01-09-2015, 09:22 PM
(04-14-2014, 09:39 PM)isis Wrote: synchronicities
i wrote a reply on your autobiography post sharing that i got a neat synch thanks to your story. (that i skimmed it on groundhog's day then happened to read the line in your story that mentioned groundhog day)
"This happens to every single entity in all of existence. There’s no eternal heaven or hell. There’s just repeating your Groundhog Day life scenario or moving on to the next step. And you will reincarnate as many times as you need. We are all destined to merge with God because we have ALREADY merged with God an infinite number of times; the cycle just feeds back into itself infinitely because the continuous cycle of God creating the conditions for its own existence is how existence exists (I think that makes sense...)."
i thought this was a really cool synchronicity & now there's more:
just yesterday i was having a discussion w/ my partner that's a proud atheist. i was telling him how atheists can be converted thanks to drugs or something like that & he was all like 'i'll believe it when i see it' or something like that & i started to say 'go to we are one dot com!!!' but i couldn't recall the exact link to your site so i refrained & i contemplated reading your story yesterday since i haven't read it all yet. i told myself i would do it very soon yesterday. i also wondered where u went & y there's been no posting from u. the point is u were on my mind a lot yesterday
but wait there's more:
Thai. there's that word again. i visited the bring4th chatroom today & came across the word multiple times. & some1 mentioned godlikeproductions too. i started to share that i love GLP but i didn't bc i had to go
also, i've seen the star-like thingys when meditating & it's actually why i quit meditating a lot
ps: i've gotten synchronicities involving the pleiadians
Dave Hogg tells me that God wants a realationship with me , with us all, and so I told him about seeing 111 and he said John chapter one, 11 in the bible says ,I am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end , (GOD) communicates to us through the supernatural, Dave said he and his wife would like to come to my new house on new years eve to lay hands on my husbands injured knee to pray for him and to heal him through the name of jesus Christ, I said I didn't think that he would understand snd so politely declined the kind offer,, that same night I read in an fifteen year old recipe book of mine that I hadn't looked at in years this, I once saw a man trying to eat spare ribs with a knife and fork, I wondered if he was paying penance for a sin, thankfully we now have the laying on of hands. How often does someone offer to lay hands on you or or loved ones , and then ask yourself how often this happens allongs side you reading on the very same day about the laying on of hands ? . Today I said to someone at work that It was like groundhog day for me , he asked me to repeat what I had said,ironically, lol and I said its like ground hog day, Dave is called Dave hogg,. now am I reading too much into things or am I not reading enough?. You tell me Isis, hi sis, lol