(07-31-2014, 03:03 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: perhaps through accessing and utilising the Archetypes of Spirit we are able to be put into contact with deeper layers of the Self, and that it is this which offers the satisfaction and deep connection (and purpose) that I am somehow alluding to, in my own clumsy way.
I agree whole heartedly with you. Meditating on the Archetypes can bring forth insights, some of which may come from beyond the Veil directly from Spirit. In that way you may forge a deeper connection with that other part of Self. But don't underestimate the usefulness and power of meditating on the Archetypes as a way to find very practical solutions to present problems. Or to understand your own motivations. Or to understand what that crazy "other self" next to you is doing (that is making your life miserable). Meditation in and of itself can bring you a wonderful connection to Spirit. But I think the intention of the Tarot/Archetypes was to be a bit more . . . mundane and practical? These cards are lessons. They are condensed concepts with some degree of complexity that are intended to be puzzles. They are intended to be used for sharpening the Mind and to help explain real life stuff down here.
So let's take The Star (hope/faith). The card is not intended so much to be a way to meditate into a "faith-feeling" way, as it is a remembrance that we don't FEEL God down here. We don't hear the Music of the Spheres anymore. We don't sense our inate connection to Each Other, let alone to All That Is. So the faith card is an acknowledgement of this fact. It offers comfort in the sense that the disconnect from Spirit is a planned thing. Don't get to thinking that spirit has abandoned you to your fate, or that God has foresaken you, because this card "says" that this disconnect is PART OF THE PLAN. And even though we don't remember the plan (see Devil card) we have these amazing Archetypes given from the Other Side which tell us, really, this disconnect is known, it is real, it is part of the plan. And just to know that little piece of the puzzle is real comfort by itself. It is the basis upon which you can have real faith in reincarnation and soul development. It's what gets you through the tough days and horrible events. We are here. On purpose. Veiled from Spirit. On purpose. To do some soul work. On purpose.
Who can stay depressed once we learned this lesson (The star card) in our bones? The card gives us a reason to have faith.