(01-26-2017, 05:53 PM)Ashim Wrote:(01-25-2017, 08:20 PM)Mahakal Wrote: So the astral is the same as time/space? Or they are different?
What we tend to call "the astral" is the 3rd density(space/time) time/space analog.
It is as distorted as 3rd density physical and at the moment in the process of transformation to 4th density, where "all is known".
If you are noticing the change of quality of dreams, from the abstract, towards the more concrete, then this is an indication of the progression.
This does not sound like a good "progression" or anything I want any part of. Most of the stuff that's going on on Earth right now gives me horrifically bad vibes. It seems to me like how Ra described Yahweh-Orion's message: negativity with a positive bent. Seems to me if it were a liberating vibration, we'd me moving MORE into the abstract and transcendental, and I want no part of such a "progression", whatever the case.
Is there a way to peacefully opt-out and follow my own spiritual progression in freedom, non-violence, and (astral) isolation, or do I have to fight and kill my way out? I can do either way.
(01-26-2017, 09:58 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: Well, "as above, so below". The physical space time is an analog of time/space. Before manifestion occurs, the thought or form is formed in the metaphysical time/space portion. Those seeking to manipulate the physical, would be working from the subconscious or astral planes. The Law of One explains the mechanics when Carla was being attacked by the 5D negative entity.
I would say here that manipulating the physical treads dangerously close to the left hand path. The white magician only does magick on the self and the lightening of the planetary consciousness, such as through group visualization, which is very powerful when there are multiple adepts working together. Doing the Great Work benefits the self and by extension the entire planet, for we are all One.
A great many magickal traditions on this planet are of mixed polarity. THis is an area that I originally sought in when I was 17. I didn't realize it at the time, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I stared to see how much of the magical traditions are steeped with service to self practices. One need not look very far to see an example of one seeker who thought he was positive but did quite negative things, I.e. Aleister Crowley mentioned in the Law of One. The first two time I read the LOO, I didn't see it or I didn't pick it up, which I think was because it was apart of my active processes at the time. I was trying to figure it out for myself. After I did, I saw it in the Law of One and it resonated.
Anyway, all I am saying is to be very clear about your intentions! Follow the path of resonance and it shall take you exactly where you need to be
Anyone who says that manipulating the physical is "wrong" is a stupid a******. Also, I usually lean pretty LHP, so that accusation is a compliment, if anything.
However, I'll clarify that I'm not trying to manipulate the physical in order to dominate it to the detriment of others, as much as for my own personal amusement. I don't like other people; I'll share whatever I make with them if they want it, but I just wanna make my own stuff.
And if using magick to amuse yourself seems like an immoral thing to do to you, then you sound like a demiurgic butt-puppet to me, and I don't like you. And I'm not (necessarily) referring to you specifically here.
(01-25-2017, 10:04 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: You're probably referring then to Neuromancy. Bringing the dream world into the physical.
It's already a dream world. I just want to learn how to create my own shapes and colors and places and events. I don't just wanna play the game vanilla-style with the manufacturer-approved DLC, I wanna make my own mods and learn how to rebuild the game from the ground up.