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Transition into Fourth Density - chaospanda - 02-21-2015

Referring to all of the sessions collected and channelled here, I have a question that has likely been sought before, but I cannot seem to find good material on.

I remember reading in the Law of One that the shift into fourth density would happen in 2011 or 2012, but that since there is a large amount of negative energy holding us back, it would take 100-700 years to become a true fourth density planet.

I am wondering, how are we doing on this now? Is there a point when we can expect to become electromagnetic instead of chemical? And what developments in consciousness can we expect within this lifetime, say the next 50 years?

Also, is there a cutoff point for third density, in which only fourth density is allowed to incarnate?

If these questions havw been explored elsewhere, or perhaps in one of the sessions in the L/L Research library, please point me to further resources.

Thanks, Spencer

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AnthroHeart - 02-22-2015

I'm sorry no one has answered yet. I'm not sure where we are actually. I believe Earth herself is in 4D time/space. Humankind is still in 3D.

There is going to be a cutoff point where 3D can no longer incarnate. I don't know when that is or will be.
Yes, we will become energetic rather than chemical in our bodies. Probably in the next incarnation.
We'll be allowed to live out our lives as normal so that it doesn't violate anyone's free will.
If we jumped to 4D we'd probably violate others' free will who are not ready to progress.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Matt1 - 02-22-2015

I believe that we are probably at the last point for incarnation for purely 3rd density body types since 2012. The new incarnations are of 3rd/4th density hybrid.

If we look at the conditions of the world at this point in time, we still have many social issues we need to deal with, in my opinion this is a reflection of the collective unconscious shadow that we are in the process of healing. We are making steady progress but i am not sure we will see the changes we have hope for in our life times alone. I theorize that 2100 will probably be the time frame we are looking at for most of this material and disclosure to be fully public.

However we will see many great changes during this time, the rediscovery of lost civilizations, new physics and ET contact in some form or another.

All of this falls a little short of the realization of the now. 4th density is love and love is already here for you as much as you are willing to accept it.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AnthroHeart - 02-22-2015

(02-22-2015, 12:48 PM)Matt1 Wrote: 4th density is love and love is already here for you as much as you are willing to accept it.

This really stood out for me.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AnthroHeart - 02-22-2015

There is a Disclosure Project underway for some time. To reveal UFO's and other things.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - anagogy - 02-22-2015

(02-21-2015, 05:11 PM)awakenspencer Wrote: Referring to all of the sessions collected and channelled here, I have a question that has likely been sought before, but I cannot seem to find good material on.

I remember reading in the Law of One that the shift into fourth density would happen in 2011 or 2012, but that since there is a large amount of negative energy holding us back, it would take 100-700 years to become a true fourth density planet.

I am wondering, how are we doing on this now? Is there a point when we can expect to become electromagnetic instead of chemical? And what developments in consciousness can we expect within this lifetime, say the next 50 years?

Also, is there a cutoff point for third density, in which only fourth density is allowed to incarnate?

If these questions havw been explored elsewhere, or perhaps in one of the sessions in the L/L Research library, please point me to further resources.

Thanks, Spencer

My general understanding/intuition on the topic is:

The negativity of our planet isn't massively keeping us back from the transition to fourth density.  It just looks that way to us because we experience time the way we do.  That is to say, in a couple generations the negativity that appears to be retarding the expanding consciousness is just going to peter right out.  The Earth is becoming massively more positive each day, despite the image the media likes to portray to sensationalize small pockets of disharmony occurring about the globe.  It is also a mostly unconscious attempt by the STS collective unconscious to maintain its foothold of identity on this planet, but it won't go anywhere.  The probability vortices Ra gave for the transition 100--700 years were a ballpark estimate for how long it would take for these distortions to iron out.

Outer physical structures are simply reflections of the inner consciousness structures and can actually change relatively rapidly.  But the consciousness has to change first.  The old instructions have to be let go of before the new instructions can take hold.  The difficulty of such equals the resistance to the new vibrations.

But as far as I am aware, we are still very much on track. I'm thinking the "cutoff" point was around the 2011 mark Ra initially indicated as the marker point for fourth density. The future vibrations after this point aren't massively helpful for people working through 3rd density vibrational distortions so only those with 4th density potentials are incarnating after that point.

As for what we can expect in the next 50 years?

You can expect increasing positivity about the globe, massive expansion in information technology, massive increase in psychic awareness among the population, and diets are gradually going to change to healthier and healthier raw food diets.  Many people will begin to gravitate to more of a liquid based vegetable/fruit diet as the instreaming vibrations become more rarefied.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - chaospanda - 02-22-2015

Thank you for the information. I agree that if they said that we had until 2012 to make the decision to enter the fourth density, then that should also be the cutoff point for third density. So we should expect to see a progressive shift into higher consciousness. The only current statistics on any progress we are making is that murder and rape counts in the US have decreased 50% since 1990. I believe that the major marker of any progress we initially make will be to see if we can end world violence.

It is motivating to hear that the love of fourth density is available to us now. I believe the availability will increase rapidly in coming times. But I am experimenting with conscious intent to create a better reality for myself and experience more love in my life.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Reaper - 03-08-2015

It is my understanding that we currently have access to Fourth Density potential and work. The energy is available, but the actual shift in physical form cannot happen while there are still so many on this planet unable to handle that level of intensity. Those unable to process fourth dimensional energy must be filtered out via natural death over the next several generations. While these individuals can be mildly affected by the new energies, most are simply going to sink even deeper into their indifference in order to hide from the greater truth being made available, and their confused behaviors will continue to dominate the planet until their numbers are gradually diminished...which is why we haven't suddenly entered into a utopian paradise where everyone understands how to love one another. Still, there are many more opportunities opening up for those with the potential to do higher levels of work, to reshape the infrastructure of the world we know. They are already laying the foundation, but I wouldn't expect anything but gradual change.

I certainly don't think that any of us are going to magically enter new bodies in the middle of the incarnation, though certain lifestyle behaviors can allow the physical body to more easily access the new energy and some people are now born into dual activated bodies that can handle both spectrums- harbingers of what is to come, if you will. Still, we'll all have to die before we can skip off to Narnia. Eventually, when the transition process is complete, the third density portion of this planet will be completely inactive and all incarnating here will do so in fourth density bodies within the appropriate vibration.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Shemaya - 03-08-2015

Quote:As for what we can expect in the next 50 years?

As planetary activation occurs, we can expect many people to resist, and many people to be confused, manifesting disease and mental illness. There is a need for healers, spiritually awake and aware health practitioners for both mental/ physical health.

I really encourage everyone who is awakening and aware to think about getting some skills related to counseling, coaching, spiritual direction etc.

But even just helping your family along, and working on own individual blockages is working towards the transformation. We will greatly assist the transformation by being focused on the goal and very aware of our individual blockages. Know thyself, heal, thyself.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AnthroHeart - 03-08-2015

We can expect certain ephiphany's as the veil begins to thin. Beginning to sense what other people are thinking.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Billy - 03-09-2015

A part of me is still stuck in the 'waiting for the shift to save me' idea, which I am trying to grow past, although it seems to reoccur every now and again.  I'm going through it right now were I look for information which claims that the shift is going to occur some time very soon and I find some comfort and hope in the idea that salvation is nigh heh.  I do however wonder why there isn't more specific information available considering the times we are living in.  I guess it would be innapropriate to give dates but I don't know.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Shemaya - 03-09-2015

Hi Folk- love,

The shift is within you Smile

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Jeremy - 03-09-2015

We will never shift into some 4D entity within our current incarnation. Such graduation doesn't occur until after our current incarnation ends. No transcendence, no ascendance, no magical warp into sunshine and rainbows.

If we are indeed on our last hurrah of this density, go out and enjoy it by attempting to bring others into the light of such a wonderful existence.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - darklight - 03-09-2015

Soon the Borg will arrive and assimilate, eh I mean harvest everyone who is ready.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Bluebell - 03-09-2015

it's really a harvest organized by the soup memorial complex that takes our organs to make soup for FSM... RIP All Tasty Polarity-Marinated Earthlings... & long may u digest us in gastric pleasure, our Lord FSM.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - darklight - 03-09-2015

Maybe Galactus will arrive. Last night I saw a silver creature flying on a surfboard sniffing around.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Bluebell - 03-09-2015

[Image: 4056329-6078358023-Silve.jpg]

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Bluebell - 03-09-2015

where r his *things* Huh

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - darklight - 03-09-2015

That's the guy I saw Tongue 

Shrunk, deep freeze vacuum space.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Jeremy - 03-09-2015

Geez trolling a little hard aren't ya? The guy had an honest question.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - caycegal - 03-09-2015

Have been telling myself... The world is not really worse or more negative.  The opposite is true.  The reason we are so aware of the negative is that it is rising in our mass consciousness as we try to purge all of it out of existence.  Our technology - internet, smart phones, news networks  - helps us quickly find and focus on the negative.   But some teachers say you can never purge the negative out of existence.  You can only love more desired things into existence, which is the preferred method of transformation.  More and more entities are realizing this and practicing/learning this new way of focusing on things.

This is my story and I like it.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Bluebell - 03-09-2015

(03-09-2015, 11:59 AM)Jeremy Wrote: Geez trolling a little hard aren't ya?  The guy had an honest question.

cheese, who's trolling? Huh

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - darklight - 03-09-2015

Some posts will be less serious and more funny. That's a human aspect. Even Ra is sometimes less serious and making jokes. Wink

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - Bluebell - 03-09-2015

exactly otherwise we'll go crazy

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - darklight - 03-09-2015

(03-09-2015, 12:54 PM)Bluebell Wrote: exactly otherwise we'll go crazy


RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AngelofDeath - 03-09-2015

All changes are transitions of awareness. Transfers of awareness with itself manifest as changes in experience. Becoming aware of another part of infinity is an internal process. Awareness as an experience is the fruit of this inner process. Awareness changes itself, by itself, through itself.

Everything is already existent, awareness is simply moving within itself, like a kaleidoscope.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AnthroHeart - 03-09-2015

Like a fractal, exactly.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AngelofDeath - 03-09-2015

The internal is the center, the external is the circle.

[Image: 600px-Sun_symbol.svg.png]

The Sun is the Focus, the symbol of the universal Logos.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - AnthroHeart - 03-09-2015

The Great Central Sun is not a sun, is it? It is the Source of All That Is.

RE: Transition into Fourth Density - darklight - 03-09-2015

(03-09-2015, 08:54 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: The Great Central Sun is not a sun, is it? It is the Source of All That Is.

A black hole, 3 million solar mass.