Yeah,....I just can't see something that provides such a positive inertia/momentum,...being a bad thing.
I used to be able to get Michele out for simple walks with me,...and the change in her would be dramatic.
It's not so much the stressors being gone,...but that the act of getting out,...seeing something beautiful,...breathing the air,....returns the stressors to their actual size.
The stressor may even still be large,......but it's no longer the only voice screaming in ones mind.
As you suggested,...I'll just continue to "lead by example". I can't change them,...I can only change myself. (And my perceptions.)
...I am re-studying the forgiveness sessions in the Ra Material. I think your perceptions are right on. Perhaps much more of this has to do with Me, self/other-self acceptance and forgiveness.
Hi Blue Heaven,
We were typing at the same time, so the order of this posting may be wrong.
First,....WELCOME to a group of wonderful people.
I read your introduction posting, but didn't get a chance to say Hi.
Like you, I had been on a spiritual quest (....term loosely!!) for most of my life.
Unfortunately, I was missing the point of what a spiritual life is.
I tended to view God/The Creator as a "Bipolar" Santa Claus, bestowing gifts or lightning bolts, dependent upon how much I prayed. (Let's not try to be the best person I could be, long as I said my 10 Hail Mary's my wish would come true.)
And in reality, I was blessed more than my behavior deserved.
Like many of us, I experienced a "spiritual awakening" just before discovering the Ra Material.
However, I sometimes feel I am backsliding terribly.
It's one thing to not have understanding, and continue "separating/self-serving" behaviors,...But when I started to get some "light", self serving motives and separateness became glaringly apparent.
Perhaps we all go through this stage of growing.
Where we have enough understanding to see the self-imposed suffering of our behaviors/distortions/biases,....but there's not yet enough illumination or strength to take effective healing measures?
It's strange,...6 months ago I felt like,.."Yeah,..I've got a handle on this Great Experiment of Life, I know how to live in the light."
The past few months have shown me I'm still just a Red Ray Rider,...sticking my finger up into the densities,...trying to get some direction from the "cosmic wind".
(YIKES!! I've got to throttle back on the cliches.)
I used to be able to get Michele out for simple walks with me,...and the change in her would be dramatic.
It's not so much the stressors being gone,...but that the act of getting out,...seeing something beautiful,...breathing the air,....returns the stressors to their actual size.
The stressor may even still be large,......but it's no longer the only voice screaming in ones mind.
As you suggested,...I'll just continue to "lead by example". I can't change them,...I can only change myself. (And my perceptions.)
...I am re-studying the forgiveness sessions in the Ra Material. I think your perceptions are right on. Perhaps much more of this has to do with Me, self/other-self acceptance and forgiveness.
(11-05-2014, 05:51 PM)BlueHeaven11 Wrote: I am still new to this material (am busy watching youtube interviews with Carla), having said that I have been involved in the spiritual stuff for many years, read far too many books to name, and dipped my toe into many of the 'new age' therapies.
Hi Blue Heaven,
We were typing at the same time, so the order of this posting may be wrong.
First,....WELCOME to a group of wonderful people.
I read your introduction posting, but didn't get a chance to say Hi.
Like you, I had been on a spiritual quest (....term loosely!!) for most of my life.
Unfortunately, I was missing the point of what a spiritual life is.
I tended to view God/The Creator as a "Bipolar" Santa Claus, bestowing gifts or lightning bolts, dependent upon how much I prayed. (Let's not try to be the best person I could be, long as I said my 10 Hail Mary's my wish would come true.)
And in reality, I was blessed more than my behavior deserved.
Like many of us, I experienced a "spiritual awakening" just before discovering the Ra Material.
However, I sometimes feel I am backsliding terribly.
It's one thing to not have understanding, and continue "separating/self-serving" behaviors,...But when I started to get some "light", self serving motives and separateness became glaringly apparent.
Perhaps we all go through this stage of growing.
Where we have enough understanding to see the self-imposed suffering of our behaviors/distortions/biases,....but there's not yet enough illumination or strength to take effective healing measures?
It's strange,...6 months ago I felt like,.."Yeah,..I've got a handle on this Great Experiment of Life, I know how to live in the light."
The past few months have shown me I'm still just a Red Ray Rider,...sticking my finger up into the densities,...trying to get some direction from the "cosmic wind".
(YIKES!! I've got to throttle back on the cliches.)