04-08-2015, 10:34 PM
(04-07-2015, 04:40 AM)Doctor Makuta Wrote: So when you enter 8D do you become a universe?
In my humble opinion, 8th density is absolute infinity, otherwise known as distortionless, unpotentiated, infinity.
Infinity contains *all* possibilities. No exceptions. Here, there is no difference between potential/actual, probable/actual, potential/kinetic. However you like to characterize duality.
Now, within this octave density -- this absolutely mind-boggling infinity of Beingness -- there are islands of focus. These are kinetic explorations of many-ness, multiplicity, duality, or separation (however you like to phrase it ;-) ). These are Logoi. These Logoi are 7th density being(s) which are, for lack of better word, "containers" for the densities within them.
So what happens when you enter 8th density?
Well, the manifest Logos which, keep in mind, is all of us together as one kinetic focus of intelligent infinity, transfigures, or metamorphosizes into a *new* Logos with new parameters to explore, which are still variations on the seven rays of Beingness. In this process, many distortions are peeled away and discarded, however, some of the old parameters, or distortions, are retained if they are appraised to be worthy of evolving or exploring further.
You can think of the guardians, or lightbringers, who come from the next octave, as a manifestation of the Higher Self of our own Logos, in a certain manner of speaking -- its future self coming back to aid its past self in its Logos completion. This process of inner beings (or future selves if you prefer) assisting the balancing of the past selves, is a holographic process of reality redounding to the very microscopic/macroscopic limits of infinity.
Fascinating isn't it?
Imagine mirrors facing mirrors into infinity. It is like a fractal of eternal Beingness.