11-26-2014, 05:02 AM
(11-25-2014, 11:36 PM)Icaro Wrote: Good deal Plenum. Your site says you've been having success with others. Care to give some general examples?
none that I can share right now. Even before the question of efficacy though, I had to somehow become comfortable with the notion that I was actually doing anything at all, and that it wasn't some kind of imaginative playful exercise happening in my own head. There have been enough correspondences between what I've witnessed during the Workings, and what was expressed/reported by the clients that I should no longer doubt or be hesitant in speaking up. But some part of me still is for some reason. That's a confidence thing that I'm working on resolving myself.
(11-25-2014, 11:36 PM)Icaro Wrote: Also, what is your main approach/technique? It sounds like it's through the buddhic field. Any recommended reading?
Hands of Light is a great place to start. It gives a comprehensive, and in my view, the most accurate representation of the human energy fields that I know of. Most people don't have the inherent gifts of the author (Barbara Brennan) but with enough training and exposure and desire, one's higher senses (what she terms HSP, or High Sense Perception), start to kick in, and the relevant intuitive information is pulled down and translated into the symbol set/modality that is most comfortable for you. For some it is visual, others auditory, etc etc.
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(11-26-2014, 12:56 AM)Jade Wrote:Almost makes me wish I had an ailment so I could get in on some of that infinite plenum love. Good luck, man! Thanks for your service!!!

But seriously, if I had been around when I was in my 20's, I would have badgered this Plenum guy for assistance on anything and everything. I had a distorted sense of what Healing is - it doesn't shortcut learning. There's no need to endure something longer than the point of acknowledging that there is a problem, and that there is the need to make an adjustment. Engine problems? go see a mechanic. No need to go to a 2 year course and fix it yourself.
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(11-26-2014, 01:41 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I feel a sharp pain right at the center of my chest, but at least it's not my stomach anymore. It's moved upwards. This healing definitely stirred something up. I'm feeling better now, hopefully I can get some sleep.
I'll definitely followup with you in a couple of days Gemini. There was a LOT going on in your Working, and it's going to take a couple of days to integrate physically.
I'm glad the betterness feeling is with you