(02-21-2015, 05:11 PM)awakenspencer Wrote: Referring to all of the sessions collected and channelled here, I have a question that has likely been sought before, but I cannot seem to find good material on.
I remember reading in the Law of One that the shift into fourth density would happen in 2011 or 2012, but that since there is a large amount of negative energy holding us back, it would take 100-700 years to become a true fourth density planet.
I am wondering, how are we doing on this now? Is there a point when we can expect to become electromagnetic instead of chemical? And what developments in consciousness can we expect within this lifetime, say the next 50 years?
Also, is there a cutoff point for third density, in which only fourth density is allowed to incarnate?
If these questions havw been explored elsewhere, or perhaps in one of the sessions in the L/L Research library, please point me to further resources.
Thanks, Spencer
My general understanding/intuition on the topic is:
The negativity of our planet isn't massively keeping us back from the transition to fourth density. It just looks that way to us because we experience time the way we do. That is to say, in a couple generations the negativity that appears to be retarding the expanding consciousness is just going to peter right out. The Earth is becoming massively more positive each day, despite the image the media likes to portray to sensationalize small pockets of disharmony occurring about the globe. It is also a mostly unconscious attempt by the STS collective unconscious to maintain its foothold of identity on this planet, but it won't go anywhere. The probability vortices Ra gave for the transition 100--700 years were a ballpark estimate for how long it would take for these distortions to iron out.
Outer physical structures are simply reflections of the inner consciousness structures and can actually change relatively rapidly. But the consciousness has to change first. The old instructions have to be let go of before the new instructions can take hold. The difficulty of such equals the resistance to the new vibrations.
But as far as I am aware, we are still very much on track. I'm thinking the "cutoff" point was around the 2011 mark Ra initially indicated as the marker point for fourth density. The future vibrations after this point aren't massively helpful for people working through 3rd density vibrational distortions so only those with 4th density potentials are incarnating after that point.
As for what we can expect in the next 50 years?
You can expect increasing positivity about the globe, massive expansion in information technology, massive increase in psychic awareness among the population, and diets are gradually going to change to healthier and healthier raw food diets. Many people will begin to gravitate to more of a liquid based vegetable/fruit diet as the instreaming vibrations become more rarefied.