07-15-2015, 04:56 PM
This is an interesting topic and I think an important one. It is easy to be hard on ourselves when we have such high expectations and acute awareness and still fall short of the mark. Maybe we remember a time/place when things 'felt right' and we sense that things could be better/different than they are, and hold ourselves accountable when we need not and only focus on unconditional love and forgiveness? I feel that there is not a lot if any past life karma I am working through, but quite a lot from this lifetime and from the morphic fields of both side of my family including Catholicism, WWII service, and alcoholism. I constantly worry that through my own mistakes and struggles especially with addiction that I have lost my STO polarization and will not graduate. However, studying the Law of One has helped me to keep a broader perspective and work through the lower chakra blockages, and I have seen changes in my family as well as myself as I forgive and clean Hoponopono style (I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you...). If we only have to be 51% STO to graduate, then I have faith that if our intention is pure and we are constantly striving in the right direction, then through Grace and the forgiveness of the unconditionally love accessed in the heart, and trust that everything is as it should be because that is how it is, then we will hopefully be just fine and have front row seats for the best show in this part of the galaxy (hopefully within the next two years). I would appreciate any feedback or comments on this insight! Thank you