03-30-2015, 03:22 PM
7D is simply awareness on a higher macroscopic level. You already are like a 7D entity only that you have choice in your polarity as you fufill your self desires (being STO or STS). I picture the loss of identity as that one has fufilled all his desires and trancend in awareness the illusion of polarity. A 7D being gives a service to All, he has fufilled his own growth and in turn provide the needed environment/experiences for sub-Logois to further their growth.
If you picture your body as a world for all it's sub-organisms, you are not any different than a Logos except that you polarize this said world rather than letting the sub-organisms polarize it. Other than that, it is as above as bellow.
If you picture your body as a world for all it's sub-organisms, you are not any different than a Logos except that you polarize this said world rather than letting the sub-organisms polarize it. Other than that, it is as above as bellow.