10-27-2010, 09:12 PM
(10-27-2010, 05:18 PM)LsavedSmeD Wrote: I'm completly confused.
I thought the genetic manipulation was done for a body compatible with 3rd density experience???
Were there 3rd density entities before 75,000 years ago?
I'm really confused...........I have always been confused by the 75,00 year scenario - the harvest is every 25,000 years 2 minor harvests and then the grand harvest which is approaching that would mean there was no harvest before 75,000 years; does this mean there was no 3rd density entities???????
Were Neanderthals 2nd density? There is a discrepancy between Homo sapiens (Wise human) and Homo sapiens sapiens (Wise wise humans).
I'm still confused.
It seems that the very late 2nd density beings who became 3rd density looked exactly like us, and keep in mind that the transition took over a thousand years. I know also that Ra said there was some extensive physical alteration, so I don't know exactly how to explain the fact that fully modern human skeletons have been found that date to as much as 150,000 years. As to neanderthal, their presence seems to coincide well with the Maldek entities. The fact that Ra calls them a type of bigfoot is somewhat confusiing since modern depictions make them look very close to us. The only thing I can figure is that those making the depictions have in fact never actually seen a neanderthal, so they might have it totally wrong. If this doesn't answer your question, I apologize. I myself have long had many questions about this since the fossil and artifact record seems to make our presence much older than 75000 years.