Today I had a picnic with the group who I will be drinking ayahuasca with! They are quite a bohemian bunch, it was wonderful. If this is what people are like who regularly drink ayahuasca, I'm in! I chatted to many people about their experiences. One lady told me her life story, she was just radiating. She told me that she was a drug addict before, and a friend said to her "the only thing that will save you now is ayahuasca". One ceremony and the job was done. Said her whole life changed. She was very into computers, and never touched a computer after that. Now she makes herbal remedies for a living. She also recommended magic mushrooms.
One guy looked like Jesus, walking round in a white robe, just smiling and hugging everyone. I had to keep myself from staring sometimes, it was quite an experience. I think these people all experienced ego death by the looks of it. They regularly get curanderos in from Peru, to lead ceremonies.
One guy looked like Jesus, walking round in a white robe, just smiling and hugging everyone. I had to keep myself from staring sometimes, it was quite an experience. I think these people all experienced ego death by the looks of it. They regularly get curanderos in from Peru, to lead ceremonies.