(08-22-2014, 02:41 PM)Confused Wrote: In other words, the entire game may seem meaningless and purposeless for us. However, it looks like, to me, that we are like the gladiators in the ring, who will fight and gore each other, for the amusement of the high lords who are seated on the platform and for the audience. I am sort of appalled by the thought that we are like ants in the vivarium for the ONE, to observe and learn as to how infinite entities react to an infinite array of possibilities and scenarios. Indeed my life seems to have purpose--to serve or offer the ONE with experiences, whether I like it or not; or am consciously aware of it or not.
Confused, there is lots of bitterness in your post which is understandable if one looks at the world from within the illusion, and sees all the suffering you mention.
The main point that I would like to make to you is that you are not you. You are God (the Logos). You were never you because you have always been God. You are never separate from God and never have been, because that is impossible. Your consciousness is God's consciousness.
Everything that you consider to be "you" is actually just an agglomeration of concepts about yourself, which are all false because they ignore the fact that your identity has no existence at all without God's consciousness being present to believe in those concepts, in the same way that a book is a thing that has no life until someone picks it up and reads it and thereby experiences it.
The truth as I understand it is that God can do whatever he well pleases with himself. This includes imagining and acting out the role of a limited being who believes he or she is alone, isolated and left to fend for him- or her-self in a difficult world. In the same exact way that you have the right to launch a video game on your computer and take on a character experiencing all sort of difficulties. Now make that video game fully immersive, so that you begin to think that you are that character, and begin to feel everything that character would be feeling if the game were real. Which it's not - neither for you, nor for your video game self. But you would have an exact analog to what it means to be God playing a character calling itself Confused on this message board.
Now let's put the veil in place. Now on one level you are fully persuaded that you are the character. On another level, you know that is only an illusion, and remember the true state of things - that it's just a game you are enjoying at this moment.
Ultimately, no one is ever harmed, everyone wins the game, and the entire existence including all of Creation dwells in an ultimate reality of absolute bliss, momentarily forgotten by us but ever within our reach, because it is our ever-present nature.
Thank you for your post!