(11-23-2015, 07:01 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Literally asking because I'm trying to unify the concept of Finite Human and Infinite Soul melding into One being (we are 'complex')...Any ideas?
My understanding is each density has different soul types. Or, we could just more clearly call them "consciousness types". So you have the 3rd density consciousness (you), the 2nd density consciousness (the cellular or genetic instinctual intelligence of the chemical body) and 1st density consciousness (elemental consciousness of the matter of your chemical body).
The second density consciousness, and 1st density consciousness have group consciousness and do not have individual personalities (this is not to say they don't have dispositions, they just aren't organized like 3rd density egoic driven self).
As a 3rd density being, your personality is an equal melding of all those components, however, my understanding is you have to incarnate in a body that at least, matches your vibrational patterns in potential. Otherwise, the merging will not go well. You can't incarnate in a body that is too dissimilar from your "soul matrix", because it is like trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. Similar to putting on clothes, the clothes have to "fit" the shape of you.
From a "you are always manifesting the reality about you" standpoint, the body that is attracted to your consciousness is simply a reflection of at least some facets of your spiritual personality. But keep in mind, your soul has many many facets to it, and it isn't necessarily reflecting every facet in every incarnation. There is a symbiotic relationship between the 3rd density consciousness and its lower density counterparts. The lower density constituents get their evolution accelerated, and the 3rd density consciousness gets exposure to the courser vibrations of the lower plane components which provides learning catalyst which accelerates its evolution as well.
I'm not saying that there can't be some measure of juxtaposition between 3rd density mind and the bodily consciousness. And in fact, there usually is, because the difficulty of harmonizing the two can provide valuable growth opportunities for the incarnating spirit.
And I would say that all consciousness is infinite (regardless of density) , it is only the material projection/reflection that is finite.