11-23-2015, 08:31 PM
u might get some good results from q'uo transcripts if u search for soul stream and personality shell
Quote:It is our understanding that each of you is part of a soul stream. You, as a soul stream, may be considered to be at the center of a three-dimensional, timeless field in which all of the incarnations which you have experienced as an individual in third density, fourth density, fifth, sixth or seventh density resides. The fruit, the harvest, of your incarnation is gathered, thankfully and lovingly, by the soul stream and by the Creator as you experience life within an incarnation and most especially as you leave the incarnation and go through the healing process of the review of the incarnation after your physical death and before you choose your next incarnation.
Again, it is our understanding that, having been reunited with your soul stream and your higher self before you choose the manner of your next incarnation, you carefully consider what you feel may be distorted about the balance of your soul stream. Are you too heavily a creature of love? Can you keep your heart open but perhaps do not have the wisdom that you would wish that you had? Or, alternatively, are you one who is very wise but has trouble opening the heart? Or, as a third possibility, is your incarnation one which has to do with the right use of power? If so, then you may examine those patterns that repeat in your incarnation, analyzing those patterns for the possibility of an imbalance between power and love or an imbalance between power and wisdom.
It is thoughts of this kind that cause you and your higher self to choose the next experience behind the veil of third density. You are always looking, as a soul stream, to lessen distortion and to increase the balance of your soul stream. By balance, we do not mean to imply that the goal of the soul stream is to achieve indifference or neutrality. Rather, we are suggesting that balance is that which enables the entire energy body to remain open within incarnation, so that you may more fully know who you are, you may more fully serve, and you may more fully be the essence of yourself.
That being said, what you experience as your personality is actually a kind of shell. It is a kind of clothing, mask or costume. It is not a trick. That is to say although it is an illusion, all things are illusory to one extent or another. Your personality shell is as real as you know how to make it be. Nevertheless, what you experience as your personality shell or as some might say, the ego, is not the whole of yourself and was never intended to be a true representation of your soul stream.
[font=X, Arial, Calibri, 'Times Roman', serif, X]As we talk to you, you know that we are a combination of fourth-density, fifth-density, and sixth-density entities. Those within the principle of Q’uo have not yet gone through the ending of an octave of creation. However, it is our understanding, limited though it may be, that the essence of each part of the Creator that has been sent out remains in potentiation as the Creator breathes and decides again to know Itself better. And when It sends out parts of Itself again, there is a natural tendency to fracture or be splintered into the precisely identical soul stream that you experienced in the previous octave. So in truth, you, as an individual, are never lost. You simply are folded up into the Creator after a full octave of experience. After coming from alpha to omega you start again and you learn again and you desire again and the fruits of that are preserved for the Creator so that It may know Itself ever better.[/font]