06-14-2015, 07:52 AM
Thanks again for the feedback.
Tanrar says:
This idea has promise when comparing the physical with the transphysical.
First a definition: the term condensed means to become more compact or concentrated.
From this, in the spiritual and density sense, I would think that the most concentrated form is will, then love and then light. We can think of will, love and light in terms of a solid, liquid and gas respectively.
You represented condensation in our physical space/time realm where the abstract is more rarefied and condenses to less abstract. The physical condensation pattern is fire, air, water, earth -- or plasma, gas, liquid, solid. But this doesn't comply with your notion of the passive potential (solid) transforming to more active (liquid) and final kinetic (gas).
In the transphysical time/space realm processes are reversed so that the most abstract is the most solid and the transphysical condensation pattern is earth, water, air, fire where fire is most solid. Fire is associated with the will which is fitting and there are references by Ra of the Sun's light/fire as being solid which suggests this reversal. This does comply with your notion of the passive potential (solid) transforming to more active (liquid) and final kinetic (gas).
Using the transphysical realm and will, love, light as solid, liquid, gas respectively consider the following:
A chunk of solid water ice that is below freezing temperature can undergo sublimation into a vapor/gas without having to apply heat -- a solid to gas conversion -- so will/light and light/will can occur without love.
This reflects a range of indifferent, cold-hearted and hateful will/light and light/will phenomena. Why can STS work black magic without a heart center? Maybe the love for self or the universe (if it loves what it desires to master) engenders the ability to manifest light? Or maybe indifferent and cold-hearted will can manifest light since will can supercede love.
When heat is applied to this ice it goes above the freezing temperature and melts into a liquid -- a solid to liquid conversion. So this reflects a range of indifferent, warm-hearted and loveful will/love and love/will phenomena.
A bowl of liquid water that is below the boiling temperature can still undergo evaporation into a vapor/gas, but when heat is applied to the liquid it can more readily evaporate and goes through a complete conversion from liquid to gas at the boiling temperature.
So this reflects a range of indifferent, warm-hearted and loveful love/light and light/love phenomena.
What do you all think of this notion of will/love, love/will, will/light, light/will to be added to love/light and light/love? This is a key question that opens up another area of research.
Here's my take. From session 1 -- Infinity identifies or references Unity -- Infinity is Unity so the identity relationship is a kind of discernment.
Unity is singularity and is the ultimate finite form -- you may even consider it as absolute finity since from it is generated other finite forms. A metamath approach considers 1 + 1 = 2 or successor of 1 is 2 -- and for any finite n the successor of n is n+1.
Minyatur says:
Borrowing from non-Dualism primal Infinity is absolute formlessness so when it identifies with primal Unity, which is absolute form it can become intelligent -- or that's the theory so far.
That's a good way to express it and I would say that it complies with neo-Platonism and eternal abstract Forms, Ideals or Universals that precipitate an infinite range of similar less abstract or concrete forms.
My metamath approach is neo-Platonic and, for the most part, mathematics and physics is based on neo-Platonic notions which consider principles as ideas or abstract universals.
I asked:
By "Will" are you referring to "Free Will" or some more general Will with both free and deterministic modalities?
Ooo says:
I agree that will and willpower are generally the same even though there's many notions of power used by Ra ie spiritual power, power of love to enable light, etc.
There's over 200 entries of 'power' according to lawofone.info including "the power and peace of the OIC" numerous times. Perhaps will and power can be used interchangeably in many of these entries.
Regarding will and freewill.
In my question above I denote will as a general will that can be expressed by two modalities of free and deterministic. So in that general sense there is free will and deterministic will and perhaps there is an undetermined will in which it is unknown whether it is free or deterministic.
This is all hypothetical and I'm doing some creative speculating as an exercise. So as a counter example to your notion that the Will must be infinitely free I propose the following which may or may not hold.
If a google of choices -- a finite number -- is the range of choice for action or creative exploration then can the Will still manifest or operate? Can this be considered as finitely free will or finitely determined will? Isn't it possible to create a complex and vast yet finite system in which the Will can manifest? Perhaps as some blind, instinctual deterministic will?
1D examples:
1. Chemical reactions -- mix baking soda with vinegar -- why do they always produce the same reaction? Don't the molecules have freewill to not react?
2. A dust cloud in space contracts to form a planet or star. Don't the dust have freewill to not coalesce and gravitate to form a star?
2D examples:
1. Put your hand in a beehive -- why do the bees always sting you? Don't the bees have free will not to sting you?
2. A virus on a host always replicates. Don't they have freewill to not replicate?
In addition, I would say that primal Unity, as singularity, has singular focus and will. Singular is finite so is necessarily deterministic or primal.
This question was asked in a podcast, "Prior to the free will distortion of Unity did the Creator have a choice to come into existence or did the Creator have no choice but to come into existence?" Einstein asked the same thing and of course no one could give a valid answer. It's the First Cause problem in philosophy.
I'm considering the notion that there was no choice but to come into existence -- a necessary and deterministic act of will -- which sets the stage for the polar notion of free will as a natural counter reaction to determinism. Thus the creative free will/determinism dynamic in chaos theory and fractal math.
So what do you think of this notion of deterministic will? Too far removed from infinity? Maybe that's why finitist philosophers and scientists and some types of substance monists are atheists and determinists.
In the question below I asked this in the way of a leading question to a witness. I knew the answer but wanted an explicit response.
By "precipitate" are you implying that Love or creative power is derived from Will? So that if there was no Will, then Love and Light could not exist? It sounds as though you are making that implication.
Your exposition pretty much said that this is the implication. That is, if there was no Will then there would be no Love and no Light. Correct me if I'm wrong.
As an exercise I'm going to go Socratic method here and ask the following:
1. What about Light also being a manifestion of Will? If it is undistorted than why not pure Will or the Original Impulse?
2. So do you think there is only the love/light and light/love of the OIC? If the Will is so essential why not also assert will/light, light/will and will/love, love/will of the OIC? Does the negative path utilize will/light and light/will?
3. How did Light manifest and function in the previous octave especially at the very beginning of that octave? How about the octave previous to that one? How minimal and attenuated can Light be in those octaves?
Question #2 is the one I'm most interested in hearing feedback.
You mentioned the usage of 'forms' in the usual physical sense, and I can understand that. From what I've read Platonic Forms or Ideals are abstract Universals. They are metaphysical thoughtforms ie principles, laws, concepts etc and are not physical.
For now I take a neo-Platonic position and will use it in my treatise project to make relatable to mainstream philosophy students.
Thanks all for the input and reply if you'd like.
Tanrar says:
Quote:I actually think they are all the same thing in differing degrees of abstraction. Love is Will condensed. Light is Love condensed. All other distortions are condensed from light. These function as a step process or bridge between the potential phase of intelligent infinity and its final kinetic manifestation.
This idea has promise when comparing the physical with the transphysical.
First a definition: the term condensed means to become more compact or concentrated.
From this, in the spiritual and density sense, I would think that the most concentrated form is will, then love and then light. We can think of will, love and light in terms of a solid, liquid and gas respectively.
You represented condensation in our physical space/time realm where the abstract is more rarefied and condenses to less abstract. The physical condensation pattern is fire, air, water, earth -- or plasma, gas, liquid, solid. But this doesn't comply with your notion of the passive potential (solid) transforming to more active (liquid) and final kinetic (gas).
In the transphysical time/space realm processes are reversed so that the most abstract is the most solid and the transphysical condensation pattern is earth, water, air, fire where fire is most solid. Fire is associated with the will which is fitting and there are references by Ra of the Sun's light/fire as being solid which suggests this reversal. This does comply with your notion of the passive potential (solid) transforming to more active (liquid) and final kinetic (gas).
Using the transphysical realm and will, love, light as solid, liquid, gas respectively consider the following:
A chunk of solid water ice that is below freezing temperature can undergo sublimation into a vapor/gas without having to apply heat -- a solid to gas conversion -- so will/light and light/will can occur without love.
This reflects a range of indifferent, cold-hearted and hateful will/light and light/will phenomena. Why can STS work black magic without a heart center? Maybe the love for self or the universe (if it loves what it desires to master) engenders the ability to manifest light? Or maybe indifferent and cold-hearted will can manifest light since will can supercede love.
When heat is applied to this ice it goes above the freezing temperature and melts into a liquid -- a solid to liquid conversion. So this reflects a range of indifferent, warm-hearted and loveful will/love and love/will phenomena.
A bowl of liquid water that is below the boiling temperature can still undergo evaporation into a vapor/gas, but when heat is applied to the liquid it can more readily evaporate and goes through a complete conversion from liquid to gas at the boiling temperature.
So this reflects a range of indifferent, warm-hearted and loveful love/light and light/love phenomena.
What do you all think of this notion of will/love, love/will, will/light, light/will to be added to love/light and light/love? This is a key question that opens up another area of research.
Quote:I always found it interesting how Ra says that the first thing in existence is infinity and second is that infinity discerned a concept, finity. I feel like if I can understand how infinity is able to discern I might be a little farther along
Here's my take. From session 1 -- Infinity identifies or references Unity -- Infinity is Unity so the identity relationship is a kind of discernment.
Unity is singularity and is the ultimate finite form -- you may even consider it as absolute finity since from it is generated other finite forms. A metamath approach considers 1 + 1 = 2 or successor of 1 is 2 -- and for any finite n the successor of n is n+1.
Minyatur says:
Quote:Before there was the notion of finity, was it intelligent? Or was it an empty infinity
Borrowing from non-Dualism primal Infinity is absolute formlessness so when it identifies with primal Unity, which is absolute form it can become intelligent -- or that's the theory so far.
Quote:Also I'd mention that every time I say 'thought' or 'ideas' I think I'm actually referring to the Creator's capacity to focus upon a potential and make it kinetic.
That's a good way to express it and I would say that it complies with neo-Platonism and eternal abstract Forms, Ideals or Universals that precipitate an infinite range of similar less abstract or concrete forms.
My metamath approach is neo-Platonic and, for the most part, mathematics and physics is based on neo-Platonic notions which consider principles as ideas or abstract universals.
I asked:
By "Will" are you referring to "Free Will" or some more general Will with both free and deterministic modalities?
Ooo says:
Quote:There is no difference between will, freewill and willpower
I agree that will and willpower are generally the same even though there's many notions of power used by Ra ie spiritual power, power of love to enable light, etc.
There's over 200 entries of 'power' according to lawofone.info including "the power and peace of the OIC" numerous times. Perhaps will and power can be used interchangeably in many of these entries.
Regarding will and freewill.
Quote:It must also be infinitely free in Its choice of action or creative exploration.
In my question above I denote will as a general will that can be expressed by two modalities of free and deterministic. So in that general sense there is free will and deterministic will and perhaps there is an undetermined will in which it is unknown whether it is free or deterministic.
This is all hypothetical and I'm doing some creative speculating as an exercise. So as a counter example to your notion that the Will must be infinitely free I propose the following which may or may not hold.
If a google of choices -- a finite number -- is the range of choice for action or creative exploration then can the Will still manifest or operate? Can this be considered as finitely free will or finitely determined will? Isn't it possible to create a complex and vast yet finite system in which the Will can manifest? Perhaps as some blind, instinctual deterministic will?
1D examples:
1. Chemical reactions -- mix baking soda with vinegar -- why do they always produce the same reaction? Don't the molecules have freewill to not react?
2. A dust cloud in space contracts to form a planet or star. Don't the dust have freewill to not coalesce and gravitate to form a star?
2D examples:
1. Put your hand in a beehive -- why do the bees always sting you? Don't the bees have free will not to sting you?
2. A virus on a host always replicates. Don't they have freewill to not replicate?
In addition, I would say that primal Unity, as singularity, has singular focus and will. Singular is finite so is necessarily deterministic or primal.
This question was asked in a podcast, "Prior to the free will distortion of Unity did the Creator have a choice to come into existence or did the Creator have no choice but to come into existence?" Einstein asked the same thing and of course no one could give a valid answer. It's the First Cause problem in philosophy.
I'm considering the notion that there was no choice but to come into existence -- a necessary and deterministic act of will -- which sets the stage for the polar notion of free will as a natural counter reaction to determinism. Thus the creative free will/determinism dynamic in chaos theory and fractal math.
So what do you think of this notion of deterministic will? Too far removed from infinity? Maybe that's why finitist philosophers and scientists and some types of substance monists are atheists and determinists.
In the question below I asked this in the way of a leading question to a witness. I knew the answer but wanted an explicit response.
By "precipitate" are you implying that Love or creative power is derived from Will? So that if there was no Will, then Love and Light could not exist? It sounds as though you are making that implication.
Your exposition pretty much said that this is the implication. That is, if there was no Will then there would be no Love and no Light. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Quote:At the highest level of Creation, undistorted, pure, clear, white, undiffracted Light is the first and purest manifestation of the pure Love or the original Thought of the One Infinite Creator. Light is always the first and purest creative manifestation.
As an exercise I'm going to go Socratic method here and ask the following:
1. What about Light also being a manifestion of Will? If it is undistorted than why not pure Will or the Original Impulse?
2. So do you think there is only the love/light and light/love of the OIC? If the Will is so essential why not also assert will/light, light/will and will/love, love/will of the OIC? Does the negative path utilize will/light and light/will?
3. How did Light manifest and function in the previous octave especially at the very beginning of that octave? How about the octave previous to that one? How minimal and attenuated can Light be in those octaves?
Question #2 is the one I'm most interested in hearing feedback.
You mentioned the usage of 'forms' in the usual physical sense, and I can understand that. From what I've read Platonic Forms or Ideals are abstract Universals. They are metaphysical thoughtforms ie principles, laws, concepts etc and are not physical.
For now I take a neo-Platonic position and will use it in my treatise project to make relatable to mainstream philosophy students.
Thanks all for the input and reply if you'd like.