05-07-2015, 02:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 02:43 PM by godwide_void.)
(05-06-2015, 09:55 PM)Epsilon5 Wrote: Greetings, in the Light and Love of our One Beautiful, Infinite Creator.
I have a simple request which would be such a blessing, should it be your desire to help in this fashion.
There are many, many ways to interpret the Ra Material, and to put into practice the teachings of the Law of One in our own lives. As is mentioned in the text (and fairly obvious besides), the society of the present day does not lend itself terribly much toward allowing Service-To-Others entities to thrive. For that matter, Service-To-Self entities also have a very hard time sufficiently polarizing. What we get is a case where there's an awful lot of muddled polarity.
I believe Ra commented "We became concerned."
I think that it is extremely beautiful that We (The Creator) have brought forth such an environment, in which we may experience ourselves more fully in this fashion, where polarity is greatly muddled so late in the game, so to speak.
With all of that said, how have you, personally, implemented the teachings of the Law of One in your own life, and do you have a specifically stated goal as you go along that path (and if you do, what is it)?
I realize that this is an intensely personal question, and that what works for you in this incarnation may not work for me in mine (Again, I find this to be an extremely beautiful function of Us coming to know Ourselves).
I eagerly await your response!
The way in which I've integrated the Law of One into my life is in the recognition that the world I inhabit is the awareness of the internal environment of the One Infinite Creator; my field of consciousness, my perceptual awareness and the form which my consciousness has generated itself in is no more than an experiential node for the One to experience lower density incarnate existence through. The subconscious portion of my mind is the domain wherein a greater portion of my metaphysicality lies, which may further inform the conscious portion of my awareness, especially when combined with intuitive faculties and higher spiritual agencies.
Enhanced clarity of mind exists in facing any perceived obstacles in my life in knowing that all phenomenon and experience are manifestations within the imagination of God, although in some cases it takes me some time to jolt back to a more centered understanding of the reality being interfaced with, this being true especially in instances of conflict or tension. The language of the Creator is not only via words; sounds, images, any and all sensory data which enters the awareness is informed by the infinite unified improvisational intelligence. There are times when this acknowledgement is not immediately manifest but emerges after reflective contemplation, with things getting placed into greater perspective following the recurring epiphany.
The third eye, meditation and helpful tools has been a great route of ascertaining and discerning information and attaining spiritual verification of metaphysical circumstances, life purpose, and further insights into how to relate with the Universe on the personal microcosmic level, especially after application of the Law of One and related information to my seeking.