(08-28-2014, 03:42 PM)Confused Wrote: Till a new infinity comes around, probably there will be no direct satisfactory answer[/quote]
Confused, this was an excellent post, which summarized the exact debate that I had in my mind over the last 10 years or so, which is slowly heading towards a state of peaceful balance in my mind, if not complete resolution - the question of evil vs. free will. Service to self is inherent in creation, which under the veil leads to evil, which inevitably has to be balanced by the whole creation with service to others, or the concept of unconditional love disappears forever. And with it, free will disappears forever. And, in this balance, we do our small parts, and provide honest feedback to the creation.
And in this thread I have reached that point, which I remember reaching with Unbound and GLB too that - me praising your quotes and posts is just gonna sound fuity now. Too much praise already.
But I like your curiosity about creation Confused. I have read your thread on time too multiple times, though not added anything to it, because I feel dumb and lazy, and time is a mind-bender that I would think about more after this life. Recently, there have been quite a number of concepts, where my mind thinks its better to wait until I am in my cozy, after-life throne, and then think about them. Reduce the stress for now.
I will add this, which was inspired by the last post and the Ra quotes:
Service to self is inherent to all life, but unity works by recognizing that inherent trait in all. Recognizing that service to others serves unity, and at the end of the day, service to others is also truly the service to yourself. Evil does not recognize the unity as such, and wants to pull everything in. Control, power, mastering of the whole existence. This taking of the service to self to the extreme rejects others' dominion over their own existence. It rejects unconditional love. It flowers under the heavy veil, because the veil substantially hides the reality of unconditional love. The material world creates an illusion that limits the overwhelming presence of unconditional love.
If veil is seen as an experiment, then conceptually you can take this experiemnt to its extreme by completely hiding the fabric of existence, which is love and free will. You can have a world, where the concept of free will and love are completely controlled by the controllers of that world. Any soul incarnating in that world would have no concept of freedom. It would have no choice, but to bend to the will of the masters of that world. At that point, the life will have no purpose, other than to survive by doing the bidding of the controllers. Even the desire to survive may disappear. Growth will stagnate, and may very well regress.
Can our creation perform such an experiment? And for me thats where the feedback comes in. We, as the participants of these experiments, are the best source of data to the creation. We are the variables that tell those setting up and running the experiment how much is too much. To what extent pain helps growth, but also the limits beyond which pain not only stops growth, but also regresses growth. Limits beyond which life has no purpose, no desire to grow, no desire to survive.
Data from us, our societies will tell the creation, how to calibrate future expeeriemtns with the veil. Otherwise, you can logically take veil to its extreme, and just have spiritually dead societies everywhere. You can take all purpose out of life, even the joy of survival out of life. Beingness won't have any meaning.
If you see the trend in the last few cycles in our own solar system, Maldek is destroyed, Mars lost its atmosphere, and Earth has already had two world wars, and may be headed towards full scale nuclear war, if not for external intervention. Yet, recent life on Earth has also provided art, joy, intense emotions, spiritual growth etc. So, the need is for the balance, and we have to provide our honest experience back to the creation, so it knows how to reach that balance. Otherwise, it can all go very dark, very fast.
It won't though. The inherent desire to serve the self does lead to evil under the veil, but rest of the creation observes the evil growing,observes these experiments under the veil and restores the balalnce of serving the self with serving the others too. Why am I so sure that this will eventually happen. Because, if we see existence as sets of infinite creations, then obviously the very fact that unconditional love is the true nature of the creation implies that serving the self has never breached the highest reaches of creation in the infinite chances that it has had in previous creations. If it had ever succeded, the concept of creation as unconditional love would have disappeared forever.
Confused, your ideas have made me go back to thinking life as an experiment. That is the conclusion my mind had reached, before getting interested in spirituality. That life was a series of experiments for someone. Aliens, universe wide intelligences whatever. it was a very mechanical sort of cocnept, and it depressed me for w hile. And thats where the Ra material helped me a lot.
Ra material gave me hope for more. Its true that life is a set of experiments, but the structure behind these experiments is a grand design in which the one infintie creator made sure that every participant in the experiment is an infinite creation in itself, and is simulatenously in the highest circles of existence, because each participant is that infinite creator itself. Gives me a whole different outlook on life, and the role of evil. Now, I see evil as a catalyst, rather than some primal, dark idea that eliminates meaning and purpose from life.
Still, we gotta question everything, and this creation has to make sure that those, who set up or run these experiments take responsibility for their decisions, and keep a close eye on all the experiences that we are providing from down here on the ground. Because for some, this life has truly sucked. It is easy to be spiritually satisfied, and forget those, who get tortured, get every ounce of life's purpose beaten out fo them through poverty, lack of hope and pure violence. Ultimately this whole creation's spirituality has to take their lives into account, and learn from them.
Confused, you mentioned traumatic events in your life, and an existential crisis. It is so good that you are asking questions, and presenting challenges, while maintaining compassionate love. That is beautiful to me, and reflects my own life. I have always had more hope from spirituality that arises out of questions and challenges. Because creation loves these challenges. The more we ask, the more we learn.