01-03-2017, 09:47 AM
Great comversation, thank you all!
I would like to add a few things:
I think its pretty impossible to tell where one will end up using any kind of medicine like ayahuasca, peyote, lsd and the likes.
It is entirely dependant on your stage of spiritual evolution, degree and depths of healing, intention, setting and so on.
I think one should absolutely and most importantly be aware what these substances CAN do.
These substances can completely wreck your "inner control". This means they loosen or suspend your control which keeps you from experiencing either higher states of consciousness which might overwhelm you or leave you unfunctional on a human level if you re not prepared.
They can also lead you to the core of trauma, making you re-experience this old and still unprocessed pain.
I cannot stress this last point enough!!
The ones among you which re-experienced trauma in a therapeutic setting probably know what im speaking of.
The ones who dont should seriously consider this.
When you are willing and able to go very deep in extremely painful experiences, than these substances might be for your.
I would advise on NEVER doing it alone, unless you are extremely advanced spiritually as well as on your healing path (which in a way is the same).
Justimagine for example you end up in a state where you re-experience being raped as a baby.
You will probably not be able to bear this alone, even more considering the fact where have been left alone in these experiences.
Re-experiencing trauma alone will mostprobably result in re-traumatizing, causing psychosis, schizophrenia and the likes (worst case szenario).
Because of that you would want someone who is experienced, absolutely trustworthy and willing and capable of really "staying there" in case you end up in a painful experience.
Take into account that a person usually cannot allow another to experience deep pain that he himself/herself has notyet healed (because of resonance).
If done in the rightsorrounding, withthe right people and good set, setting, intention ithas the potential of enormous healing which otherwise might take decades until you re ready to access this depth.
You could as well end up in more pleasant experiences, but its impossible to tell.
I experienced ayahuasca on several ceremonial occassions. The experience wasnt really that good, because the "holding" in that group wasnt good at all, meaning, they would just leave you alone in your whatever you end up.
Fortunately my girlfriend was with me and she is solid as a rock, her love being so strong that she would accompany me in whatever depth.
Taking ayahuasca or the likes in a ceremonial setting with a REAL SHAMAN or with an experienced therapist can be ofgreat value, one should however do some research on the people offering it.
One more word on ayahuasca:
I would say, its a lotdifferent from other substances. A friend of mine (who i value very much as an incredible advanced being) brought me to this and i found it to be true:
Ayahuasca does not only loosen your control and open up inner doors, it also helps in a very special way. If the state you experience cannot be consciously processed (which sometimes is the case with extremely early trauma) it "transfers" the energy to a physical level, meaning it will be somatized in the body and one might "vomit out" (literally) the energy.
Your onservations on this would be highly appreciated!
A question to the mods:
Since many users seem to ingest plant medicine and other drugs anyway, i feel the need for a "if you do it then how to do it safest" guide or thread.
Please letme know what you think about this.
I would like to add a few things:
I think its pretty impossible to tell where one will end up using any kind of medicine like ayahuasca, peyote, lsd and the likes.
It is entirely dependant on your stage of spiritual evolution, degree and depths of healing, intention, setting and so on.
I think one should absolutely and most importantly be aware what these substances CAN do.
These substances can completely wreck your "inner control". This means they loosen or suspend your control which keeps you from experiencing either higher states of consciousness which might overwhelm you or leave you unfunctional on a human level if you re not prepared.
They can also lead you to the core of trauma, making you re-experience this old and still unprocessed pain.
I cannot stress this last point enough!!
The ones among you which re-experienced trauma in a therapeutic setting probably know what im speaking of.
The ones who dont should seriously consider this.
When you are willing and able to go very deep in extremely painful experiences, than these substances might be for your.
I would advise on NEVER doing it alone, unless you are extremely advanced spiritually as well as on your healing path (which in a way is the same).
Justimagine for example you end up in a state where you re-experience being raped as a baby.
You will probably not be able to bear this alone, even more considering the fact where have been left alone in these experiences.
Re-experiencing trauma alone will mostprobably result in re-traumatizing, causing psychosis, schizophrenia and the likes (worst case szenario).
Because of that you would want someone who is experienced, absolutely trustworthy and willing and capable of really "staying there" in case you end up in a painful experience.
Take into account that a person usually cannot allow another to experience deep pain that he himself/herself has notyet healed (because of resonance).
If done in the rightsorrounding, withthe right people and good set, setting, intention ithas the potential of enormous healing which otherwise might take decades until you re ready to access this depth.
You could as well end up in more pleasant experiences, but its impossible to tell.
I experienced ayahuasca on several ceremonial occassions. The experience wasnt really that good, because the "holding" in that group wasnt good at all, meaning, they would just leave you alone in your whatever you end up.
Fortunately my girlfriend was with me and she is solid as a rock, her love being so strong that she would accompany me in whatever depth.
Taking ayahuasca or the likes in a ceremonial setting with a REAL SHAMAN or with an experienced therapist can be ofgreat value, one should however do some research on the people offering it.
One more word on ayahuasca:
I would say, its a lotdifferent from other substances. A friend of mine (who i value very much as an incredible advanced being) brought me to this and i found it to be true:
Ayahuasca does not only loosen your control and open up inner doors, it also helps in a very special way. If the state you experience cannot be consciously processed (which sometimes is the case with extremely early trauma) it "transfers" the energy to a physical level, meaning it will be somatized in the body and one might "vomit out" (literally) the energy.
Your onservations on this would be highly appreciated!
A question to the mods:
Since many users seem to ingest plant medicine and other drugs anyway, i feel the need for a "if you do it then how to do it safest" guide or thread.
Please letme know what you think about this.