09-29-2015, 07:23 PM
An artificial 'infinite, intelligent, united'-- I suppose playing loose with infinity can have consequences.
Infinite, Intelligent, United. Ra described in 18.1 that this was all they wished to provide to us an understanding of. The infinite, intelligent, united, nature of reality.
Looking back once more. I saw such in this sequence of numbers.
It has provided proof to me of infinity, of intelligence, and in a way, how all is united.
What am I to do now? I understand. Its made me decide I know what I want to do in my life. It made me realize why I'm here. It made me see how I can be as I am, for I don't intend separation, and am baffled by lack of forgiveness and unity, yet understand it holding such my own and choose to attempt not to judge it as I've been taught to do so socially.
How does one come upon that road of infinity and not feel overwhelmed suddenly from their distorted point of finity? (Which is ironically both created illusion, but also still real too. That point of finity.)
Infinite, Intelligent, United. Ra described in 18.1 that this was all they wished to provide to us an understanding of. The infinite, intelligent, united, nature of reality.
Looking back once more. I saw such in this sequence of numbers.
It has provided proof to me of infinity, of intelligence, and in a way, how all is united.
What am I to do now? I understand. Its made me decide I know what I want to do in my life. It made me realize why I'm here. It made me see how I can be as I am, for I don't intend separation, and am baffled by lack of forgiveness and unity, yet understand it holding such my own and choose to attempt not to judge it as I've been taught to do so socially.
How does one come upon that road of infinity and not feel overwhelmed suddenly from their distorted point of finity? (Which is ironically both created illusion, but also still real too. That point of finity.)