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A Personal Request - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: A Personal Request (/showthread.php?tid=10833) |
A Personal Request - Epsilon5 - 05-06-2015 Greetings, in the Light and Love of our One Beautiful, Infinite Creator. I have a simple request which would be such a blessing, should it be your desire to help in this fashion. There are many, many ways to interpret the Ra Material, and to put into practice the teachings of the Law of One in our own lives. As is mentioned in the text (and fairly obvious besides), the society of the present day does not lend itself terribly much toward allowing Service-To-Others entities to thrive. For that matter, Service-To-Self entities also have a very hard time sufficiently polarizing. What we get is a case where there's an awful lot of muddled polarity. I believe Ra commented "We became concerned." I think that it is extremely beautiful that We (The Creator) have brought forth such an environment, in which we may experience ourselves more fully in this fashion, where polarity is greatly muddled so late in the game, so to speak. With all of that said, how have you, personally, implemented the teachings of the Law of One in your own life, and do you have a specifically stated goal as you go along that path (and if you do, what is it)? I realize that this is an intensely personal question, and that what works for you in this incarnation may not work for me in mine (Again, I find this to be an extremely beautiful function of Us coming to know Ourselves). I eagerly await your response! RE: A Personal Request - Minyatur - 05-06-2015 I haven't changed any of my ways really nor did I set up goals for myself so much. I'm just trying to always perceive the creator in all that is already there, seeing that all is ever perfect. Working on my awareness of reality rather than working on reality. Goals and such are ever changing in my mind and I know not what work would be worth more than any other. I've thought I wanted to be a healer but I felt that this will happen only if I let fully go of myself. I think this is a day to day process that cannot be forced. As such I do want to be service to others but I think of it as a personal bias, I do not want to exist as a bringer of negativity to other-selves althought I do think it is something needed just as much as a bringer of light. If I ever let go fully of myself, I'll become what is required and not what I want to be. RE: A Personal Request - Stranger - 05-06-2015 I mediate as much as I can, and reach out to God the Father (the Logos) when I do so. (I prefer God the Father, or better yet, Dad, because I feel that it more accurately captures the loving relationship between the Logos and each of his children). I work on remaining constantly mindful of the fact that everything around me is Me - grass, squirrels, air atoms, everything. Everyone I encounter is Me, but just happens to be wearing a different body than me for the moment. Everyone I come across is God the Father. I work on being mindful of emotions that imply separation (anger, disdain, resentment, dislike, jealousy, etc. etc.) and transform them into love for the other-self. When my mind is not occupied (e.g., walking somewhere), I often remember to find love in my heart and send it out to the All, or to something or someone in particular. I find this to be a beneficial use of spare time. Those are the main practices that have served me very well so far. Amazingly well, in fact. RE: A Personal Request - Minyatur - 05-06-2015 I should stop avoiding reaching out to God the Father. I seem to be doing that. I did at first and it's what set me up on my spiritual path. RE: A Personal Request - Stranger - 05-06-2015 Reflecting, I recognized that everything I listed had to do with relating to others. More recently, focusing on how I relate to myself has become more prominent and important, and I discovered all sorts of challenges or problems in my attitudes toward myself. It's a common affliction on planet Earth, as Quo pointed out, but it's still important to recognize it when we find ourselves not being as kind and loving toward ourselves as we are to others. The golden rule works in both directions. With that said, I do wonder if being harder on myself helped me in some way to put more effort into becoming kinder to others? I think it very well may have. But at this point it's time to move beyond that. RE: A Personal Request - Jade - 05-07-2015 I've been working on accepting myself. I've always been a "do-gooder", and that has led me to be very hard on myself for the times I feel like I let others down. I think the most important thing that the Law of One has taught me personally about being, is that it's the intent of the action that matters, not the outcome. If I rest and act from love as much as possible, then I am guiltless for my actions (or perceived lack thereof). This has been a big deal for me. My goal is to continue seeking at a pace that is most comfortable to me. So far I feel as if I've made it through my various "initiations" with success. Keeping my chin above water when intense catalyst is working is my goal - to be a beacon, a rock. This has always been a subconscious goal but I have to really focus because I have to take care of my #1, my husband, who can be quite fragile. He's going through some intense stuff right now, and hoo boy, being at peace while your other half is in turmoil is a tough gig. The other day he apologized for his moodiness, and I just told him that I would never complain about practicing how to make others feel better about themselves. RE: A Personal Request - godwide_void - 05-07-2015 (05-06-2015, 09:55 PM)Epsilon5 Wrote: Greetings, in the Light and Love of our One Beautiful, Infinite Creator. The way in which I've integrated the Law of One into my life is in the recognition that the world I inhabit is the awareness of the internal environment of the One Infinite Creator; my field of consciousness, my perceptual awareness and the form which my consciousness has generated itself in is no more than an experiential node for the One to experience lower density incarnate existence through. The subconscious portion of my mind is the domain wherein a greater portion of my metaphysicality lies, which may further inform the conscious portion of my awareness, especially when combined with intuitive faculties and higher spiritual agencies. Enhanced clarity of mind exists in facing any perceived obstacles in my life in knowing that all phenomenon and experience are manifestations within the imagination of God, although in some cases it takes me some time to jolt back to a more centered understanding of the reality being interfaced with, this being true especially in instances of conflict or tension. The language of the Creator is not only via words; sounds, images, any and all sensory data which enters the awareness is informed by the infinite unified improvisational intelligence. There are times when this acknowledgement is not immediately manifest but emerges after reflective contemplation, with things getting placed into greater perspective following the recurring epiphany. The third eye, meditation and helpful tools has been a great route of ascertaining and discerning information and attaining spiritual verification of metaphysical circumstances, life purpose, and further insights into how to relate with the Universe on the personal microcosmic level, especially after application of the Law of One and related information to my seeking. RE: A Personal Request - Reaper - 05-07-2015 I dedicate myself to self-honesty and self-discovery, so that in better knowing myself I may continually refine the gifts I offer to humanity. When I started on this path, I was too deep in self-hatred to know what I wanted or what I was capable of. I relied on others to validate my worth, and spent most of my time trying to help people who neither wanted nor needed my assistance in an attempt to produce tangible evidence that I was "a positive person". I desperately craved attention and wound up dragging others down with my antics. Eventually I realized these qualities within myself, along with the misery they brought me, and I pledged to better understand myself so that I would no longer need the crutch of other people's approval. To serve others in a pure fashion is to serve regardless of whether one is noticed, thanked or approved of. It is to act without the expectation of any reward, and to accept the possibility of suffering for one's actions. It comes from the genuine desire to do good unto others, and it is only through seeking my own nature that I have realized why I desire to do that good. Therefore my motto or "goal statement" is Know Thy Self, for I see the willingness to seek that knowledge as the foundation of all further acts of service. RE: A Personal Request - Aion - 05-07-2015 I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of bubblegum. RE: A Personal Request - Epsilon5 - 05-08-2015 (05-06-2015, 10:20 PM)Stranger Wrote: I work on remaining constantly mindful of the fact that everything around me is Me - grass, squirrels, air atoms, everything. Everyone I encounter is Me, but just happens to be wearing a different body than me for the moment. Everyone I come across is God the Father. I find these things to be quite beautiful! Prior to having read the Law of One material, I had spent much time in ponderment that God at the Highest ("All", in my new vocabulary), must still be God at every scope and scale, that is to say, The Universe, the Galaxies, the Stars, the Planets, the Inhabitants of those planets everywhere from the Humans, to the Foxes, to the Gnats, to the Bacteria, all the way down to the atomic scale, and beyond. Of course we now understand (to a minimal degree) that it's also We who are at every scope and scale: This is an extremely beautiful thought, to me. (05-06-2015, 11:16 PM)Stranger Wrote: With that said, I do wonder if being harder on myself helped me in some way to put more effort into becoming kinder to others? I think it very well may have. But at this point it's time to move beyond that. This resonates with me very strongly. I have always been hard on myself, from my youth, and knew guilt very well. It was only about a year and a half ago that I made the conscious effort to try to learn how to forgive myself (and about two years ago that I learned that forgiving myself was something I might want to do). Once I decided that I wasn't the monster that I thought I was (because are we not each the Creator?), everything became much more pleasant. I found out that once I learned that I was "allowed" to be kind to myself, I found being kind to others much, much more simple. (05-07-2015, 02:41 PM)godwide_void Wrote: Enhanced clarity of mind exists in facing any perceived obstacles in my life in knowing that all phenomenon and experience are manifestations within the imagination of God, although in some cases it takes me some time to jolt back to a more centered understanding of the reality being interfaced with, this being true especially in instances of conflict or tension. The language of the Creator is not only via words; sounds, images, any and all sensory data which enters the awareness is informed by the infinite unified improvisational intelligence. There are times when this acknowledgement is not immediately manifest but emerges after reflective contemplation, with things getting placed into greater perspective following the recurring epiphany. YES!! Thank you so much for your eloquent rendering of that which I have meditated upon for the last three weeks straight. This is extremely beautiful to me. I believe that Ra mentioned something to the effect of being at a semi-meditative state at all times, if it is our desire to continue having that decrease in conflict or tension that allows us to more focusedly attend to that path we have chosen for ourselves. (05-07-2015, 04:53 PM)Yera Wrote: To serve others in a pure fashion is to serve regardless of whether one is noticed, thanked or approved of. It is to act without the expectation of any reward, and to accept the possibility of suffering for one's actions. It comes from the genuine desire to do good unto others, and it is only through seeking my own nature that I have realized why I desire to do that good. This resonates with me very strongly. I've known for nearly a decade now that I wanted to choose the Service-to-Others path. In the Book of Mormon (which jives Beautifully with Law of One Teachings), there is a verse which states that "When you are in the service of your fellow-beings, ye are only in the service of your God," which is something that has always resonated within me as a beautiful way of seeing service. But, somewhere in the Knowing of the choice of which path I wanted, there was the lack of knowing WHY I wanted that path. "Because it's Good," or "Because it's the 'Right' Path," wasn't good enough for me. I, having full freedom of will have the liberty to choose any path laid before me. Why, then, service-to-others? Once I was able to answer that question within myself, suddenly everything became so much more clear, and I found a special Peace I had not known before. -=-=-=-=- Thanks so much for all of your wonderful input! I'm still interested in reading your thoughts this regard, so if you haven't shared yet, or have something to add, and desire to do so: Keep 'em comin'! ![]() RE: A Personal Request - Cyclops - 05-10-2015 (05-06-2015, 09:55 PM)Epsilon5 Wrote: With all of that said, how have you, personally, implemented the teachings of the Law of One in your own life, and do you have a specifically stated goal as you go along that path (and if you do, what is it)? If I was to answer I would say I have not implemented the teachings of the Law of One directly but rather that it has remapped my personality. I think this is the most accurate way I can describe it. I do not meditate or talk about the Law of One nor feel an overwhelming urge to do so. What I understand though is that I feel there is a shade of it now on my psyche, probably informing my ideas and actions whether I am aware or unaware of it all the time. Reading the books and a lot of the l/l library I have come to judge the concepts and ideas there worthy, a possible goal would be to just continue to live with that awareness and let it shape me further. RE: A Personal Request - Stranger - 05-11-2015 Aside from the practices I've already mentioned, there have been radical changes in my daily life as a consequence of following the Law of One in my life. I am filled with a warm glow inside much of the time now, feeling the vital energy flowing all the way up to the top of my head most days. This has been particularly the case since I cleared the solar plexus blockage as described in another thread. A huge impact on my sense of well-being. I am in direct contact with my Higher Self, and others who are here to help. I know that I can reach out to essentially any Consciousness in the Universe and have a conversation. I get incredibly specific guidance when I ask questions, very practical and detailed. I know it's not coming from me because they are surprising and coherent ideas that often run counter to my own thinking and expectations. This has made my life terrifically easier, although I still have my own self-generated catalyst (fears, etc.) to contend with as the primary obstacle. One more thing: discovering that in this Universe there exist beings who are purely good. I had assumed before that everyone has some sort of self-interested agenda. Then I discovered that there were beings who never lie, who only and sincerely wish the absolute best for *everyone*. That was shocking and totally transformative for me. I wanted to become like them; I had something to aspire to; I had an ideal worth believing in and pursuing. My relationships, my outlook on life, my understanding of my place in the Universe have changed dramatically. I'm grateful most of the time and I can't believe how lucky I've been. And yet I know that it's going to keep getting even better still, as long as I keep working at it. If someone had told me it was possible to enjoy being alive this much 20 years ago, I would not have believed them. So, thank you Ra, Carla, Don and Jim! And of course, all of you wonderful folks that I can share this with, knowing that you can relate and understand what I'm talking about, which is precious in itself. RE: A Personal Request - Aion - 05-11-2015 I try to be myself as honestly and genuinely as possible. |