05-24-2016, 04:34 AM
You can do all the research in world, but in the end you wont understand plant medicine until you use it. Additionally, ayahuasca (yage) differs from other plant medicines in key ways that, again, defy explanation until you can experience it yourself. However, some useful things can be said about it.
The most important thing to understand is that yage is a medicine, not a drug. The indiginous cultures that use yage only ever refer to it as medicine. This isnt simply due to its chemical makeup either. The ceremony is integral to turning this synergy of plants into a medicine, as is the integrity and experience of the shaman leading the ceremony.
It is a medicine in such a deep way, that you will finally understand what the word medicine truly means. It heals us on such a profound and deep level, in ways you didnt know you needed to be healed. And im not talking about real life traumas, which those will be healed as well. But what im talking about is the healing that is taking place on the soul level. The pain deep in our hearts that we have such difficulty communing with our great mother earth. The yage teaches us how to be human again.
This isnt some joy ride, though you will experience immense joy. This is deep inner work. The intention that you bring to it will help you to get the most out of it. The questions you take into the ceremony will be answered, and i mean answered directly. Drinking ayahuasca is your right as a human being. i personally see the pyschedelic experience as integral to the human experience as sex is, perhaps even more.
You will feel the calling when its time. I felt the calling once, and the stars aligned and the most loving human ive ever met came into my life and gave me medicine. Use your intuition though. While the ayahuasca itself is healing, the intentions, integrity and the experience (years working with the medicine) of the shaman is vitally important to a good experience. I was lucky enough to be blessed with an amazing shaman coming into my life, and immediately upon meeting him knew him to be true. So do your homework. Not online homework, but personal references if you can manage it. Online can work, but try to contact participants and ask about lineage, years working with the medicine, etc.
Personally, drinking medicine is the single best thing i do in my life. The thought of it now brings tears to my eyes. And its not just during the ceremony either. Its the people i meet, the smiles i see. The medicine brings the best people together to meet. It is creating a better world. This is one of the most ancient traditions that we know of today. The healing is real. The help is real. You could spend 10 years working with a psychiatrist, or one night with yage. It really is that powerful. I wont lie to you, its hard sometimes. But a good path MUST be hard. But, paradoxically, its also the easiest thing i do.
PS: a good book on this topic is called Rainforest Medicine. Check it out
The most important thing to understand is that yage is a medicine, not a drug. The indiginous cultures that use yage only ever refer to it as medicine. This isnt simply due to its chemical makeup either. The ceremony is integral to turning this synergy of plants into a medicine, as is the integrity and experience of the shaman leading the ceremony.
It is a medicine in such a deep way, that you will finally understand what the word medicine truly means. It heals us on such a profound and deep level, in ways you didnt know you needed to be healed. And im not talking about real life traumas, which those will be healed as well. But what im talking about is the healing that is taking place on the soul level. The pain deep in our hearts that we have such difficulty communing with our great mother earth. The yage teaches us how to be human again.
This isnt some joy ride, though you will experience immense joy. This is deep inner work. The intention that you bring to it will help you to get the most out of it. The questions you take into the ceremony will be answered, and i mean answered directly. Drinking ayahuasca is your right as a human being. i personally see the pyschedelic experience as integral to the human experience as sex is, perhaps even more.
You will feel the calling when its time. I felt the calling once, and the stars aligned and the most loving human ive ever met came into my life and gave me medicine. Use your intuition though. While the ayahuasca itself is healing, the intentions, integrity and the experience (years working with the medicine) of the shaman is vitally important to a good experience. I was lucky enough to be blessed with an amazing shaman coming into my life, and immediately upon meeting him knew him to be true. So do your homework. Not online homework, but personal references if you can manage it. Online can work, but try to contact participants and ask about lineage, years working with the medicine, etc.
Personally, drinking medicine is the single best thing i do in my life. The thought of it now brings tears to my eyes. And its not just during the ceremony either. Its the people i meet, the smiles i see. The medicine brings the best people together to meet. It is creating a better world. This is one of the most ancient traditions that we know of today. The healing is real. The help is real. You could spend 10 years working with a psychiatrist, or one night with yage. It really is that powerful. I wont lie to you, its hard sometimes. But a good path MUST be hard. But, paradoxically, its also the easiest thing i do.
PS: a good book on this topic is called Rainforest Medicine. Check it out