyst is always naturally neutral and only becomes polarized based on how it is used. The question, why do we need it?
Truth is, we don't. However, we are on a "veiled" planet, and this is a key concept to understanding the nature of polarity and catalyst as described by Ra. The 'veil' is the entire reasoning for the disconnection and separations between people, for our lack of unity and ability to perceive deeply in to eachother and for the inability to see ourselves as one, thus hampering compassion and cooperation.
Quote:93.11 Questioner: I would like, if possible, an example of the activity we call Catalyst of the Mind in a particular individual undergoing this process. Could Ra give an example of that?
Ra: I am Ra. All that assaults your senses is catalyst. We, in speaking to this support group through this instrument, offer catalyst. The configurations of each in the group of body offer catalyst through comfort/discomfort. In fact all that is unprocessed that has come before the notice of a mind/body/spirit complex is catalyst.
Can you perceive it? Then it's catalyst. However, I think the word and idea catalyst needs some defining. Lets look at just the definition of the word. Chemically, it refers to something that accelerates a reaction without it changing in itself. However I think the definition Ra uses is closer to the social concept:
a person or thing that precipitates an event.
"the governor's speech acted as a catalyst for debate"
synonyms: stimulus, stimulation, spark, sparkplug, spur, incitement, impetus
"the governor's speech was a catalyst for debate"
So it is a form of stimulation which produces events within the mind/body/spirit complex, these being literally anything which stimulates any of the parts of the self.
Quote:93.12 Questioner: Then presently we receive catalyst of the mind as we are aware of Ra’s communication and we receive catalyst of the body as our body senses all of the inputs to the body, as I understand it. But could Ra then describe catalyst of the spirit, and are we at this time receiving that catalyst also? And if not, could Ra give an example of that?
Ra: I am Ra. Catalyst being processed by the body is catalyst for the body. Catalyst being processed by the mind is catalyst for the mind. Catalyst being processed by the spirit is catalyst for the spirit. An individual mind/body/spirit complex may use any catalyst which comes before its notice, be it through the body and its senses or through mentation or through any other more highly developed source, and use this catalyst in its unique way to form an experience unique to it, with its biases.
Quote:46.16 Questioner: What is the plan for use of the catalyst of cancer?
Ra: I am Ra. The catalyst, and all catalyst, is designed to offer experience. This experience in your density may be loved and accepted or it may be controlled. These are the two paths. When neither path is chosen the catalyst fails in its design and the entity proceeds until catalyst strikes it which causes it to form a bias towards acceptance and love or separation and control. There is no lack of space/time in which this catalyst may work.
These quotes illustrate why in the LOO there are considered two paths and these are synonymous with the polarities because they are the elements of control and acceptance with catalyst. This is where things tend to become more muddled because the actual mechanics of 'control and acceptance' is not clearly illustrated. However, I think it is important to note that not all catalyst is "used" or even used properly necessarily, that is, it is not consciously fully accepted or controlled.
Quote:46.15 Questioner: How does cancer do this learn/teaching when the entity has no conscious idea of what is happening to him when he develops cancer?
Ra: I am Ra. In many cases catalyst is not used.
Here Don ghosts your questions that this is a very distorted planet.
66.34 Questioner: This planet, to me, seems to be what I would call a cesspool of distortions. This includes all diseases and malfunctions of the physical body in general. It would seem to me that, on the average, this planet would be very, very high on the list if we just took the overall amount of these problems. Am I, is my feeling correct in this assumption?
Ra: I am Ra. We will review previous material.
Catalyst is offered to the entity. If it is not used by the mind complex it will then filter through to the body complex and manifest as some form of physical distortion. The more efficient the use of catalyst, the less physical distortion to be found.
There are, in the case of those you call Wanderers, not only a congenital difficulty in dealing with the third-density vibratory patterns but also a recollection, however dim, that these distortions are not necessary or usual in the home vibration.
We over-generalize as always, for there are many cases of pre-incarnative decisions which result in physical or mental limitations and distortions, but we feel that you are addressing the question of widespread distortions towards misery of one form or another. Indeed, on some third-density planetary spheres catalyst has been used more efficiently. In the case of your planetary sphere there is much inefficient use of catalyst and, therefore, much physical distortion.
Here is a great example of the two different uses of catalyst:
Quote:46.9 Questioner: Certainly.
Ra: The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived not as folly in itself but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used.
Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began.
The negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected or random energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funneling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self, or otherwise control the situation causing anger.
Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst. Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analog of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue.
In this case, I think the key to the polarized concept is in its duality. The question is what is it really talking about?
First off, catalyst is "neutral" until it is used, however it can also be changed. This is a point that I don't think Ra really ever touched on but I think that catalyst is always naturally neutral and only becomes polarized based on how it is used. The question, why do we need it?
Quote:54.24 Questioner: The purpose then, seen from previous to incarnation, of what we call the incarnate physical state, seems to be wholly, or almost wholly, that of experiencing at that point the programmed catalyst and then evolving as a function of that catalyst. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall restate for clarity. The purpose of incarnative existence is evolution of mind, body, and spirit. In order to do this it is not strictly necessary to have catalyst. However, without catalyst the desire to evolve and the faith in the process do not normally manifest and thus evolution occurs not. Therefore, catalyst is programmed and the program is designed for the mind/body/spirit complex for its unique requirements. Thus it is desirable that a mind/body/spirit complex be aware of and hearken to the voice of its experiential catalyst, gleaning from it that which it incarnated to glean.
Truth is, we don't. However, we are on a "veiled" planet, and this is a key concept to understanding the nature of polarity and catalyst as described by Ra. The 'veil' is the entire reasoning for the disconnection and separations between people, for our lack of unity and ability to perceive deeply in to eachother and for the inability to see ourselves as one, thus hampering compassion and cooperation.
Quote:79.22 Questioner: Well, the idea then was to create some type of veil between Matrix and Potentiator. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
79.23 Questioner: This veil then occurs between what we now call the conscious and the unconscious mind. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Quote:93.20 Questioner: I was just wondering if the transparency of the garment on the third card indicates the semi-permeable nature of the veil between conscious and subconscious?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a thoughtful perception and cannot be said to be incorrect. However, the intended suggestion, in general, is an echo of our earlier suggestion that the nature of catalyst is that of the unconscious; that is, outward catalyst comes through the veil.
All that you perceive seems to be consciously perceived. This is not the correct supposition. All that you perceive is perceived as catalyst unconsciously. By the, shall we say, time that the mind begins its appreciation of catalyst, that catalyst has been filtered through the veil and in some cases much is veiled in the most apparently clear perception.