(07-23-2015, 07:40 PM)Lighthead Wrote:(07-23-2015, 06:19 PM)Elros Tar-Minyatur Wrote:(07-23-2015, 06:17 PM)Lighthead Wrote: Nah, I don't need rituals. I'm working on enlightenment.
They are tools one might or might not need or want to use. What tells you an enlightened person wouldn't see purpose in rituals?
To me a ritual is like a snack whereas meditation is like dinner. It's just something to hold you over for the main meal, but it's not necessary in and of itself. For example, you perform a ritual to raise planetary consciousness and then what? Why not just encourage people to meditate so that they can actively have a hand in raising their own consciousness? To me, ritual just seems so unnecessary. It seems like something someone did before they found out about meditation.
I'd like to do more research into it, but my intuition tells me that meditation is far more superior. To me ritual seems more clumsy and "ornate," whereas meditation is more streamlined and simple. Even Zen aesthetics with their minimalism are more to the point. It doesn't beat around the bush. It is the bush.
I'm no expert in rituals myself because I do also have some retissance in using them, although I've been experimenting a little bit.
But since you do want to focus on connecting to the Creator, what about using a ritual to enhance your meditation. Perhaps making one of your own, simply to create a routine which you will link to a state of mind in order to access it more easily. As such you'd enter into transe before starting your meditation as a pre-meditation work.
I was thinking about doing this, just creating something of my own, with my own symbolism in it which will serve the purpose helping going into my desired state of mind through something I would feel I can relate to. I still do not exclude the idea of using known rituals though, just that they are not something I can channel myself into as of now.