Trying to make sense of recent experience - Printable Version

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Trying to make sense of recent experience - Greg - 04-14-2014

Hi everyone! Awhile ago I posted my autobiography ( on these forums, which explained how I came to discover and accept the Ra material from the starting point of an extreme skeptic.

Since the events described in that text, I've had a few... interesting... experiences, and this is probably the only place I'd feel comfortable sharing them. I would greatly appreciate anyone's interpretations of the events described, and I would especially appreciate any sharing of similar experiences that anyone might have. I'm still just trying to make sense of it all.

First, I should mention that I don't have any history with anything metaphysical or paranormal, and a year ago I was in a very firm state of denial that any of this stuff existed at all. I explain how this transition happened at, but it's important to note that this is all very new to me, and I'm still unfamiliar with many aspects of channeling and ET contact.

I was intrigued by the idea of a wanderer from the Ra material, and, like most people, I was curious about the possibility that I myself could be one. But at the same time, I also recognized that this is a very natural reaction for any person to have, wanderer or not. I really wanted to know the truth of the matter: I didn't want to just assign myself this label because the idea was intriguing to me.

I started with the wanderer checklist, and I also started reading Carla's "A Wanderer's Handbook." I scored very high on the wanderer quiz, but I had to answer "no" to everything related to ET contact, UFO sightings, "angel" friends, etc. But everything else on the list really resonated with me: extreme social isolation, a very strong feeling that my parents were not my own (I was always "running away" as a kid), the world in general seems very strange to me, I have a very active imagination (I do a lot of fictional writing, mostly related to sci-fi topics), I am an extreme pacifist, possessions are not important to me, and I felt a feverishly extreme urgency to write out my autobiography to help others understand that all is one, as if it were my entire purpose for being alive on this planet.

One thing on the wanderer checklist that kind of stuck out to me, though, was the question about gazing up at the stars with a feeling of home sickness. I never did this as a kid, but I wondered if perhaps it was due to the high amount of light pollution around where I lived -- the stars were never very easy to see, and I needed glasses for years before I actually got them.

So it seemed inconclusive to me. But since last August, I've been meditating every day, and I started focusing on the question "Am I a wanderer?" during my meditation sessions. I did this for several weeks, but nothing ever happened. No voices, no recovered memories, and no increased certainty one way or another. I later shifted my meditation to different topics, and I sort of shrugged off the possibility that I would ever really be able to know one way or another whether I'm actually a wanderer or not.

Several months later, I was enjoying a particularly successful meditation session with my eyes closed, and I saw little white specks in my vision. They quickly faded away, but then they came back -- brighter and more vivid this time. I focused on them, and I realized that they looked like stars. They again faded away, and they again pulsed back -- even more vivid this time. I cracked a smile at what I was seeing, and they faded away again. Then, during the final pulse, they were so bright and so vivid that my body actually jolted a bit. In a way it felt sort of overwhelming. It was as if I was gazing up in the night sky with absolutely no light pollution at all; it was just so clear and vibrant. I stared at it for a few seconds, and then it came: the feeling of homesickness! I had completely forgotten about it until that point, but I wondered if perhaps my mind was "filling in" that missing checkbox of the wanderer quiz.

And that's when the voice came. It was a female voice, somewhat monotone, very echo-y. It reminded me of the naga voice acting from the Warcraft series:

What was interesting about the voice was that I understood much more than what I heard. It seemed like for every word that was spoken, 10 words were understood. The pace of the speaking was very natural, but I felt like information was streaming into my mind very rapidly. I didn't realize it at the time, but my wife later told me that this is what channeling is supposed to be like.

The first thing the voice told me was that I was indeed a wanderer. I was blown away at this point. I knew I wasn't dreaming; I was wider awake than ever. The vision of the stars and the sound of the voice were so crystal clear and so unexpected that I didn't think it was my own active imagination (though I can't entirely rule this out, either).

I then remembered a piece of advice offered by a channeling book that my wife was reading: If you think you might have a contact, ask for a name. So that's what I did. As soon as I asked for a name, this image popped into my mind, again, extremely vividly:

It's a Thai restaurant in San Francisco where my wife and I frequently meet for lunch. I was really confused. "Osha?" I asked back, somewhat doubting my own sanity at this point. The voice immediately corrected my pronunciation: "oh-shaw" (as opposed to "oh-shuh").

I thought this was really weird. Was I really being telepathically contacted by an outside entity whose name was similar to a restaurant that my wife and I visit?

I thought about how Ra was contacted by multiple people, and I wondered if perhaps this would be an entity that I could find some evidence for in the external world. I asked if I would find any evidence for anything related to this contact if I checked online. The voice immediately replied back that yes, I would, but it would be a very small connection, only meaningful to me, and it would not be strong enough to convince anyone else of anything at all.

But this was all I needed, so I expressed my appreciation, and I focused on remembering the name. There was no further communication.

I told my wife about this experience the next day (I was still pretty shaken the day it happened, and I was hoping to be able to find some small online clue before I told her about it). I still wasn't sure if it was a "real" channeling event, but my wife seemed to think it was. The vivid imagery, the clear voice, and the rapid communication of ideas all seemed to fit the channeling checklist.

I started searching online for clues about what this "oh'shaw" contact could have been about. I couldn't find anything at all. I started playing around with the spelling a bit. oh-shaw? oh-shah? I heard the way it sounded, but I didn't know what the spelling was.

This became a little side project in the background of my life. Whenever I had a few spare minutes at home or at work, I would just randomly Google some spelling variant, looking for something, anything. Nothing ever came up.

I started to learn more about channeling, and my wife and I attended a shamanic journeys workshop. I started to understand that the line between channeling and imagination can sometimes be very blurry. But if we are to accept that there exists only one consciousness that we're all "tapping into," then I started to wonder if it really mattered. What if it really was my imagination? Would that make a difference? Did it need to be an outside entity for me to seriously consider the experience as "real"?

But then I remembered how strongly the voice told me that yes, I would find something very small online if I just looked for it hard enough. Was I being deceived? Was I deceiving myself? Was a part of my mind just telling me something that I wanted to hear? Could the entire experience be explained that way?

During the shamanic journeys workshop, we did an exercise where we mentally went down into Underworld to meet our animal spirit guides. I wasn't really sure which type of animal I would meet, but once I actually did the exercise, a very vivid image of a lone black wolf popped into my mind. The landscape was vivid too -- a quiet, snowy forest. As part of the exercise, we had to ask our animal guide what it was that they had to teach us. The answer I received was very clear, and not what I was expecting: I had chosen to leave the pack -- to live on my own, away from home, away from all that was familiar. It seemed to fit the whole wanderer theme pretty perfectly.

For the last part of the shamanic workshop, we had to go back to our spirit guide and ask what contributions our ancestors had made to who we are. I started thinking about how everything on planet Earth was connected, and how every human alive today had descended from simple self-replicating DNA in our oceans billions of years ago. My mind was racing with all the elements of humanity and of myself, and I wondered which of these traits my "spirit guide" would tell me I had inherited during this lifetime.

When I went back in and met the wolf, the imagery was just as vivid as before. I asked the question, but I didn't receive a response. He started walking away, and I followed him. I kept asking, and I kept not getting a response. I was getting a little impatient because I knew we'd have to go around the circle and share what our spirit guide had told us. My mind had no shortage of possibilities, so why wasn't I receiving one? Even if this was all in my imagination, why couldn't my imagination come up with an answer?

After about a minute, the answer came, abruptly, and it was not what I was expecting: "You're not from here." I didn't really know how to react, but, again, it fit the wanderer theme exactly.

I spent the next week or so giving everything a great amount of thought. Was this all my active imagination? Was it real? Did it matter? There was a common thread throughout these events: vivid imagery and unexpected experiences. If I was the one creating these experiences for myself, it was clearly not at the conscious level.

I continued searching online for any evidence of the oh-shaw contact, but I still couldn't find anything. It was starting to sink in that perhaps I was crazy for taking this so seriously, or perhaps it was real, and perhaps part of the intended lesson was that I shouldn't rely on any sort of outside confirmation for these sorts of experiences. Maybe I just had to be content with accepting that it was just my own imagination and nothing more. Was that really so bad?

But I kept Googling for anything I could find. It felt sort of masochistic in a way. Why was I doing this to myself? It was an obsession I couldn't let go of. I noticed that a lot of the results for "oh shaw" were related to the connection between the word "shaw" and the word "nonsense," as in, "oh, p'shaw!" Yeah, that sounded about right. This was feeling more and more ridiculous.

But then I remembered the image that had preceded the name. It was the name of the restaurant, Osha. I started researching just the word "osha." There were some connections to the word "ocean," and I live near the ocean, so maybe that's something? No, it didn't feel right. I didn't know what it was that I was looking for, but I knew that I would know right away if I found it.

But then I remembered that the voice had corrected my pronunciation. There had to be some separation between the "O" and the "sha." I started searching for O'sha.

And that's when I found this post:

A comment reply referred to the Ple'o'sha'ns. I stared at my monitor for about 2 minutes as soon as I saw it. I knew I had found what I was looking for. There it was -- the "o'sha" separated by apostrophes. It was a small clue that stirred something inside me, and yet, it would not be enough to convince anyone else of anything at all, just as the voice said (so, hey, if that's your reaction right now, I can't blame you!).

From that post I saw that there was a connection here with the Pleiadians. I had never heard of the Pleiadians before, but I quickly learned that they're a well-known ET group among channelers. I was shaking by this point. Not only had I found an external mention of "O'sha" (even if it was inside of another word), but the reference was EXTREMELY relevant to my experience.

So I dove right into Pleiadian channelings, their message, and everything they're about. I was floored by how much it resonated with me, how relevant it was to my life, and how much overlap there was between the Pleiadians and my own themes that I had written about in my autobiography.

But now I was getting more questions than answers. Am I a Pleiadian? Is O'sha a Pleiadian? Are we both Pleiadians? Is O'sha really just my higher self? Or is O'sha just a part of my non-higher-self imagination? Even if she is just part of my imagination, am I crafting this whole experience for myself to wake myself up to my Pleiadian origin? Am I going completely insane? Is this all a dead end? Am I reading too much into things, finding meaning where none exists?

These are the questions that brought me here to make this post on this forum. I would greatly anything at all that anyone could tell me about my experience or about their own similar experiences, if you have any.

Thank you for reading!

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - isis - 04-14-2014

synchronicities BigSmile

i wrote a reply on your autobiography post sharing that i got a neat synch thanks to your story. (that i skimmed it on groundhog's day then happened to read the line in your story that mentioned groundhog day)

"This happens to every single entity in all of existence. There’s no eternal heaven or hell. There’s just repeating your Groundhog Day life scenario or moving on to the next step. And you will reincarnate as many times as you need. We are all destined to merge with God because we have ALREADY merged with God an infinite number of times; the cycle just feeds back into itself infinitely because the continuous cycle of God creating the conditions for its own existence is how existence exists (I think that makes sense...)."

i thought this was a really cool synchronicity & now there's more:

just yesterday i was having a discussion w/ my partner that's a proud atheist. i was telling him how atheists can be converted thanks to drugs or something like that & he was all like 'i'll believe it when i see it' or something like that & i started to say 'go to we are one dot com!!!' but i couldn't recall the exact link to your site so i refrained & i contemplated reading your story yesterday since i haven't read it all yet. i told myself i would do it very soon yesterday. i also wondered where u went & y there's been no posting from u. the point is u were on my mind a lot yesterday

but wait there's more:

Thai. there's that word again. i visited the bring4th chatroom today & came across the word multiple times. & some1 mentioned godlikeproductions too. i started to share that i love GLP but i didn't bc i had to go

also, i've seen the star-like thingys when meditating & it's actually why i quit meditating a lot

ps: i've gotten synchronicities involving the pleiadians

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Melissa - 04-15-2014

Accept that it doesn't make sense, go on with your life, work on yourself, keep an open/curious mind and have faith that everything will unfold it it's own time. It's easy to become totally distracted from 'reality' after these happenings, which is how I interpret your post. Breathe and try to have a good laugh about it, take care.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - xise - 04-15-2014

Why would seeing star like things during meditation prompt you to stop meditating?

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - isis - 04-15-2014

(04-15-2014, 10:08 AM)xise Wrote: Why would seeing star like things during meditation prompt you to stop meditating?

they're like ghosts to me & i don't like seeing them

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - xise - 04-15-2014

(04-15-2014, 10:15 AM)isis Wrote:
(04-15-2014, 10:08 AM)xise Wrote: Why would seeing star like things during meditation prompt you to stop meditating?

they're like ghosts to me & i don't like seeing them

Maybe it's your spirit guide.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - AnthroHeart - 04-15-2014

(04-15-2014, 10:58 AM)xise Wrote:
(04-15-2014, 10:15 AM)isis Wrote:
(04-15-2014, 10:08 AM)xise Wrote: Why would seeing star like things during meditation prompt you to stop meditating?

they're like ghosts to me & i don't like seeing them

Maybe it's your spirit guide.

I've seen orbs in photographs. Those were pretty interesting. They're very curious. I think they are spiritual beings. I wonder what my spirit guide would look like. Probably a ball of light. That's probably my true form.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Spaced - 04-15-2014

Hi Greg, thanks for sharing your story! That was a great read Smile

It's funny, when I read this bit
Quote:And that's when the voice came. It was a female voice, somewhat monotone, very echo-y. It reminded me of the naga voice acting from the Warcraft series:

What was interesting about the voice was that I understood much more than what I heard. It seemed like for every word that was spoken, 10 words were understood. The pace of the speaking was very natural, but I felt like information was streaming into my mind very rapidly. I didn't realize it at the time, but my wife later told me that this is what channeling is supposed to be like.
I instantly thought "Oh he spoke to a Pleiadian."

I've had similar experiences with an echo-ey female voice which identified itself as Pleiadian. The feeling of much being communicated in addition to what was actually said was there too. Like you I can't be sure this wasn't just my imagination, but then again what is imagination but the net we cast out into the sea of infinity?

My experience seems like it might have been a one time thing, since then I haven't heard much in the way of strange voices since, which is fine because I've learned to trust my own voice more. I felt that it happened because my mind wanted some form of confirmation that I was on the right path with the Law of One stuff and I was also looking for confirmation on the whole "wanderer" thing too. Maybe it was a similar calling that brought this O'sha to you. One thing that I was directed to by my Pleiadian friend was the book "Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library" by Barbara Marciniak who seems to be the authority on Pleiadian channeling. Have a listen to the audiobook if you get the chance. Smile

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - AnthroHeart - 04-15-2014

Boy, there's so many books out there it's hard to know what to read.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - TLT - 04-15-2014

Thanks for sharing your story. My metaphysical experiences have been [/i]limited to finding Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts 20 years ago. I would have been (would be) just as astounded as you expressed had any of what you're experiencing happened to me. As an observer it appears that a world is opening to you. You must be "ready" for it. I think I've read that Ra says when a window opens it's because we're ready. I think that's a close approximation. As long as you are discerning and it all resonates well, I're on the road to somewhere. You certainly have a gift for putting your experience into writing. I was wide-eyed and feeling your excitement/trepidation with you. Thanks again for sharing.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Hotsizzle77 - 04-16-2014

I must say I loved reading your story Greg, I was honestly hooked from the first line!

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Phoenix - 04-18-2014

This story is very interesting.

While I was reading it I got reminded of a very profound dream I had and had not remembered. I feel as though your energy is quite genuinely 'narrow band' or what might be called 'high vibration'.

The dream was me saying to a friend that the high vibration or awake individual, communicates/ thinks more in questions than answers because questions open the deeper mind to information. As the archetypal interpretation of the maiden in 'the lovers'.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Greg - 05-07-2014

Thanks for the responses, everyone! I checked the little box on these forums to receive an email when someone replied to my post, but I didn't get any emails, so I figured this thread just died off without anyone noticing it or taking it seriously, haha. So checking back this morning was a pleasant surprise!

(04-14-2014, 09:39 PM)isis Wrote: just yesterday i was having a discussion w/ my partner that's a proud atheist. i was telling him how atheists can be converted thanks to drugs or something like that & he was all like 'i'll believe it when i see it' or something like that & i started to say 'go to we are one dot com!!!' but i couldn't recall the exact link to your site so i refrained & i contemplated reading your story yesterday since i haven't read it all yet. i told myself i would do it very soon yesterday. i also wondered where u went & y there's been no posting from u. the point is u were on my mind a lot yesterday

Let me know if you have any thoughts if you read the rest of it. I haven't been posting much because I feel like I've basically already put everything out there, and I'm still very much in a reading/studying/meditating phase right now. I have more to learn than I have to say. My beliefs were completely different a year ago, and I'm still going through a bit of an adjustment.

But I might make a thread in the harvest section later about my recent hypnosis session from about a week ago (audio: and transcript: ).

(04-15-2014, 02:56 AM)Melissa Wrote: Accept that it doesn't make sense, go on with your life, work on yourself, keep an open/curious mind and have faith that everything will unfold it it's own time. It's easy to become totally distracted from 'reality' after these happenings, which is how I interpret your post. Breathe and try to have a good laugh about it, take care.

I agree with what you're saying. This experience did knock away my grounding from reality a bit. I didn't check back on this thread until now because I was a little embarrassed from just having posted it, honestly. I recognize the importance of remaining grounded, but I still want to "know" so badly!

So it's a difficult balancing act. Sometimes I start to doubt my own sanity, but I just have to remind myself that I'm still in agreement with everyone else regarding the nature of our observable physical reality, and I wouldn't try to convince any skeptics that my experiences are "real." I have a grandmother suffering from dementia right now, and she will strongly argue with us about things that aren't true (such as my aunt/uncle divorcing and her late husband's brother living in the room next door to her). Sometimes I would ask myself, "What separates me from her?" And then I go back to those 2 key distinctions: agreement with consensus reality and a lack of desire to convince other people that my experiences are objectively "real" outside my own subjective perception.

I figure as long as I maintain those 2 elements, I can still dive head-first into crazytown!

(04-15-2014, 12:15 PM)Spaced Wrote: Hi Greg, thanks for sharing your story! That was a great read Smile

It's funny, when I read this bit
Quote:And that's when the voice came. It was a female voice, somewhat monotone, very echo-y. It reminded me of the naga voice acting from the Warcraft series:

What was interesting about the voice was that I understood much more than what I heard. It seemed like for every word that was spoken, 10 words were understood. The pace of the speaking was very natural, but I felt like information was streaming into my mind very rapidly. I didn't realize it at the time, but my wife later told me that this is what channeling is supposed to be like.
I instantly thought "Oh he spoke to a Pleiadian."

I've had similar experiences with an echo-ey female voice which identified itself as Pleiadian. The feeling of much being communicated in addition to what was actually said was there too. Like you I can't be sure this wasn't just my imagination, but then again what is imagination but the net we cast out into the sea of infinity?

My experience seems like it might have been a one time thing, since then I haven't heard much in the way of strange voices since, which is fine because I've learned to trust my own voice more. I felt that it happened because my mind wanted some form of confirmation that I was on the right path with the Law of One stuff and I was also looking for confirmation on the whole "wanderer" thing too. Maybe it was a similar calling that brought this O'sha to you. One thing that I was directed to by my Pleiadian friend was the book "Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library" by Barbara Marciniak who seems to be the authority on Pleiadian channeling. Have a listen to the audiobook if you get the chance. Smile

It's interesting that you immediately thought of Pleiadians, and I like how you describe imagination as a net in the sea of infinity. The more I get into this stuff, the blurrier the line between "real" and imagination seems to become, but my trending seems to be more in the direction of imagination being real on some level rather than dismissing experiences as meaningless imagination.

I'm wondering more and more if my experience was a one-time thing, but since this event happened I've been working every day to become a channeler. I haven't been able to replicate the experience, but I feel like I'm making some progress toward sensing higher presences. But, again, it's still a blurry distinction between real and imagination. Hopefully with enough practice, that distinction won't be so blurry.

This experience prompted me to read Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak. It definitely resonated with me, and I'd like to read more of her work.

(04-15-2014, 12:18 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Boy, there's so many books out there it's hard to know what to read.

Any suggestions? I'm working through Barbara Marciniak's now.

(04-15-2014, 07:42 PM)TLT Wrote: Thanks for sharing your story. My metaphysical experiences have been [/i]limited to finding Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts 20 years ago. I would have been (would be) just as astounded as you expressed had any of what you're experiencing happened to me. As an observer it appears that a world is opening to you. You must be "ready" for it. I think I've read that Ra says when a window opens it's because we're ready. I think that's a close approximation. As long as you are discerning and it all resonates well, I're on the road to somewhere. You certainly have a gift for putting your experience into writing. I was wide-eyed and feeling your excitement/trepidation with you. Thanks again for sharing.

I've been reading "The Convoluted Universe" by Dolores Cannon, and this theme is emphasized as well -- that receiving information is mostly a matter of just whether you're ready for it or not. I would like to think that I'm ready for anything, but a few of my experiences have challenged this assumption. I take this to mean that I just need to work harder at being ready for more!

(04-16-2014, 02:25 PM)Hotsizzle77 Wrote: I must say I loved reading your story Greg, I was honestly hooked from the first line!


(04-18-2014, 11:34 AM)Phoenix Wrote: This story is very interesting.

While I was reading it I got reminded of a very profound dream I had and had not remembered. I feel as though your energy is quite genuinely 'narrow band' or what might be called 'high vibration'.

I think this might be the most awesome compliment I've ever received, thank you!

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - gracet28 - 05-09-2014

Hi Greg,

I just joined this forum, and am dedicating my very first post in response to you, because of many reasons of how your stories have made me feel. It also happens that your post would be the very first one I would encounter after joining the forum!

I discovered the material of Ra about 2 months ago, and I feel that it was very timely, as if I was meant to do so. Slightly prior to that, I started having a lot of questions in my head, those of which science fails to answer. When I started on Ra, it felt like I finally began to understand, like everything suddenly made sense, most of what I understood from the profound material resonated deep. I've never believed in anything in this manner. From that moment, I was fueled with this crazy burning desire to seek more.

Before chancing upon Ra, I've read about indigo children and star seeds, and I didn't know if it could possibly be true. Just last Sunday, I was just random googling 'Wanderer', and your autobiographical site came up top few in search results. When i read the first few lines, I was under the impression that it was a sci-fi story or something, and I was just about to close the tab (i'm always quick to close a tab once I deemed it unrelated to my search) but something told me to read on. When it came to the part of Ra, I was beyond excited and also very surprised, as I was under no expectation that you would talk about Ra or that would be a trigger for you. Most of the wanderer sites do not talk about that, and most do not label themselves as 'wanderers'. They mostly call themselves 'star seeds/crystal children', so it seems like the term 'wanderer' came about from Ra and know of it from the Ra material. I thought to myself that you must be a wanderer. Then it dawned on me that you did not mention anything about being a wanderer, and neither was there the word 'wanderer' in your story. So I was wondering how did your site come up as the top few results? I felt like in the grand cosmic scheme of things, I was meant to read your story, as what you wrote about Ra encapsulated what I felt but could not express it in my lack of eloquence.

I've also been grappling with the idea of being a wanderer, but also did not have any form of ET contact and the likes. Like you, I too did not want to assign myself this label just because it would make me feel better about myself, it would also seem too much of putting myself on a pedestal that I may not even belong. But I do have a rare physical difference, which has always made me felt different from normal people and I've always tried to hide it. And since I was young, I've always been deeply fascinated with deep sky astronomy and when there was finally mass internet, I would stare at deep sky pictures at long stretches of time and lose myself in it, with a huge longing to be there. I didn't think of it as feeling home-sick though, I just thought I was obsessed. I also really like the word Pleiades and pictures of it seem to capture my deep fascination.

To end this, i would like to applaud you on your relentless quest in seeking the truth, and the many seemingly crazy things that you do to achieve that! It's a real inspiration to me, and I look forward to reading more of your epic journey, and your equally enchanting writing that makes it all so enjoyable.

Hear from you soon!


RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - zenmaster - 05-09-2014

The term "wanderer" originated with George Hunt Williamson's work. It's interchangable with "star seed".
The term "dual-activated" is interchangable with "Crystal/indigo children", many of which are entering middle age and beyond now.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Parsons - 07-27-2014

I just got around to reading your full story on your website, thanks for sharing Greg. I drew a great many parallels to my own awakening.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Jeremy - 07-27-2014

Hey I think there's someone who just joined who found this material through a game you created!

Yea it's true. I'd love to find one person to share the material. I think it would bring a tear to my eye if I could pass on such amazing info so kudos to you!

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Greg - 07-28-2014

(07-27-2014, 06:35 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Hey I think there's someone who just joined who found this material through a game you created!

Yea it's true. I'd love to find one person to share the material. I think it would bring a tear to my eye if I could pass on such amazing info so kudos to you!

Thanks! My game and website have definitely surpassed expectations. I've gotten a few emails from people thanking me for helping them discover the Ra material. The quality of the text really speaks for itself, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to promote it.

Ultimately, though, they absorbed the material because they were ready for it, and, on some level, they were already seeking it. If not through me, then through someone else. If not from The Law of One, then from some other source.

There isn't a single original idea on my website, and people have been figuring out the core message of The Law of One for thousands of years. The process of seeking and rediscovery is timeless, but I've yet to find a better blueprint for this process than The Law of One.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - ricdaw - 07-30-2014

(04-14-2014, 07:49 PM)Greg Wrote: Am I reading too much into things, finding meaning where none exists?

Meaning is ubiquitous.

Treat all coincidences as intentional synchronicities targeted by another part of yourself (one existing outside of space/time) that are direct communications. They are to you, from you (or pretend they are as a thought-exercise). See where such a rabbit hole takes you. 

Mind is the Maker.

We Create our Own Realities.

You get what you concentrate on.

There are no mistakes. (or “accidents”)

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - alicewhite - 01-09-2015

(04-14-2014, 09:39 PM)isis Wrote: synchronicities BigSmile

i wrote a reply on your autobiography post sharing that i got a neat synch thanks to your story. (that i skimmed it on groundhog's day then happened to read the line in your story that mentioned groundhog day)

"This happens to every single entity in all of existence. There’s no eternal heaven or hell. There’s just repeating your Groundhog Day life scenario or moving on to the next step. And you will reincarnate as many times as you need. We are all destined to merge with God because we have ALREADY merged with God an infinite number of times; the cycle just feeds back into itself infinitely because the continuous cycle of God creating the conditions for its own existence is how existence exists (I think that makes sense...)."

i thought this was a really cool synchronicity & now there's more:

just yesterday i was having a discussion w/ my partner that's a proud atheist. i was telling him how atheists can be converted thanks to drugs or something like that & he was all like 'i'll believe it when i see it' or something like that & i started to say 'go to we are one dot com!!!' but i couldn't recall the exact link to your site so i refrained & i contemplated reading your story yesterday since i haven't read it all yet. i told myself i would do it very soon yesterday. i also wondered where u went & y there's been no posting from u. the point is u were on my mind a lot yesterday

but wait there's more:

Thai. there's that word again. i visited the bring4th chatroom today & came across the word multiple times. & some1 mentioned godlikeproductions too. i started to share that i love GLP but i didn't bc i had to go

also, i've seen the star-like thingys when meditating & it's actually why i quit meditating a lot

ps: i've gotten synchronicities involving the pleiadians

Dave Hogg tells me that God wants a realationship with me , with us all, and so I told him about seeing 111 and he said John chapter one, 11 in the bible says ,I am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end , (GOD) communicates to us through the supernatural, Dave said he and his wife would like to come to my new house on new years eve to lay hands on my husbands injured knee to pray for him and to heal him through the name of jesus Christ, I said I didn't think that he would understand snd so politely declined the kind offer,, that same night I read in an fifteen year old recipe book of mine that I hadn't looked at in years this, I once saw a man trying to eat spare ribs with a knife and fork, I wondered if he was paying penance for a sin, thankfully we now have the laying on of hands.  How often does someone offer to lay hands on you or or loved ones , and then ask yourself how often this happens allongs side you reading on the very same day about the laying on of hands ? . Today I said to someone at work that It was like groundhog day for me , he asked me to repeat what I had said,ironically, lol and I said its like ground hog day, Dave is called Dave hogg,. now am I reading too much into things or am I not reading enough?. You tell me Isis, hi sis, lol

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Diana - 01-10-2015

(04-14-2014, 07:49 PM)Greg Wrote: I started to learn more about channeling, and my wife and I attended a shamanic journeys workshop. I started to understand that the line between channeling and imagination can sometimes be very blurry. But if we are to accept that there exists only one consciousness that we're all "tapping into," then I started to wonder if it really mattered. What if it really was my imagination? Would that make a difference? Did it need to be an outside entity for me to seriously consider the experience as "real"?

After about a minute, the answer came, abruptly, and it was not what I was expecting: "You're not from here." I didn't really know how to react, but, again, it fit the wanderer theme exactly.

I very much enjoyed your story. I deeply resonated with it.

I don't concern myself with the "reality" of channelings, though at first I did. I quickly saw that it was more efficacious to determine if the channeled material had any meaning for me. Worrying about where it comes from, whether it's imagination or even faked—is all mind stuff. The problem with mind stuff is that it's like a computer ticking away at 1's and 0's of sequential data that has no intrinsic value. The "real" stuff is the message.

I had a similar experience of being told I was from elsewhere. And it happened at a time when I had no interest in, and very little knowledge of, New Age culture. I was and am of a scientific bent. A friend of mine was going to visit a "psychic." She wanted me to come too and get a reading. I did. My friend went first and I was present, and heard things within my paradigm such as past lives and life purpose. When it was my turn, the first thing the psychic said was, "The first thing you need to know is that you are not from here." I was shocked and didn't believe it at all... until later that day when so many memories flooded in, especially from childhood, that supported this idea.

The reading depressed me because she said something I already knew to be true deep inside—that I had no soul connection to any of my family. There was a genetic connection of course, but I was not here as an Earthling learning Earth lessons. I was here as a volunteer to help in some sort of shift by injecting love. The whole conversation was wild. This was 1989, well before I read or heard anything of such concepts.

So I understand your questioning. My advice is to just go with it. Don't waste any time analyzing (I find this extremely difficult, myself). The mind is important for free will and its lessons. The mind, which has important functions here, eventually must be overcome to reach higher states of consciousness. 

I endeavor to receive messages no matter how they come.  I am an artist and writer and have a huge imagination—so oftentimes I question if something derives from my imagination. But as you say, does it matter? We know very little about the nature of existence, and what is "real." My working theory is that everything is real—its all creation. So, exercising the "muscle" of receiving information in out-of-the-box ways can only lead to clearer effectiveness and better discernment, in my opinion.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Reaper - 01-10-2015

Would finding out you were from a particular group of entities affect how you seek and serve in this life? If so, how and why?

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Diana - 01-11-2015

(01-10-2015, 07:15 PM)Yera Wrote: Would finding out you were from a particular group of entities affect how you seek and serve in this life? If so, how and why?

"Finding out" implies to know. I'm not sure about knowing anything. But let's say it resonates that you are aligned with a group (I don't refer to myself). It may help some individuals to feel supported, which may alter serving (because one might then feel more comfortable in this sometimes confusing and challenging 3D dimension, and therefore function with less conflict and more focus), and perhaps one might feel less compelled to seek for meaning and spend more time actually doing—making a difference in life.

For me, no. I can't imagine it would make any difference. While I was shocked and saddened at what the psychic told me (bear in mind that while it resonated, I do not "believe"). I have always known a sense of being alone here (not lonely). I function very well that way. 

My challenge has been to accept that all is one, not in the sense of the idea in general, but in the sense that it is very difficult for me to embrace humanity. There is too much cruelty and I don't deal with that very well. 

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Minyatur - 01-11-2015

(01-10-2015, 07:15 PM)Yera Wrote: Would finding out you were from a particular group of entities affect how you seek and serve in this life? If so, how and why?

I think social memory complex aren't any different than social complex here on earth. You make friends with whom you like to hang out, discuss, progress, etc. In my case I feel like I've got my wandering social comlex so I don't feel the need to channel anything, if I have questions I can always channel my own higher self. But that may be because when I channel it is my higher self that answers while some may want to awaken the least and thus not synchronize with their higher self to gain more from this incarnation. 

In the end it's individual and all about your preferences and what you wanted to learn in this incarnation.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - AnthroHeart - 01-11-2015

I wouldn't want to channel my higher self and risk getting tricked by a negative entity and possibly end up in negative time/space.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Greg - 01-12-2015

There have been a lot of developments in the 8 months since I posted this. I've started doing some of my own channeling along with my wife, and I've started accessing a bit more information about this experience and my own soul history. I really like Diana's way of saying that things resonated with her rather than she believes things; I feel the same way. I take all my channeled information with a grain of salt. But with that being said, here are some highlights:

- This experience directly led me to read Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak, which was probably the second most life-changing book I'd ever read (Law of One being #1, of course!). It resonated with me to a ridiculous degree; I practically memorized every paragraph, even though I take much of it to be purely metaphorical.

- During a recent channeling session with my wife, it came up that I am Pleiadian in one of my "main paths" of experience (keep in mind that all of us are living many lives simultaneously across many systems of reality). It also came up this this O'sha contact was initiated to directly lead me to the Family of Light, as described in Bringers of the Dawn. Although The Law of One was the source of my big awakening experience, I identify much more closely with the "systems buster" archetype described by Marciniak than I would with, say, being a Ra wanderer.

- It came up during another channeling session that I am part of the Pleiadian archetype, which has been called by many other names and has been around for a lot longer than the term "Pleiadian" has been. I'm not really sure if I have any connection with the physical Pleiadian star system or not. I interpret Pleiadian to be more of a metaphorical personality archetype than as a literal Nordic resident of the physical star system -- the archetype being a renegade member of the Family of Light whose main purpose is to break apart power structures and rigid systems of consciousness. I am an anarchist at heart, though only because I want to see people free and liberated from the malevolent power structures currently dominating our political landscape.

- I realize now that it really does not matter at all whether I'm a wanderer, whether I'm a Pleiadian, or whether I'm actually channeling anything other than my own imagination. Unity, love, and the present moment are the only things that matter. We recover the information that is valuable to us in a particular incarnation, and I feel as though I have already recovered the information that best serves my current purpose. Like Diana said, the meaning of the material itself is more important than where it comes from. The experiences/material helped me discover and understand the Pleiadian archetype, which helped me to better understand myself. I no longer have to feel guilty about trying to reconcile my seemingly contradictory feelings of unconditional love for everyone while simultaneously wishing for a complete collapse of the occupying military forces that we refer to as national governments.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - jody - 01-12-2015

I really enjoyed your story Greg, and do feel many parallels to my own. I don't know if I would have described myself as a 'skeptic', but I certainly wasn't a believer. And I definitely questioned my new path to great lengths as well, for the fear that I was 'anomoly hunting'.
I had posed the question in my meditation; "Am I a wanderer?" The answer I got was 'yes'.
A few days later I started thinking that it was my imagination telling me what I wanted to hear. So in my next meditation I decided to ask again, and this time I vowed to not attach myself to any outcome. When I asked again; "Am I a wanderer?", the response came, "we told you that already". The response was so immediate and encompassing that I actually broke out into laughter in my meditation. After that I stopped questioning because I felt it was slowing down my spiritual progression.
I've now made it my goal to become a channel.
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed it.

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Diana - 01-12-2015

(01-12-2015, 12:06 AM)Greg Wrote: - This experience directly led me to read Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak, which was probably the second most life-changing book I'd ever read (Law of One being #1, of course!). It resonated with me to a ridiculous degree; I practically memorized every paragraph, even though I take much of it to be purely metaphorical.

... It also came up this this O'sha contact was initiated to directly lead me to the Family of Light, as described in Bringers of the Dawn. Although The Law of One was the source of my big awakening experience, I identify much more closely with the "systems buster" archetype described by Marciniak than I would with, say, being a Ra wanderer.

... the archetype being a renegade member of the Family of Light whose main purpose is to break apart power structures and rigid systems of consciousness. I am an anarchist at heart, though only because I want to see people free and liberated from the malevolent power structures currently dominating our political landscape.

I think we may be very close in purpose and thinking. Smile

I had the similar experience when I read Bringers of the Dawn in 1991 or 1992 when it first was released. The idea of being a systems buster completely resonated with me as well—to a ridiculous degree. I drank in that book as though I had been thirsty for a long time. (And this is unusual for me—especially with anything New-Agey.) And the biggest surprise from that book for me was feeling better about the human race, as it put some things in perspective for me. I continue to have a difficult time with humanity, but that book shifted my perspective.

I likewise drank in The Ra Material after inheriting it from friend who died a few years ago. But while I deeply resonated with it (so much so I contacted L/L Research—something totally out of character), I didn't get the personal charge from it as I did Bringers of the Dawn. 

RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - Sandra06 - 07-14-2015

Good evening, I wouldn't have really thought anything of this but my 15 year old daughter says she is always seeing a ball of light and dark shadows. Last year my 12 year old daughter and I were sitting in the t.v room and saw this (tennis ball shape)yellowish/white ball of light. It lasted about five seconds and then disappeared. We both looked at each other and I asked her if she saw what I saw!? The look in her eyes, I knew before her words came out of her mouth. Then a few days later we saw the same light in our hallway, I didn't feel any fear. I remember my mother in law used to tell me that she can see spirits lingering and she said it was our loved ones who are visiting. Now that my oldest daughter is speaking out to me, she says it is happening more frequently. She saw a black shadow in our house and my parents house this past Saturday. She confessed to my mother that she has a feeling that someone is going to pass. Later that night a young lady had passed of a seizure who lived across from us. I am wondering what this all means, is she gifted? Anyway, ever since that night I can't stop thinking of the balls of light or dark shadows that appear.  


RE: Trying to make sense of recent experience - mjlabadia - 07-25-2015

(07-14-2015, 07:41 PM)Sandra06 Wrote: Good evening, I wouldn't have really thought anything of this but my 15 year old daughter says she is always seeing a ball of light and dark shadows. Last year my 12 year old daughter and I were sitting in the t.v room and saw this (tennis ball shape)yellowish/white ball of light. It lasted about five seconds and then disappeared. We both looked at each other and I asked her if she saw what I saw!? The look in her eyes, I knew before her words came out of her mouth. Then a few days later we saw the same light in our hallway, I didn't feel any fear. I remember my mother in law used to tell me that she can see spirits lingering and she said it was our loved ones who are visiting. Now that my oldest daughter is speaking out to me, she says it is happening more frequently. She saw a black shadow in our house and my parents house this past Saturday. She confessed to my mother that she has a feeling that someone is going to pass. Later that night a young lady had passed of a seizure who lived across from us. I am wondering what this all means, is she gifted? Anyway, ever since that night I can't stop thinking of the balls of light or dark shadows that appear.  



   Welcome to the community. I have not experienced what you and your daughters are experiencing.

   However,....there are a great many members here at different points on their spiritual path. Someone may have some answers for you. Be patient.

  I don't know if I may have missed it,.....but you may want to consider posting an "introduction" thread of your own,.....with this situation included. It may bring more possible responses. Most new members post an intro thread in "Wanderer Stories". (This section of the forum.) 

  It basically is the H.T.M.L. "icebreaker". I'm sure you are not alone in this experience as I have heard similar stories from a number of people.

 However,....I'm an engineer and I love research, I will see what info I can find regarding this phenomena.

                                                         Best Regards