06-05-2015, 10:48 PM
briefly (to VAS) .. I didn't mean you had to thank me for my offer... not at all 
you could have then ignored me for the rest of the thread.. (for example..) and that would have been fine
it's that you responded without thanks but with directives as to my offer and the service/s within my offer...
I have only just woken here in Aus and skimmed a little bit of the rest since I left this thread.. will catch up after breakfast
nb: Tan...good question
- the purity of actual 'Reiki' (by definition) can't be altered... what I refer to is what isn't Usui Reiki - but is being presented as such. Human egos come into play ...
(For example: I know of a quite famous Usui Reiki master (in a direct lineage to Hawayo Takata and Mikao Usui)... who fell out with her own Usui Reiki Master during her training and didn't receive the final initiation to become master - yet this person has set up a worldwide practice and 'initiates' other people all the time - who unfortunately don't become initiated fully/properly because she herself - has only partial initiation...
The secrecy/privacy is also in place to preserve respect and indicate the sacredness - there are cultural precursors to this - that come from the Japanese mindset in which Mikao Usui re-discovered Reiki.
This is also what is behind the $ payment ... that the practitioner/channel should be paid for their time (as any other worker is) - and that people usually value something more if they pay for it.
Not that money exchange is needed... but respect and gratitude is.
Usually I don't go around offering free Reiki willy nilly.... because of this precept... but was moved sufficiently by VAS's pain to offer
VAS doesn't need to be grateful or interested at all though (but preferably not be 'bossy' about my offer either
gotta haz my coffee now

you could have then ignored me for the rest of the thread.. (for example..) and that would have been fine

it's that you responded without thanks but with directives as to my offer and the service/s within my offer...
I have only just woken here in Aus and skimmed a little bit of the rest since I left this thread.. will catch up after breakfast
nb: Tan...good question

(For example: I know of a quite famous Usui Reiki master (in a direct lineage to Hawayo Takata and Mikao Usui)... who fell out with her own Usui Reiki Master during her training and didn't receive the final initiation to become master - yet this person has set up a worldwide practice and 'initiates' other people all the time - who unfortunately don't become initiated fully/properly because she herself - has only partial initiation...
The secrecy/privacy is also in place to preserve respect and indicate the sacredness - there are cultural precursors to this - that come from the Japanese mindset in which Mikao Usui re-discovered Reiki.
This is also what is behind the $ payment ... that the practitioner/channel should be paid for their time (as any other worker is) - and that people usually value something more if they pay for it.
Not that money exchange is needed... but respect and gratitude is.
Usually I don't go around offering free Reiki willy nilly.... because of this precept... but was moved sufficiently by VAS's pain to offer
VAS doesn't need to be grateful or interested at all though (but preferably not be 'bossy' about my offer either

gotta haz my coffee now