216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Printable Version

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216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-22-2015

This is going to sound crazy.  I might need to dress up in a tinfoil hat for this.  I am going to lay down a 216 number sequence of phi starting from the first row of 1+1 to the next row of 2+2, to the next row of 4+4 all the way to 9+9.  This will continue for 24 counts each row, ending at the 24th due to infinite repetition afterwards.

This sequence will produce columns and rows that together are asymmetrically patterned to produce an infinite square of mathematical pattern that, in my personal opinion, is mathematical proof of an intelligence having designed existence.  What that intelligence is, I'unno.  Scientifically-Mathematically speaking, it doesn't matter, there is an intelligence that makes up the most basic building blocks of existence, Numbers.  Let's begin the sequence:


-fingers gasp for air- Really hope I didn't make any mistakes there.  -pre-edit: Yup I did, fixed-

Looks like a jumble of numbers I bet.  -pulls out highlighter-

Nine's, placed at the 12th sequence consistently, which also make up the bottom row and final column (Eternal Kingdom from which all stems)

One's columns have a sequential pattern.

Eight's columns mimic in reverse the pattern seen in the One's columns.

Similarly, Seven's and Two's Rows are identical.  Notice the twelfth Column of nine's acts as a mediator or separator/unifier

This pattern of Seven's and Two's columns also exists both in the Rows.

Now without highlighting, try to see the way every Column starting with four, and five, match up.
Now look for the rows that start with four and five, try to see how they match up.

Do the same for Columns and Rows starting with Three and Six now.

The entire grid of 216 numbers is a giant pattern sequence repeating itself, infinitely.  This 216 Phi Sequence Grid is in essence, the most basic representation of Reality and how it is constructed, aka a Reality Matrix.

Take note how 9's are apparently eternal, notice how the presence of a 9 causes in terms of linearity, an exact replica on the opposite end.  Imagine the Columns are attached circularly from top to bottom, you might notice that if you turned this grid into a sphere it'd be an infinite sphere, or maybe the appropriate image would be a torus (Phi symbol is a 2D torus, collective unconscious labeling, whoo!)  Though both should work though I have no way of portraying it to you...  A sphere is probably the most proper though as this represents the smallest cluster there can be conceptually existentially in creation.  One 'bit' containing every possible outcome repeating infinitely.

Or maybe the voices telling me these things are just my thoughts going nuts, I don't know.  But I saw it, and now I'm sharing it.  

Let's see, what else.
24 Divided by 9 = 2.666666667, or a 2 with 9 digits reconciling on the 9th decimal place, a perfect 'one third' (1/3) division, a ratio capable of a trinity to exist in perfect unity.  2.666666667 Multiplied by 3 = 8.000000001, welcome to a perfect Trinity of an Octave. (Triangle) (This is basically the foundation) (notice, square root of 9 is 3, 24 divided by 3 is 8, the octave simplified)

The Square root of 24 is 4.898979486, or a 4 with 9 digits reconciling on the 9th decimal place, a perfect 'one fourth' division, a ratio capable of a perfect four-way unity to exist.  Remember, 24 is already an octave, but it's been extended 3-fold to yield more possibilities (Energy, Vibration, Frequency).  This ratio allows for a perfect four-way object to exist inside an octave. (Pyramid) (notice, square root of 24 is 4.898979486, 9 Multiplied by 4.898979486 = 44.09081537, essentially, the totality of the octave as a whole simplified.  How?  44.09081537 Divided by 4.898979486 = 8.999999999)


You have 9 and 24.  9 has a square root of 3, 24 has a square root of 4.898979486, and 8 is the sum of all there can be.

You divide 24 by it's opposite, 9 (width divided by length) to get the first Simplification of Micro.  The Foundation to the Octave.
You multiply the square root of 9 against this Simplification (micro multiplied by micro) to get the Sum Micro, 8.000000001

You then divide 24 by it's Square Root (you create yourself, how do you find your 'root'?) which turns out is 4.898979486, the Simplification of Macro.  The next building block of the Octave.  You now take the Simplified Macro and multiply it against the Macro of the micro's square root, so 3's square, 9.  So 4.898979486 multiplied against 9 to get the Sum Macro of the Octave, 44.09081537. Divide this by the root(micro) of the Macro Sum of 4.898979486, and you get the Sum Macro 8.999999999.

Non-similarly, the Square Root of 9 is 3, an incomplete one third division, with an infinite trinity that has no end (3.3-repeating infinitely)  Which works in tandem with the completed trinity to perform both the manifest and unmanifest (24 Divided by 3 is 8, the Sum of the Manifested and Unmanifest).  The perfect form in each way, both different but the same on both ends.  A geometric pattern that is a building block.  And because reality has a distortion that basically mirrors everything on top of itself as seen in the Reality Matrix 216 Phi Sequence itself, this manner of unity would result in an overlapping of the totality upon itself, forming the space/time and time/space distortions that create spacetime and timespace in every density, every octave.  -getting tired-

Tri's and Quad's are essentially encoded into the way things are mathematically reconciled.  The Square Root shows us that existence is multiplied by itself into infinity.  The most basic deconstruction of the reality reveals a basic trinity pair as a foundation.  You may know this as Energy, Vibration, Frequency, math knows this as a physical sequence of arithmetic being manipulated through complex filters.  There's so much more but I just don't understand it.  Ways to make sense of where more complex numbers build to more infinitely complex realities.  These numbers I think can be linked to sacred geometry to further explain in depth utilizing the most basic mathematical understanding, underlying the more advanced geometric understanding, the way reality is built.  I just don't know how to explain it because I don't fully understand.

I think I just realized what I really really want to do with my life now.  Does anyone else see what I see and understand what I'm trying to say here?  Blatzaddict might as it goes into what he tried to convey with his thread regarding sacred geometry.

Preedit proof read: I just re-read my own post, and I sound like a crazy person but I see the logic I'm using, just don't know how to explain it because I lack the education...  I'm sorry for the raving.  I just spent 3 hours on this post decoding to myself the answers I've been trying to piece together.  I feel crazy, but it feels good!  I don't know if anyone understands any of this, but I'm realizing I do.

I see intelligence in this sequence.  I see a clear-cut intelligent design.  This was created intelligently, not randomly.

That is all. Heart -passes out into bed abruptly-

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-23-2015

I will try to convey this in a way that is coherent, logical, and sensible.

We live in an octave.  Mathematically that means 8.  If there is anything beyond 8, it is 9.  And 9 is mathematically one of those numbers that when you examine it's existence, turns out it's perfect.  It is in a sense the eternal sum, the unmanifest manifestor  This is important because within the 216 number sequence you'll see that there is a structure of 9's in it that acts like a perimeter to the rest of the numbers.  From the 9's everything stems.  However, 9 is the very top scale.  Thing's stem from the bottom of the scale too, which is the unseen number in the sequence, Zero.

From 0 to 9 you have Existence.  8 is the physical manifest-Sum, the most finite point.  9 is the eternal unmanifested-manifestation-Sum, it is not the 'highest' it IS everything else, the most infinite point.

This sequence is thus a mathematical equation in a sense, a long intellectually established equation that is simple arithmetic patterned with a structure that can repeat infinitely overlapping itself.  You could call this the 'fabric of reality'


The 9's are the binding, they establish the border, which when connected by curving the two ends of each side to each other, creates an infinitely repeating algorithm of Phi Sequence.  1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8 and so on.

This is in essence the way the fabric of existence would look' mathematically.  Sequential numbers synchronistically align in patterns next to each other, and because EVERYTHING is evolving (sequentially or others) everything is next to everything else constantly changing, however because the nature of reality is to be constantly changing fractally, there needs to be some ways of making this all work mathematically.

If you examine the sequence you'll notice even horizontally the patterns mirror each other, and that there are two 'fabrics', the left and right squares separated by 9's.

Dewey B. Larson's reciprocal theory says there is no clear reason why time and space exist separate of each other, and that there is an unclear distortion that causes this.  The 9's could be seen to be the distortion that 'separates' time (left or right square) and space (left or right square).

1|1|2|3|5|8|4|3|7|1|8| 9 |8|8|7|6|4|1|5|6|2|8|1|9
2|2|4|6|1|7|8|6|5|2|7| 9 |7|7|5|3|8|2|1|3|4|7|2|9
3|3|6|9|6|6|3|9|3|3|6| 9 |6|6|3|9|3|3|6|9|6|6|3|9
4|4|8|3|2|5|7|3|1|4|5| 9 |5|5|1|6|7|4|2|6|8|5|4|9
5|5|1|6|7|4|2|6|8|5|4| 9 |4|4|8|3|2|5|7|3|1|4|5|9
6|6|3|9|3|3|6|9|6|6|3| 9 |3|3|6|9|6|6|3|9|3|3|6|9
7|7|5|3|8|2|1|3|4|7|2| 9 |2|2|4|6|1|7|8|6|5|2|7|9
8|8|7|6|4|1|5|6|2|8|1| 9 |1|1|2|3|5|8|4|3|7|1|8|9
9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9| 9 |9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9

However, this IS improper, because infinitely, there is no gap!  So a more proper view would be the following:

1|1|2|3|5|8|4|3|7|1|8|9 |8|8|7|6|4|1|5|6|2|8|1|9
2|2|4|6|1|7|8|6|5|2|7|9 |7|7|5|3|8|2|1|3|4|7|2|9
3|3|6|9|6|6|3|9|3|3|6|9 |6|6|3|9|3|3|6|9|6|6|3|9
4|4|8|3|2|5|7|3|1|4|5|9 |5|5|1|6|7|4|2|6|8|5|4|9
5|5|1|6|7|4|2|6|8|5|4|9 |4|4|8|3|2|5|7|3|1|4|5|9
6|6|3|9|3|3|6|9|6|6|3|9 |3|3|6|9|6|6|3|9|3|3|6|9
7|7|5|3|8|2|1|3|4|7|2|9 |2|2|4|6|1|7|8|6|5|2|7|9
8|8|7|6|4|1|5|6|2|8|1|9 |1|1|2|3|5|8|4|3|7|1|8|9

The fabric of reality is simply a single 'piece' or 'bit' or 'pixel' of Phi Sequence repeating in a 24/9 pattern.  Using the only digits available in manifest and unmanifest existence, the difference in-between 0 and 9.  0 doesn't manifest as a piece of this, but could be seen to be 9, in that a void is actually a plenum.  9 is the plenum.  0 is the void.  You don't see 0 on the fabric of reality because it has no place-value (no manifestation) but can be 'seen' or 'perceived' or 'believed' to 'be' Either 9, the entire Phi Sequence, or Absent.  Constantly in flux between, Sum/Sum-Totality/Absence-of-Sum in Thought and abstract.

Regarding the equations.  Because this is a 24/9 pattern, and it is all painstakingly simple arithmetic, I maintained the simplicity combined with the complexity of the numbers you get in decimal values that have 9 decimal placements.  I then used Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal Theory's concepts of operations to skeptically perform various calculations between simply multiplication and division of numbers linked to each other regarding the 'creation' of this Phi Sequence Fabric of Reality.

So there's a few numbers at play behind the scenes to make this entire Phi Sequence.  24, 9, and their square roots, and the results of those square roots effecting each other.  For the sake of clarity:
24 is the Macro of existence
9 is the Micro of existence
(don't ask me why or how, maybe it means we're on the 9-24th levels of Existence).

The Square Root of 24(Macro) is the Micro of the Macro: 4.898979486. (Or I call it the 'Simplified Macro)
The Square Root of 9(Micro) is the Micro of the Micro: 3

Now I don't know why or how, but the Octave structure is derived from the Micro of the Micro (3) dividing the Macro (24), to get 8.  8 thus becomes the Structure by which Geometrically manifestation will adhere.  Don't ask why, I don't know.  I think the Micro effecting the Macro creates a perfect 'Present-Sum' or essentially the 'Board' for Consciousness to Play on.  A trinity (3) that has divided the sum max base (24) to create a perfect mirror of itself in a lesser form.  One third of 24, which is the Macro, but not the Macro-Macro, that is derived later and can be considered to be the 'Highest' Sum 'available' in this Level of Creation.

So we know that 8 is the octave structure.  Now we need to find the other numbers that go into making this Sequence possible.  We know 24 and 9 are the base pairs by which structuring of the Fabric of Existence occurs.  We then know that they are comprised of perfectly comprised number's that can be called their 'roots': 3 and 4.898979486.  Now I'm not sure why, but to acquire the lowest sum available (the lowest point reachable) we should divide by our base pairs to receive, simply speaking, the smallest number we can get that can add up to our max base pair, 24, without going below 1.  Thus we get 24 divided by 9 which creates the Simplified Micro (unlike the Simplified Macro, which is not related to this number): 2.666666667.

Now we have the Simplified Macro, with it's 9 decimal places, and the Simplified Micro, with it's 9 decimal places, (which are place holders for near-infinite variations that can overlap various different directions).  Imagine 9 to the 9th Power 9 Times: 9^9 Times 9^9 Times 9^9 Times 9^9 Times 9^9 Times 9^9 Times 9^9 Times 9^9 Times 9^9.  That's a small number compared to Infinity, but it's what we have available to us AT THIS VERY MOMENT.  As in, a small, inconsequentially basically nothing-of-a-size compared to infinity number, that is to the Number 1 (us) unimaginably huge, when in reality, we also created it.

Now I don't know why (I'm clueless, feel almost like just a messenger...), but to find the Sum-Micro (the smallest available point available on the 'Board', or 8) we need to take the Micro of the Micro, and multiply it with the Simplified Micro, the two smallest number's that aren't base pairs (24 or 9).  We get 3 Times 2.666666667 which is 8.000000001, the smallest available unit inside an Octave, the True Simplest Form.

This gives us one end of the scale to our 'Board', the small scale.  The Microcosm.  Let's find the other side.

Now once more I don't know why, the intelligence involved, or how it's done outside of mathematical arithmetic, but to find the Macrocosm, we need to first discover the Simplified Macro.  Without using the macro base pair we need to get to the largest available number we can reach in our 'Sum'.  Often we hear of Ascended Master, that there are 144000, and that the number 44 represents infinite growth.  Seems like a viable clue to me!  Well ironically the Simplified Macro (4.898979486) times the Base Micro (9) (simplest macrocosmic root working with the most 'basic form' available to be worked with that isn't broken down further) creates the Macro-Macro, or the highest available point there is: 44.09081537, to inhabitants of this octave or 'Sum'.  44 is essentially rounded up to 44.1 for simpler intelligent entities sake's and represented as 44, or 144 (44.1), the Sum-Totality.

Well now we know the highest value.  44.09081537, and the lowest-Macro Value.  4.898979486.  To find the highest available scale on the 'Board' we must use these numbers to discover the intelligently derived 'Maximum' or Macrocosmic value available.  The Highest Macro value divided by the Lowest Macro Value: 44.09081537 Divided by 4.898979486, which equals: 8.999999999

The lowest portion of the Microcosm: 8.000000001
The highest portion of the Macrocosm: 8.999999999

The micro and macro -cosms are all part of 1 construct however.  Derived separately from this Phi Sequence but connected to it as well.  Infinity Mathematics you could call it.  Everything while working separate is connected, even if they do not directly correlate, they belong together because they are an intelligently created portion of an infinite complex that has intelligence.

How?  Why?  I don't know.  But it's there.  Kind enough to put it right in front of humanity's face, and patiently waits until we discover it, and awaken to the truth.

Intelligence may very well be beyond our thoughts, beyond consciousness, but not in a humanly cold and logical way, but in a manner that is infinite.  Infinite Intelligence, having chosen love (according to the Law of One.)

It's romantic to me.  Not just a creator, not just a genius, not just infinite and intelligent.  Everything, for you.  I.

With Love, the most pleasant experience imaginable, the most vivid, wonderful experience imaginable.  With darks of grandiose micro-macrocosmic variety, with lights of grandiose macro-microcosmic variety.

The final most basic units: 0, 1, 2.666666667, 3, 4.898979486, 8, 8.000000001, 8.999999999, 9, 24, 44.09081537, the tools: division, multiplication, addition, subtraction.

I don't know how 5, 6, 7, and 12 fit into this scale to create the rest of existence, it probably goes into deep complex geometry as at 5, 6, and 7 is when major complexity begins, and at 8, and 9 the complexity overlays into simplicity.

These numbers do not, in my opinion, correspond to one Density, 2 is not 2nd density.  Just as 8 is not 8th density.  8.000000001 and 8.999999999 are not the Eighth Density representations, but are the mathematical derivatives of the ENTIRE OCTAVE SCALE, the lowest and highest point, with the evolution being +1.  Once you reach 8.999999999 the game changes, you go to a new 'Board' that is still the same 'Board' as the one now, but on a different level.

Please ask questions if you don't understand, I will do my best to explain this.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Aion - 09-23-2015

It's basically a matrix in programming. Sounds about right. I've always said I came from the Ninth.

I'd take your thought here and run it along the lines of interference patterns.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - AnthroHeart - 09-23-2015

I've always liked Tensors in mathematics, but I can't explain them
except they are a higher order Matrix.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Aion - 09-23-2015

I might suggest he's found some kind of encoding between Matrix and Potentiator.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Diana - 09-23-2015

Because patterns may be found in nature via math, fractals, fibonacci numbers, does not mean anyone(thing) created it that way.

Because channeled beings call the source of things the "Creator" doesn't mean there is a "creator." It could just be intelligent infinity, or the implicate universe. An unmanifest infinite field of intelligent energy. Within that inconceivable field there would be an underlying order of some sort, which shows up as a code—math, numbers.

The number 9 is interesting to look at.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Aion - 09-23-2015

So 'ordering' and intelligence have no relationship to you? What is intelligence if not the ordering of chaos?

I find it strange that one can talk about 'intelligent infinity' but deny it creativity. It just doesn't make sense to me to attribute intelligence to the most basic form of existence while also robbing it of any apparent ability to use that intelligence.

However, Ra did say that our galaxy and all galaxies are creations of individuated entities. So it could be that we are just scraping the design of this particular Logos. A Logos IS an individuated entity. So, yeah, it seems pretty clear to me that there was a conscious effort of creation.

Ra even says that local laws are determined by each Logos and then refined by sub-Logoi. All we experience in this galaxy is a creation of an individuated, intelligent Logos.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-23-2015

(09-23-2015, 12:24 PM)Diana Wrote: Because patterns may be found in nature via math, fractals, fibonacci numbers, does not mean anyone(thing) created it that way.

Because channeled beings call the source of things the "Creator" doesn't mean there is a "creator." It could just be intelligent infinity, or the implicate universe. An unmanifest infinite field of intelligent energy. Within that inconceivable field there would be an underlying order of some sort, which shows up as a code—math, numbers.

The number 9 is interesting to look at.

I'll actually refer to how Ra asks adepts to identify the common shapes and ratios found in their environment.

This is Ra asking us to see how everything is essentially intelligent Infinity distorted into various forms. The Fibonacci sequence is in itself, a very simple pattern with basically no logic or intelligence beyond a very simple arithmetic.

So this is why its incredibly important to look at what this inferences. A Phi sequence, of each number 1-9
Put next to each other spells out a 24x9 pattern grid that intelligently infinitely fractally repeats itself various ways.

A simple resource reveals a highly complex intelligent design. It is simple yet complex.

I'm not saying the creator built this, no, I am saying this is an intelligent pattern. It means existence is intelligently present. That intelligence is present. It does not say how or why or who, only what.

Aion, I don't think this is related to the Archetypes. I think this is the most basic simple form numerologically that the Universe is built by. If you apply this matrix to the shell of an egg, you'd have an egg that can suddenly exist infinitely.

If we look at what this intelligent pattern implies and infers, we see that there is intelligent design. From what, who, how, where, or why.

I do not know, I just know that this is here. Blatantly awaiting someone to find it and make sense of it in ways we thought ignorant or indifferent once.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Aion - 09-23-2015

I don't mean the Archetypes either. The Logos does more than just develop Archetypes. The Logos designates the local laws by which intelligent energy functions.

The Logos is the individuated effort of the intelligent infinity. Maybe everything stems from some random, spontaneous source of infinity, but I don't doubt for a second that it is organized in to systems of experiences by conscious Logoi.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-24-2015

I'd take it a step back further, the Logoi adhere to this pattern.  This is what allows them to manifest.

The basic block of timespace and spacetime.  If there is something simpler/more-complex, I doubt we could understand it.  A Phi Sequence, the simpliest arithmetic, creates an infinite overlapping repeating pattern.
Highest and lowest mathematic concepts reconciled.

Everything is One.  This is exciting BigSmile !

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-24-2015

Its said Creation started from the East just as the sun rises from the east. In a sense a row of 9's on the right matches this, although it also matches with how directional orientation is based on perception. The row of 9's could also be on the left. Infinitely speaking, there is no orientation or direction, only across (in/out).

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Diana - 09-24-2015

The fibonacci sequence:

[Image: bringthallthingsconnectedjpg.jpg]

I would not say there is no intelligence in the number sequence.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-26-2015



[Image: tumblr_nub34ig0ly1t9d238o1_540.gif]

I don't think I can be any more simpler than that Heart !!

You may also notice the sizes correspond to frequency waves.  I don't know how I see these things but I do.  Maybe that's my Wanderer 'talent'???

Edit: Actually, technically, one side should be rotating the opposite way of the other side, oh well. I imagine this manner of movement is just as possible as any other.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Aion - 09-26-2015

Looks like you've found the Merkaba.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - AnthroHeart - 09-26-2015

I thought the Merkaba had a center tetrahedron that didn't rotate.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Aion - 09-26-2015

Well, consider that all 'three' are actually one, the central one is the blueprint, the rotating ones are the kinetic movement across the blueprint.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - alchemikey - 09-27-2015

on a similar vein:

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-28-2015

Oh god its like brain porn Heart Blush

369 has been tossed my way. I need to learn all of this, I want it in me! All in my brain cause I love this stuff! Metaphysics! The infinity geometry and infinity mathematics!

Why do I not live nearby a single college that teaches this stuff???

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Karl - 09-28-2015

(09-26-2015, 12:57 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Edit: Actually, technically, one side should be rotating the opposite way of the other side, oh well.  I imagine this manner of movement is just as possible as any other.

The animation is symmetrical. The rotations are determined by how your brain interprets it. You can switch the directions of the rotations if you focus on it

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-29-2015

Even better to simulate how it works in reality~

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - AnthroHeart - 09-29-2015

Spirit Science said that you can make a synthetic merkaba, but that it has potential to go out of control, and cause great destruction.

If it's made from the heart, it's much more stable.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-29-2015

An artificial 'infinite, intelligent, united'--  I suppose playing loose with infinity can have consequences.

Infinite, Intelligent, United.  Ra described in 18.1 that this was all they wished to provide to us an understanding of.  The infinite, intelligent, united, nature of reality.

Looking back once more.  I saw such in this sequence of numbers.

It has provided proof to me of infinity, of intelligence, and in a way, how all is united.

What am I to do now?  I understand.  Its made me decide I know what I want to do in my life.  It made me realize why I'm here.  It made me see how I can be as I am, for I don't intend separation, and am baffled by lack of forgiveness and unity, yet understand it holding such my own and choose to attempt not to judge it as I've been taught to do so socially.

How does one come upon that road of infinity and not feel overwhelmed suddenly from their distorted point of finity?  (Which is ironically both created illusion, but also still real too.  That point of finity.)

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - AnthroHeart - 09-29-2015

Infinity will give you whatever you want, whether you realize it or not. Sometimes we have to really wonder if we want what we want. It's all about the timing.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Minyatur - 09-29-2015

(09-29-2015, 07:23 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: How does one come upon that road of infinity and not feel overwhelmed suddenly from their distorted point of finity?  (Which is ironically both created illusion, but also still real too.  That point of finity.)

By knowing that infinity is made of it's finite points, without them infinity would be void and there would not be much to feel overwhelmed by.

You are in yourself the whole purpose of infinity, just as everything else also is.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - BlatzAdict - 09-30-2015

maybe phi isn't good because of the way it uses quanta? in studying two types of merkaba fields. i think they speak for themselves. one is turned at a 45 degree angle and the other 90.

phi the metatronic cube, or metatron's merkaba, or the bi veca krystar merkaba.

what are your thoughts? the links have pictures. to describe what i'm saying?


Felix Da Cat

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 10-02-2015

Heh, definitely fear porn. The information provided doesn't match up with how things work. You can be 'off-line' as far as matching up goes, and still be 'on-line'

How do you disconnect from a plenum? You're still in it!!

I think the time is better spent understanding these things on a more 'all is one' scale. You can see something going wrong, but its technically going just as its supposed to. I'll look into it though, I have to anyways for my book lol

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Kaaron - 10-02-2015

This is awesome bro. Just want to put it out there that you helped me to realize that my obsession with sequences of numbers and fascination with 8 isn't just OCD.
Good s*** homie.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 10-02-2015

I'm glad I could help. I honestly thought I was insane seeing something from nothing when I first noticed this.

Now to make sense of this information through the number 108, the half of 216.  Another ballpark of possibilities that I've no clear idea how to make sense of mathematically BigSmile

Thankfully I think 108 is divisible by 3, 6, and 9.  Might be useful to know, maybe I can divine something with this. -playfully runs numbers through head-

...But not right now -_- zzz

Blatz, does the unalignment of a Merkaba cause one to 'disconnect' or is it just another 'blockage' akin to say, a chakra becoming blocked?

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - Kaaron - 10-02-2015

You're not crazy. It's called divine inspiration, I believe.

RE: 216 Phi Sequence, 24 pattern codex; - The_Tired_Philosopher - 10-02-2015

Some would call divine inspiration insanity, or smoking too much jane.

The confidence arrived in furious bursts of self-belief when a friend on my fb posted a gif of that merkaba I posted above with such timing to be synchronistic.

That was when I knew what I found wasn't just numbers.

Maybe I'll refer to divine inspiration as my guides, knowing I'll understand certain things, helping me to understand better. Divine... What's a word for helping one to understand through well placed circumstances?

Divine Synchronicity??