01-28-2017, 01:54 AM
(01-27-2017, 10:03 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: I'm not condemning the magical path, friend! I'm just sharing my thoughts. I think the path of the adept is a worthy path to take. I've always been attracted to the mystical and magickal. My concerns are for the right use of power, which is apart of my learning, and which may mean something different to me than to you. You do as you see fit and I wish you all the best in your pursuits!
Ah. Well, in my case, I seek a place of total separation - or at least access to a room of total separation - where I can manifest whatever I want. Thus, I'm really only seeking power over myself. I don't believe that the "right use of power" means anything important in regards to my spiritual pursuits. In regard to my personal life, I'm likely to get rather nasty against whatever's trying to keep me tied down, as well as anything it cares about or wants to protect, but, in general, I'm indifferent; if I were left to my own devices, I'd just keep to myself, and I don't really care one way or another about morality or RHP or LHP or any other such abstract designations. I'm interested in freedom. I'm willing to do whatever it takes - whether it means talking and being nice, or raping and killing - in order to remove resistance to my freedom, and I'm not going to feel bad about attacking anything trying to keep me from it, or anything connected to it.
That's kinda what I've decided. I could probably operate in either an STO or STS environment; I want power over myself (whatever orientation you'd consider that); I'll do what it takes to get that power; I'll make anything that keeps it from me regret doing so sorely, and even if I lose, then whatever's doing this to me better not care about anything at all, because I'll steal it, rape it, kill it, and burn it to the ground, and I'll leave you saying, "I wish I hadn't messed with that kid."
But I just want to have power over myself, and learn and create and amuse myself with my own patterns.