One other little thing that is missing in this conversation, is that with ayahuasca specifically, the role and experience of the shaman is a key component in the ritual. While I haven't participated in a ceremony yet, this is something you frequently encounter in the ayahuasca literature and articles and testimonials online. The "who" is just as important as the "how" and "why".
Ayahuasca is the opening of a channel. You can quite easily compare this to the Ra contact, it had to be Don, Carla and Jim specifically, to be able to receive Ra. They have prepared for this over lifetimes, in order to serve in such a capacity and give this gift to others.
Ayahuasca is no different to me. It is an advanced skill to navigate those worlds, and be able to truly serve those in the group (and keep them safe). It is the work of an adept. There is no such thing as something for nothing.
I once worked with someone who told me that a friend of his is in a vegetative state today because of ayahuasca. It was a bunch of kids getting their hands on ayahuasca at AfrikaBurn (our version of Burning Man), and "something went wrong" - his words.
It is not in my nature to be alarmist or anything like that, but I think people don't approach ayahuasca with the caution, sincerity and homework necessary. Ayahuasca is a tool of the adept, and I think ignorance can cost you dearly. There are of course innumerable variables, but I think due diligence and caution is advisable.
Ayahuasca is the opening of a channel. You can quite easily compare this to the Ra contact, it had to be Don, Carla and Jim specifically, to be able to receive Ra. They have prepared for this over lifetimes, in order to serve in such a capacity and give this gift to others.
Ayahuasca is no different to me. It is an advanced skill to navigate those worlds, and be able to truly serve those in the group (and keep them safe). It is the work of an adept. There is no such thing as something for nothing.
I once worked with someone who told me that a friend of his is in a vegetative state today because of ayahuasca. It was a bunch of kids getting their hands on ayahuasca at AfrikaBurn (our version of Burning Man), and "something went wrong" - his words.
It is not in my nature to be alarmist or anything like that, but I think people don't approach ayahuasca with the caution, sincerity and homework necessary. Ayahuasca is a tool of the adept, and I think ignorance can cost you dearly. There are of course innumerable variables, but I think due diligence and caution is advisable.