(05-09-2016, 10:37 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Anyway, my point again: I believe there is a reason that DMT has hidden itself so thoroughly and traditionally is extracted from a very intense ritual. Those who have been able to isolate the molecule in a laboratory have likely not done this with service to others intentions, or with the highest intent for the molecule, as "laboratory pharmaceuticals" are one of the biggest cash cows available, at least in America. Again, if we use the prostitute/maiden metaphor, it's like taking your maiden and having someone strip off all of her clothes for you, and then you find her already "primed". Where as an ayahuasca ceremony is more about patiently waiting for the maiden to take off her clothes for you, and reveal herself.
Are Ayahuasca retreats free?
If not they are vulnerable to the exact same exploitation for money. And the the profit could be comparable relative to the amount of individuals involved. I'm sure there are just as many people cashing in on that market in a bastardized and prostituted way as the pharmaceutical companies, but perhaps I'm just a pessimist.
And back to my point: compared to the Yogi, the ayahuasca ceremony is the prostitution of naturally taking time and discipline by getting there with only the careful discipline of mental efforts. It's a "quick fix".
As for DMT being hidden thoroughly, it's really not from my perspective. It's in every living thing, and we release it every night when we sleep at night. And I would disagree with your assertion about the people in laboratory settings. Oftentimes the scientists themselves have actual service to others intent in the medicines they distill. It's the CEO's and other executives in the corporation that are usually the money hungry STS ones.