07-14-2015, 07:41 PM
Good evening, I wouldn't have really thought anything of this but my 15 year old daughter says she is always seeing a ball of light and dark shadows. Last year my 12 year old daughter and I were sitting in the t.v room and saw this (tennis ball shape)yellowish/white ball of light. It lasted about five seconds and then disappeared. We both looked at each other and I asked her if she saw what I saw!? The look in her eyes, I knew before her words came out of her mouth. Then a few days later we saw the same light in our hallway, I didn't feel any fear. I remember my mother in law used to tell me that she can see spirits lingering and she said it was our loved ones who are visiting. Now that my oldest daughter is speaking out to me, she says it is happening more frequently. She saw a black shadow in our house and my parents house this past Saturday. She confessed to my mother that she has a feeling that someone is going to pass. Later that night a young lady had passed of a seizure who lived across from us. I am wondering what this all means, is she gifted? Anyway, ever since that night I can't stop thinking of the balls of light or dark shadows that appear.