03-10-2015, 09:31 AM
(02-21-2015, 05:11 PM)words of a wanderer With the amount of time to takes to manifest desires and wishes, at least for me in my life, it is taking less and less time to materialize which baffles and astounds me. But I know this has to be so, because I will it.I will it because I align myself with the creative force of the one infinite creator.I would say depending on your perspective, the shift is possible within the viewpoint you carry.If you would pay attention to those in the negative rifts, they are still being bathed and pulled through the same energy, they are being presented with the same things, but are veiled. That may be true, but for those of us who are learning, eyes open, awake, it kinda feels like... hitting 5th. why? You know in the Law of One they talk about ambrosia and eating this blue greenish hue light. well right then i was mixing up blue green algae, with honey. honey never rots? i didn\t know that until 2 weeks ago! i'm getting so many brain downloads. it's insane. on everything. is this ambrosia? according to Ra?umm drinking it was like putting rocket fuel into your chakra systems. of course it wasn't straight honey and algae it was in raw juice i don't think i could eat it straight like that, though it might taste good it would be a waste haha.anyway food for thought i think with the way we look 4th or 5th density is livable. in this free will zone it's not like we can force people to wake up.. they need to of their own free will and choice. i won't tell them until they ask. i won't control. i'm done with that. the kids, they can do what they want, let them. awakenspencer Wrote: Referring to all of the sessions collected and channelled here, I have a question that has likely been sought before, but I cannot seem to find good material on.
I remember reading in the Law of One that the shift into fourth density would happen in 2011 or 2012, but that since there is a large amount of negative energy holding us back, it would take 100-700 years to become a true fourth density planet.
I am wondering, how are we doing on this now? Is there a point when we can expect to become electromagnetic instead of chemical? And what developments in consciousness can we expect within this lifetime, say the next 50 years?
Also, is there a cutoff point for third density, in which only fourth density is allowed to incarnate?
If these questions havw been explored elsewhere, or perhaps in one of the sessions in the L/L Research library, please point me to further resources.
Thanks, Spencer