05-04-2016, 07:54 PM
(05-04-2016, 04:01 PM)Papercut Wrote: Greetings,
There's something that has been on my mind but I'm having a difficulty expressing it so I back out every time from posting due to distortion.
Anyhow I'll just type and see where it goes.
So, supposedly there is a higher consciousness upon this plane that we emerged from. Many times Ra have implied that there were individuals in the past who reached this High consciousness/unity to obtain knowledge.
Assuming that we go back to our spiritual selves after we die, and get in touch with this higher consciousness/unity. It would mean we already posses much knowledge than needed to move on from this 3rd density plane. So why do we choose to go back, forget everything and start from scratch and distortion.
This cannot be the first time I found myself upon incarnating.
Why would we make ourselves go through this suffering every time just to find the same answer and get lost once again.
I hope I'm clear enough and this isn't already distorted too far.
Just what is progress? If time is an illusion then why would we be "rewarded" by what we do here eg. being in Service to Others in this massively misunderstood distortion.
I'm speaking to those whom experienced this very illusion of time, you know what I mean. The past does not exist nor does it matter. So why, why would I be harvested based on illusion within an illusionary idea of a past?
The growth is not for what the growth will net us. For we are already the creator, and we are already perfect, all knowing, all powerful, perfect peace, perfect love, perfect wisdom. Thus, there is no reward for good behavior or punishment for bad behavior. Karma is just imbalance attracting those experiences which create balance.
We incarnate to experience growth for growth itself. The experience of growth is what puts the "aliveness" in LIFE. That is hard for us to understand from this incarnate vantage point, but the experience of growth, on all levels of consciousness, is the most sought after experience of infinite intelligence. It gives meaning to infinite intelligence. The creator knows itself through the growth of all forms. Growth can oftentimes seem painful. That's true. But before you came into this life, you were absolutely THRILLED to have the opportunity to "play the Earth school game". From your spiritual vantage point, although knowing it would be challenging, you knew that afterwards it would be an extremely cherished and unique one of a kind experience. From the discarnate vantage point of pure peace, we don't fear the circumstances of incarnation, we absolutely look forward to it and the "role" we will "play" upon the stage of life.
If it's any consolation, for every pain you experience there will eventually be the polar opposite healing experience. In the end all distortions are completely balanced out, so no matter how wounded we become, we will eventually be healed completely, just as surely as the ripples on a pond will eventually become still. Everything balances out in the end. Everything is healed - mind, body, and spirit.
Essentially, as the creator, we pretend to be undeveloped precisely for the reason that we can then pretend to develop. It is a spiritual game that infinity has/is/always will be playing. This can be depressing for some people when they are in the midst of uncomfortable growing pains, but if it's any consolation, the more growth we achieve, the less "contrasting" the incarnate lessons are. In other words, the growth lessons become softer and more refined as we become more spiritually aware and no longer need aversive catalyst to motivate us to seek after "better circumstances".